4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 872: All news

"You dare to attack me! I will attack you too!"

The continuous flash represents the message of anger, and the king of the biological mirror that sends this message is not able to move on the ground.

Lynn’s spy is beside it, and a robotic arm is sticking out at the tip of the head. The arm is holding the king down so that it can’t turn over. At the same time, Lynn also dispatched the mini-arms into the head of the king. , to detect its internal structure.

Now Lin is mainly testing the condition of her brain.

The ground mirrors also have a brain-like structure, but they are not the same as the brains of ordinary creatures. They are filled with whole body and look like **** silver liquid, which is actually the brain.

These silvery liquids have the effect of 'thinking', thinking through the interaction of complex components inside.

Therefore, the ground mirror is very afraid of liquid leakage. Basically, some of them will not be able to think and enter a state similar to death.

Although they can recover, they are unable to move during the leak and are quite fragile.

When Lin made this spy, she studied the brain structure of the mirror a little. She already had some understanding of their way of thinking, so now it is possible to detect whether the king's brain is still normal.

Although the ground mirror is afraid of liquid leakage, some things will not be affected by drilling in their bodies. Lin's arms can be freely moved here.

The brain fluid of the ground mirror is highly toxic to many cell-like organisms, so usually no organism will get into them.

However, Lynn found something here...

The changes in the composition of the king of the earth mirror are not the same as those of other mirrors. It seems to have been affected.

So it will be a bit crazy, and it is mixed with a special ingredient in its brain.

Lin feels that something else is done, for example...micromachinery.

They may have made the entire group of mirrors ready to wage war through the influence of the king, but the impact of micro-mechanics is not just that.

Outside, Lin asked the spy to poke the mirror-structured wall with a robotic arm, and the mirror suddenly glowed, and there was a lot of information in the light.

Lin grabbed the king. From it, I learned how to operate the mirror of the wall to display information. The last time it told Lin that there was a reason for why it was attacking, it only described the soft creature in a very vague way.

However, in this information on the wall, there is more detailed information. Before the king did not specifically give Lin this information, but now it was directly transferred by Lin.

In these materials, the size of the soft organism is described in detail. Some of them are small... just like cells, some are big. But regardless of size, they look like micro-mechanical camouflage, it looks like a metal in a liquid state.

These soft creatures live in deep underground locations, and the territories are widely distributed, and in general their territory is larger than any civilization.

In this information, Lin found the main information about the size of the territory of the soft creatures, as well as their number, what kind of troops, and so on.

These troops seem to be weak because they do not use any weapons. It will only be attacked by the body, as described in the data.

At the same time, the data also indicates that the country of mollusks is still home to many creatures.

These creatures are very small and can be captured as food, and of course there are a lot of 'geoscopic mines'.

This is the name that Lin had just thought of. The Mirror Mine is the resource on which the mirror is based, and it is their food. They require some microbial activity to break down to get it.

There is a huge amount of this mineral in the ground, which is a great temptation for the mirror.

Then at the end of the data, it also shows the attack plan of the soft creature, which means that the soft creatures will attack a large number of civilizations close to the ground and completely replace them.

Because these soft creatures acquire a special ability, this special ability can make other creatures fear. So... the soft creatures have the ‘capital’ that attacks the ground.

But it's easy to fight back. You just need to be fearless to beat the soft creature.

It turned out to be the reason for this information.

This information is estimated to be made by micro-machinery. It should be somewhat accurate, but many of them are wrong.

They may have specially given this information to the king of the mirror. After seeing the information, the king of the mirror. I think that I have thoroughly understood the mollusk. It thinks that this is a very good creature. If you are not afraid, it will be simple.

For the underground resources, they should fully attack the soft creatures, and the soft creatures may attack this place, so the ground mirror has more reasons to attack the soft creatures.

It may be a long time later, the king will announce the news, and then engage in the battle between the army and the soft creatures. Many of the stones here have been found in the position where the ground mirror is constantly making armaments, and there are many places in the deeper places. The mirror is constantly digging deeper.

Lin feels that there are many civilizations that may be similar. Micro-mechanisms have led other civilizations to think that the soft creatures have come up with this kind of attack. At the same time, they tell them that the territory of the soft creatures has a lot of resources to fight back.

Micromachines may use camouflage and the like to make their messenger look credible. It’s also a way to make the plan go smoothly.

The details of tempting various creatures should be different, but the results are the same, and the micromachines must shake them to attack the ground.

In this case, Lynn feels that the next thing to do is much simpler.

"Kill it!"

When thinking about it, Lin found that the door of the room was open, and a group of mirror guards quickly rushed in. After an instant... the spy was hit by a large number of attacks.

They were on the side of the king regardless of the king. Various attacks were hit on the spy. The body of the spy burst open and the silver liquid spilled out.

Lynn’s spy is quite similar to the real one, so it will also flow silvery blood.

Then, the spy fell to the ground like a real mirror, and the incoming guards came over and dragged the spies out.

Although the spy seems to be dead, it is still observing the surrounding conditions. The speed of these guards is quite slow, and the information here is already enough.

The use of this spy has come to an end, but Lynn will make more, and it is also very simple.

Then... with the mirrors, go 'into the underground soft creatures'. )

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