4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 893: Restraint

"What? We have strange creatures coming in? Where is it? That suspicious! Come over! Be fully tested!"

Almost all of these things are among the various civilizations.

Through various methods, Lynn sent messages about micro-machines to these civilized creatures, as well as micro-machines to trick them into here and to pretend that spies were mixed into them.

Individual creatures always have a great fear of this kind of thing. They are more afraid of the same kind of appearance and intelligence as non-similar creatures than they are deceiving themselves and hurting their own kind.

This is a very interesting phenomenon and should be observed more.

Because of this, various civilized creatures are now urgently dealing with micro-machine spies, and they should not be able to invade soft-skinned creatures for the time being.

What do micro-machines think about their strategic failure? Lin found that they did not try to make this group of civilizations continue to attack soft creatures.

At least not at the moment.

And what they are doing now is... attacking Lin.

Micro-machines, those who have not been discovered, are looking for Lynn’s spies in the group of civilized creatures.

Once they find a spy, they will launch an attack regardless of everything, even if it will be discovered, the purpose is to try to completely kill the spy.

If the spy leaves the territory of the civilized group, it will be attacked by other micro-machines outside.

Micromachines also have many troops in this cave, they are looking for any of the Lin's arms and killing it. Lin felt as if she had completely irritated them.

but. This does not have any effect on Lin.

Because micromachines are only active on this blue plain. Instead of going deeper into the ground, Lin can still explore underground.

Moreover, Lynn can also take advantage of this opportunity...

Now, Lin is observing the perspectives of several micro-arms, which are sprinkled over the blue plains. They observe the biological activities here and observe the activities of micro-mechanics.

Most of the micro-machines are invaded from the top of the cave, and they are drilled from various rock gaps. It feels like there is no base.

However, Lynn feels that they should have certain bases, some...where to issue orders.

Because of the tiny machines that Lynn caught here, they didn't carry the complete order, they just carried the ‘current things to do.’

Of course, they can't do anything without doing these things. They definitely need to accept new orders. Although micromachines think about themselves, they don't know what to do.

Where is the release point of these orders?

Lynn feels that she needs some way to find the location where it is, and this way is underground here.

Soft organisms have something to restrain micromachines, and Lynn feels that this kind of thing is not to restrain the micromachine itself. After all... they have nothing to restrain themselves, mainly to restrain their fear energy.

Lin found that there is only a small guardian at present. But soft creatures should not have this... creature.

They should have something else, and Lynne is looking for it now, and Lynn thinks this should have something to do with the creator.

Because the creator itself seems to be very restrained of dream creatures.

Usually, creatures can't observe dream creatures at all, but creators can attack them directly. In the record of dream food, it is also the reason that the creators are quite difficult to deal with.

Lin explored the creator of the stellar bus fusion in the underground. Lin believes that this thing has more secrets.

Therefore, Lin continues to explore here.

The creator's torso has been extended to a deeper underground, and the length has been more than 70 meters. Lin has not yet explored the completeness, and now it is almost certain its length.

But only a large number of root tentacles extend beyond the 'head' position, while the rear part does not grow any tentacles.

One of Lin's arms is now explored inside the second half of the torso.

In general, it is... white.

There are soft white tissues everywhere, which look like criss-crossing blood vessels, and a special unit of Lin walks between these structures.

That is... a mirror spy.

This is what Linde made here. This spy has a special way of hiding it, so it can be detected by the software creatures that manage it.

But they don't seem to detect this position very much. They just care about the part of the front that has a lot of tentacles. In the part below ... thirty meters, it can be said that it is a part of being abandoned.

There are no software creatures to manage here, and there are no guards. Only some wild microbes live in this place.

Lin feels that this place may be a place to be abandoned, and there is no signal transmitted here. The part of the signal is mainly in the head.

The creator's torso is not divided between the head and the tail, so Lin's head is the part that faces the ground.

However, although the latter parts seem to have been abandoned, they have not died yet. The various structures here are alive, but they have stopped working and entered a state similar to sleeping.

Lynn's spy was slowly moving on a white, soft pipe, looking at the surrounding environment, and Lynn used some of the devices inside the spy to send a signal.

Lin made this mirror spy mainly for micro-machinery.

Micromachines seem to use some kind of detection method, they can find Lin's spy among the civilized creatures, and Lin later found it to be caused by a device used to detect dream energy in the spy.

They always catch and attack the spy based on this point. Later, Lin changed another way to detect the dream energy, and the micro-machine can not find the spy for the time being.

However, Lin did not replace all the spy devices. For example, the spy is still carrying it. Lin also strengthened the detection signal of the device, so that it sent it continuously and told the micro-machine that it was here.

Lin thinks that micro-machines should be very clear that there is a spy here, but they just don't come down. If they are above, no matter where the spy is in the blue plains, they will try to attack.

They are afraid of something here...

And this kind of thing is in this position.

The signals that Lin is constantly releasing here will cause an interesting reaction from micro-mechanics. Lin is now observing the reaction of some micro-mechanical forces. They immediately decide to find and act in action when they sense the signal.

But after a moment, they will immediately dispel this thought and stop acting.

This feeling is like a creature seeing delicious food ready to pounce on, but it suddenly finds that it can not eat at all and thus stops the action of the fight.

This reaction seems to be very interesting. From the discovery-action-response-stop action, the whole process has a certain time.

At the beginning, the micro-mechanical discovery signal would act immediately, until it took three seconds to find the position of the spy... not so good, so stop acting.

However, the closer the spy is to a certain place, the faster the micro-mechanical reaction will be. Now it is almost only needed... even if it is not half a second, it will not come.

At the same time, another interesting point is that they don't seem to know that each time they are sent by the same spy, so they seem to be 'subconsciously' starting to act every time.

Regardless of this issue, Lin believes that causing them to react faster because Lyne is close to areas that are more dangerous for micromachines.

It should be this place.

Lynn's spy stopped moving forward, and in front of it, there were a lot of strange things in the numerous criss-crossing structures.

It looks exactly the same as the creator.

That is to say, it has a trunk-like shape and is surrounded by a large number of tentacles.

However, its height is only ten centimeters, like a mini creator.

It stood in front of Lynn's spy, and Lynn's spy went to a white, soft tube that grew on the tube.

Why is there a mini creator here?

Lynn’s spy poked it.

The mini creator... It is also alive, but it has entered a state of sleep, and Lin found that the cells that are sleeping are brain cells.

However, even if you wake it up, it will not communicate with Lin like the real creator, because these brain cells are not used for thinking, but for storage.

It is mainly used to store things like memory, and it is not easy to interpret. It is different from ordinary cell-like organisms... The memory in these cells is 'encrypted', and Lin feels that there are some functions such as autolysis. Prevent other creatures from detecting it.

However, Lynn has a way to parse it, which takes a little bit of time.

Lynn just left some micro-arms to analyze, and the spy bypassed the mini creator to move on.

Because what scares micromachines is not this mini creator... but something behind this mini creator.

This thing is very big, because there are criss-crossing pipeline structures everywhere, and Lin can only see a small part from the gap between the pipes.

Lynn thinks this is a thing with a diameter of ten meters, which is a kind of nerve organ of the stellar bus, and it is responsible for giving instructions to the surrounding structure.

It seems that the stellar bus that has entered a state of death does not stop all nerve structures, as this can continue to give something to order.

Only this task has been completed, so it is no longer functioning, and the software creatures no longer guard this position.

But Lynn still knows a lot about it here. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Hubble Telescope ~ rewards ~

Thanks to ~joe222~ killer Xiaodi~200530481273~z474414 monthly ticket~

Chapter VIII: Restraint:

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