"Where are we going?"

Under the stars, scholars and Lin, and a creature that looks like a dragon, is standing on a disc. Hey. ∑

Another huge empty bus passed over the head. The disc moved at high speed on the white ground. He turned and said to the scholar: "I don't know where to look first. Let's take a look at the 'terminal'. ""

At the moment when it finished speaking, the disc accelerated again, and the virtual bus was taken after the long distance.

"They are here... sleep?" Seeing another void bus in front of him, the scholars questioned him.

These Void buses don't care about the high-speed moving discs, it's in a motionless state, letting the disc pass under its body.

"Yes, most of them are at rest." He said: "They rarely move, only at critical times... for example, war will move."

"War..." the scholar said: "Before the catcher's tentacles said that they want a victory or something... yes, have you seen them in war?"

"I haven't seen it..." shouted: "But the captureers are indeed preparing for a war recently. You see the troops in the sky, and the warships. These are the things they are preparing, but I don't know... They are going to fight with something."

I paused and added: "If it doesn't affect us, then..."

"War?" The scholar looked at the group of aircraft flying under the stars and then looked at the front.

"There... there is something!"

As the scholar looked ahead, it noticed that there were so many things on the ground in front.

Among these things are the tentacles that have been asked before, and the sharp tentacles that are pierced. In addition to this, there are many spheres, cans and so on that fly around.

These things are very small, the largest is only 30 centimeters, and their number is quite large, and large pieces are distributed on the ground in front.

"They are...the catchers, don't care about them."

The disc flew directly from this group of things. These things also completely ignore the disc, but do not know what to do as they are always in the same place.

“What kind of creature is the capturer?” The scholar looked at the grotesque things around them. They all looked like rocks rather than metal, but some seemed to be very soft ‘physical’ structures.

"I don't know." He said: "They don't seem to have any fixed form. I think they are very similar to ‘gel creatures. Do you know gel creatures?”

"That..." The scholar thought for a moment: "I have heard of it."

"Yeah, as long as it is from the kingdom of the people of God, I will always know those things." He said: "But you are quite special... I have never seen your armor style before, was it recently invented? ”

"Oh... that's it," the scholar said.

"In short, the catchers are like creatures like gel creatures. Occasionally you ask them questions, they will answer some of your questions, but they won't say too much." He said: "But they are not asking questions simply. Produce opinions, they only oppose the attack."

"Yes? It seems to be pretty good." The scholar said: "It seems quite free."

Lin has been listening to them talking and observing the surroundings, but did not say anything.

"Yes...ah, the dock door has arrived."

When he said it, the ground in front suddenly gave off a dazzling brilliance, and the disc flew to the radiance. At this moment, the surrounding scenery changed instantly.

This is a delivery mechanism similar to the 'gate'. It just seems that the transmission distance is not very far.

After the surrounding scenery changed, Lynn noticed that it seemed to be at the edge of the back of the battleship, and the disc stopped.

"Here..." The scholar walked off the disc with amazement, because the scene seemed quite equal... spectacular.

At the edge of the battleship, there are many pillars that appear to be metal structures that extend outward. Each pillar is more than a kilometer long and has a diameter of hundreds of meters. They connect a huge object floating in front.

This huge object is mainly spherical, and the ice crystal shell proves that it is a void bus, and its diameter should be about 30 kilometers.

This virtual bus... is already an adult.

The metal pillars that extend from the warships seem to have a bridge. Many creatures are going back and forth along these pillars. Most of these creatures are tentacles and wonderful catchers of all shapes, but there are some things like cockroaches besides the catchers. Personalized creatures captured here.

Most of these creatures are driving strangely shaped machines, as if they are carrying something.

“This is the pier.” He said: “It’s also the stop of these adult ice creatures... they usually fly close to the battleship, and the catcher transports a lot of things to it, including food, weapons and what. of."

Lynn listened to what he said. I also noticed that there are many small buildings on the surface of this Void Bus, as if the catchers were built on them, and there are many capturer aircraft that will fly and land on the surface of the Void Bus.

The Void Bus seems to have no opinion on this, it has been motionless.

"Even if you are growing up in adulthood..." the scholar said: "This is really..."

"I don't think it's a good breed. Sometimes these creatures are not... obedient." He said: "For example, if you destroy a building or hurt a warship, and the catcher will not have anything to do with it." opinion."

"I think, that's because they need these creatures." The scholar said: "The creatures that are so huge and have wonderful powers seem to have nothing better than their allies."

"You know the look of these creatures very well." He said: "Did it be said that the kingdom of the gods has also appeared? I don't know what these creatures are called. Usually we give them what they call 'huge ice.' ”

“They really look like chunks of ice...” the scholar said: “How many such creatures are there?”

"How many I don't know, I have seen two adult people at the moment." He said: "As for being small, there are many. In addition to floating on the back of the battleship, there are many smaller inside the battleship, but they are long. The speed is very slow, I have never seen which one grows big here."

The scholar said: "Is it? Let us visit the inside of the battleship." (To be continued.)

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