"It seems to be the place before..."

In front of the scholar and the mini Susumi is a space dominated by white.

Whether it is the ground or the wall, it is made of white metal.

However, on the pure white metal floor, it has been dyed with many other colors.

The weird liquid spilled on the ground, and there were many odd-shaped blocks on the liquid. These things, though seemingly strange, are things that can be called food.

There are also a lot of food-packing utensils on the food, all scattered on the ground.

Previously, the group of creatures that the scholars saw on the screen gathered here to celebrate. After they celebrated here, they left a lot of **** here, and no creatures were cleaned up here.

"It's really dirty here..." The scholar walked over the edge of the food on the ground and looked at the debris on the ground: "Why don't you stay here to clean it up? Is it because they all ran to protest the relationship? Will the catchers also clean them up?"

Scholars have said that they have bypassed this pile of things, and Lin is watching everywhere.

In addition to the spilled food, the other side of the room is a lot of equipment.

These things should be the equipment used in the previous shooting, and they were randomly thrown on the ground, and there was no such thing as physical physics.

"Where did they go?"

Scholars look at the things here, and they are very confused.

Previously, the scholar found a map in the house where he lived, which is exactly the map data. This material can be loaded into the disc-shaped image device that the scholars got.

In general, the scholar's house is located in the 'three-meter residential area'.

The main composition of the residential area is the room in which the various creatures live, and the roads that shuttle through the rooms. The three-meter residential area means that the living organisms living in this area are within three meters.

Most of the areas in which the scholars lived were creatures similar in size. There are several moving points in the residential area, one with a bus cub area leading up to the upper level, and the other leading to many places.

There is a moving point. It leads to this area, which can be called ‘white square’. It is an open area with a diameter of more than 200 meters.

It seems to be the place where the living creatures usually gather, they gather here or celebrate something, but why have they left things here?

"The next moving point is..." The scholar took out the circular object that popped up the stereo image, and opened the map in front of the eye. The vast square map has several small dots that glow, and these points are moving points.

“Where might they go to protest to the capturers?” the scholar said: “We don’t know where the library is...”

"First find a creature and ask." Lin said to the scholar: "This may be possible."

Lin pointed to a glowing point on the map, and the scholar said: "This place... you can see it."

After that, the scholar will go in that direction.

Because this map is very strange. Only the map of the current area can be displayed, but the maps of all areas can not be displayed, so you can only see which area you are going to by moving one point at a time, or look at the name of the moving point, and you can guess where the other side is.

Just now the scholar tried to contact the same lead-in creature, but it didn't respond, so he could only find it himself.

Now, scholars have come to the point of transfer that Lynn refers to. This transfer point is the place to go to the ‘Void Stone Collection Point’.

Next to the moving point of the light, you can see a small armor placed there. This is a pair of biological armor suitable for about one meter.

"Strange, who is throwing armor here?"

Generally, the creatures here will not take off their armor because there is air here. However, it seems to be only used for sound transmission. The air here is not suitable for most living creatures here.

Scholars have seen most of the things in the room before, and have learned a lot about things, especially in every living room, there is a set of armor-making devices, because the creatures here need to make or repair armor.

Usually, the armor of the creature has a system for synthesizing the air suitable for oneself, and this system is the basis of their life, but it is possible to use what has been damaged for a long time, so it needs to be repaired or made a new one.

If a creature's armor does not have this function, or it does not manufacture itself. Then only wait for death.

There is usually no creature to take off the armor outside, so move the point next to the armor. Scholars feel very strange.

Then, the scholar walked into the moving point of the light.

The surrounding scenery changes instantly into another look. It is also a fairly spacious place.

But here it is like a cave, the surrounding walls and the ground are all rock structures, and there are many things on the rock structure for lighting, such as lights.

And under the rock wall, there are many creatures that use a variety of things to dig under the rock wall.

"You... is it new?" At this time, the scholars heard a voice, and a scholar standing next to him was standing about three meters long. The creature that looked like a shrimp was standing there.

“Where is this?” The scholar asked the creature: “Why is it like a cave?”

“Open your map and see.” Bio said: “There are details on each area.”

“Is it?” The scholar opened the map of the video installation. It found a lot of information popping up on it. The scholar suddenly wondered: “Strange, not before.”

"Some areas are not introduced." Bio-road: "I don't know what's going on... wait! That place is mine!"

The creature suddenly yelled and ran to the nearby rock wall, then picked up a bit-like digging tool and began to dig.

"It turns out that this place is..."

Scholars are paying attention to the content of the material. This place called ‘Void Stone Collection Point... is actually a meteorite interior.

This is probably in the middle of the battleship, mainly used to place the material collected from the void.

These things are usually hundreds of meters or more in size, and they may come from other tumblings, or meteorites floating in the sky.

They are not necessarily stones, but they seem to be collected as long as they are considered valuable. Most of them are captured by the capturers, but there are also things like this meteorite that is specially collected for the creatures living here.

This group of creatures will collect all kinds of minerals here and go back to make things.

In addition to armor, the various things used by these creatures are made by themselves. The capturers provide them with manufacturing tools, but they don't provide manufacturing technology, so most of them need to be produced by themselves.

Includes things like the mining tools they use.

But what the machinery used in biological work is what the capturer provides.

The main ‘money’ of the creature is also collected from the stone.

These materials are written in great detail on the map. After the scholars have finished reading, they look at the creatures that are working here.

"They don't seem to care much about the war..."

Scholars have noticed that this group of creatures are very concerned about what they have dug. Some creatures will dig up the seemingly strange stones and cheer them up. Those next to them will immediately gather around to dig and try to dig into the same good things.

The scholar saw the creature that had spoken to it before, and the creature had stopped digging and came to this side.

"Do you want to dig here after you read it?"

This creature like a shrimp said to scholars: "But this place has been dug almost, nothing..."

"Do you not care about the war?" The scholar said: "Recently..."

"Have you read that report?" said the creature: "Don't worry about it, war won't affect us, and we won't fight."

The scholar asked: "Why can you confirm that you will not participate in the battle? And can you tell me... Where will they protest against the capturers?"

"Because they never let us fight." The creature said and turned to the other side, where the ground is shining away: "If you are looking for it... just move over there." ...ah, I am going to dig somewhere to see!"

After that, it ran to a rock wall and began to dig.

"...then let's go." The scholar went to the point of movement that the creature pointed to, and after the light flashed, it came to a new place.

"You must listen to us! Right! Against the war! Let us go to a safe place! We should not be here!"

As soon as I came here, I heard a lot of shouts. In front of the scholars, there was a huge metal wall. This wall is different from the usual pure white, but it seems to be rusted and covered with rust.

A large group of creatures gathered around the wall and kept yelling, but it seemed that the wall had no response.

Among the creatures, the creature that took the lead was the Atlan, which was seen on the screen before. Lin felt very interesting, and Atlan was also caught by the catchers.

But this is indeed a possible thing.

"They didn't respond! What should we do?"

After calling for a long time, the creatures here began to look a little lost, and the leading Atlan said: "Don't give up! There must be too few creatures gathered here! We must bring all the creatures living here together. you……"

When it was said, it just turned to look at this side, and also saw the scholar standing on the moving point.

"Are you new here? Great, let us fight against this war!" (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Ling Ling ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ lonely chopsticks ~ Guanshu Zhixing ~ Star routing night ~ wing in the wind ~ 俺 really not a hero ~ monthly ticket ~

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