4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 923: Spread of the explosion


When the sound of the explosion sounded, all the creatures were shocked.

"Don't you have been attacked?"

Atlan looked at the shimmering brilliance on the screen, and its horrified sound had already trembled. Although only one of the thousands of aircraft exploded, it had already engulfed the great fear into its thoughts.

Instead, other creatures don't seem to be so scared. They look at the screen with some doubts. One creature said, "Is this really hit?"

"What? Can't you see it?" Atlan immediately said: "An aircraft has been blown up, which means it has been attacked!"

"But it's just a ship..." the creature said: "Now we are not sure..."

'boom! ’

The words did not finish, and the second explosion rang.

I saw it in the screen. An aircraft next to the explosion point exploded. Although the light exploding on the screen was not very large, its roar was spread throughout the place.

Obviously, there is no sound in the explosion in the outside of the sky, but here the sound is deliberately played, which means that... the catcher is deliberately playing the sound to the creatures here.

The creatures here don't seem to care too much about these problems, they are already full of shock, because they see the aircraft in the screen, and then began to explode.

These explosions began to spread from the initial explosion point, and the surrounding aircraft began to explode one by one.

The continuous roar continues to reverberate here, and the flash of the explosion begins to spread rapidly across the screen...

The flash of each explosion lights up. It will make the creatures here more fearful.

"We...should..." among all the horror creatures. Only Atlan quickly recovered, and he immediately shouted at the communicator: "How was the situation you saw outside?"

"Those aircraft... have been attacked!" The voice of the cricket came over: "But I can't see what is attacking them, just like... they blew themselves up!"

"It's the same as what I saw here... Now we have to... have it!" At the time, Atlan noticed several creatures holding photographic equipment here.

"Everyone pays attention!" Atlan immediately yelled before going to the photographic equipment: "Look! The war has started, what are you waiting for, come over, let the catcher let us get out of here! You should all have seen it. It’s here. There is no time now!”

"Yes! We must continue to protest!"

The creatures here seem to be awake, watching the explosion of the screen, and they yelled together.

Atlan is continuing to talk to the photographic equipment. Its words seem to have some effect. Lin found a group of creatures appearing at the point of the moving point.

"We want to join too! We don't want war!"

The creatures that appeared here were previously seen in the meteorite excavation site. Although they seemed to be inappropriate, they are now very nervous and join the protest group.

"Yes, we have to gather a little more creatures!" Atlan saw that there was a creature to join, and its emotions were not as alarming as it was. It continues to say in front of the device: "Hurry up, all the creatures here, if you don't want to die, join us!"

During the period in which it spoke, some creatures appeared at the point of movement and joined the team.

But even now there are a lot more creatures yelling in front of the screen. The catcher still seems to have no response.

"The catchers are too strange. There is no reaction at all." The scholar stood next to the moving point and looked at the screen: "But they put the outside image on them, what are they thinking about? And... ..."

"What is it that is attacking those aircraft?"

The aircraft in the picture, can't see anything close, but they then blasted in three places, it seems that they are self-explosive there.

Now, hundreds of aircraft have been blown up, and the explosion is spreading rapidly, and the originally dense aircraft on the screen has become sparse.

"What do you want to do! Give us some feedback!" Atlane occasionally turned to look at the screen, and when it saw that the aircraft inside became less and less, it became more panic.

But Lynn noticed. The creatures here seem to be flustered, and they don't make attacks like hitting the wall. It seems that they are quite used to attacking under no circumstances.

But Lynn feels that it is better to contact the catcher instead of attacking it...


The explosion sounded again, and half of the aircraft in the screen disappeared. At the same time, there were more and more creatures gathered here. They kept humming under the screen, trying to make the catcher notice. they.

"Why is it... why don't you!" Atlan looked at the fewer and fewer aircraft on the screen. It ignored the photography and rushed directly under the wall. He shouted with full force: "Fast... ”

"Rosaly!" Atlan hadn't called it yet, and the sound of the cymbal rang through the communicator: "It... it's blown up! It's going to blow up! A plane that was very close is blasting." !"

Very close to the explosion?

It seems that this is the case. Lin also noticed that there was an aircraft on the edge of the screen that exploded. Although the screen did not show the battleship, the aircraft at the edge should be very close to the battleship.

"Don't panic!" Atlan said. "You have to continue to observe it. Report all the situation in the first place. There is protection on the battleship!"

"But... it's blown up!" The voice of the cockroach looked quite scared: "It exploded again! It will take over..."

'boom! ! ! ’

The words of 蝽 have not been finished yet, and the whole room trembled abruptly. Many creatures were shocked and fell to the ground.

"Help! Ah, blow it here! Run away! Run away!"

The creatures climbed in horror, and they rushed to the point of movement, one after the other, disappearing into the light.

"Don't escape! Here is where the warships can go!" Atlan said quickly and said: "We still have the opportunity to let the catcher escape to our aircraft!" He said, looking at the screen: " Hello! Have you heard it? You..."


The picture on the screen suddenly disappeared, and the whole room suddenly fell into a dark, only the light emitted by the transmission point, blurryly reflected the dead figure of the creatures.

"Ah!" The few remaining creatures here were screaming at the moment, and they rushed to the transfer point, and the Atlan, called Rosali, stayed where it was, and it was motionless. It seems to be completely stunned.


What the scholar just wanted to say, Lin said: "Go to the library and understand at least a few things before it is destroyed."

"...good!" The scholar did not hesitate for too long. When he looked at Atlan, he had to step into the transmission point.

"Do you want to go to the library?" And Atlan suddenly reacted. He said, "I can guide you...."

Say, it came over, touched the disc of his own and the disc of the scholar, and said, "The route I know has now been passed to your device. No matter what you want to do, let's go. ...to do the last thing."

After that, it went back to the screen and went to sleep.

"... don't you leave?" The scholar looked at Atlando with a strange expression.

"Go, what's the use?" Atlan said: "You're going to go, or you may not be able to use it even after the transfer."

"...well." Scholars also had to walk into the mobile point.

'boom! ’

At the moment of entering the moving point, the surrounding violently trembled again, and the scholar came to the excavation field before.

The creatures in the excavation field seem to have long since ran away, leaving only the gravel on the ground and some excavation tools.

There are a lot of moving points here. After the scholars look at the map, they quickly run to the farthest moving point.

"This should be..."

After the flash of light, the scholar found that there is a vast area in front of the scene. There are many large stones here. There are sand grains everywhere on the ground, but this is not a cave environment. The walls and tops on both sides are pure white. Metal.

This place is called the 'hunting ground' area. It is about ten kilometers in diameter. It is quite huge. The terrain is like a desert. There are sand grains and stones everywhere. The food eaten by the creatures is mainly obtained from here.

"The library's moving point seems to be a hundred meters ahead..."

Scholars ran fast on the sand while looking at the map.


Suddenly, the scholar slammed a creature around him. The creature rushed past the scholar and let the scholar kick it on the ground and fell to the ground.


The scholar originally intended to climb up and go, but it saw the creature but stunned.

Because this is a ... kind, that is, a virtual people.

"You are..." The imaginary people looked at the scholars and they stopped. It was incredible and said: "There will be similarities here... Wait, are you the same kind? Or a machine?"

'boom! ! ! ’

The sound of the explosion rang again, the whole room was torn apart in a violent tremor, a huge crack exploded on the ground, and numerous sand and stones fell into the crack.

The same kind of imaginary people that the scholars have kicked, just above this crack.


With a scream, it fell into the dark crack and disappeared completely.

"...forget it!" The scholar looked at the crack, and it did not continue to manage so much, but continued to run in the direction of the library. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thank you ~uioiooi~ monthly ticket~

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