
A small voice rang in front of Lin, and with this sound, Lin appeared in front of a square object.

Lin's mechanical octopus is observing the image in the cylinder. The first cylinder that Lin had seen before, the information has almost read all.

In the end, this void bus told the creature that some had a history about the capturer.

Although the picture is very short, in a short picture, it shows that the capturer seems to be a biological group living on the Void Bus.

Perhaps they are creatures that have developed from the Void Bus?

When Lin thought about it, she opened the next piece of information, which is another cylindrical object.

There should be more information in this object, and after Lin opened it, she found a familiar thing.

This thing is... a square object.

It is also what Lin used to let scholars use to detect the neural state of the Void Bus. Why is it here?

And Lin had some questions at the beginning. These cylinders for storing data are very complete and completely different from what is in this environment.

Therefore, Lin believes that there is a possibility that it was brought in from the outside after the library collapsed, and the thing that brought them in... or a creature, found the square used by Lin, and then Just stuff it into the cylinder.

Lin felt that this should be the case, the squares in the cylinder remained intact, as if they were not affected by the explosion. So now Lynn starts to detect the contents of this box.

The contents can be passed back directly through the mini Susumu in the mechanical octopus. Then, Lin will use the pompon analysis data to know the specific situation inside.

Now, Lin is observing the virtual bus. Although she has touched a small part of the spirit, it seems to have a lot of content.

Because that is equal to a state of death, it sends most of its memory into this box.

Maybe it is... I want to leave something in this world, so Lynn can know it through this... many things. Mainly some history.

It, this void bus, seems to be a very old creature.

It has lived in a place near a water polo since a long time ago.

However, it does not always live here, but it is often smashed in this place. The main reason for coming to this place is to find some... wreckage.

These wrecks are mainly left by those creatures destroyed by water polo. Every time, this emptiness bus will return here to collect the wreckage.

The purpose of collecting wreckage is mainly because... there are some special foods inside.

It seems that each group comes to a creature near the water polo. They all carry something, a metal-like substance.

The Void Bus likes this kind of thing, which is a very nutritious food for it, so it constantly collects these substances.

When collecting these substances, it is often involved in some of the wreckage... life.

Although the water polo can instantly destroy all the troops that are close to it, the destruction is not complete. There will always be something left. And continue to live in the wreckage.

It can be seen from the memory of collecting the wreckage of the Void Bus that it often encounters such creatures.

But these creatures usually live shortly, and it doesn't care too much.

A void bus usually doesn't care what creature it carries, except that the creature can threaten its internal organs, otherwise it doesn't matter.

Of course, the immune organisms on it often attack these creatures, but the attacks are not very...active, especially those that are 'attached' to the surface.

So occasionally some creatures live on the Void Bus and are taken to other places by the Void Bus, so Lin called this creature a 'bus'.

These alien creatures usually stay on the Void Bus soon, and some are scared when the Void Bus approaches. There, I constantly attacked the Void Bus.

But there are still some...exceptions.

Lynn found that a group of creatures survived on the Void Bus.

The creatures originally lived on the surface of the Void Bus, which was glued to the wreckage of a warship.

The style of this warship is somewhat like the one made by the brain, and it is made up of a lot of complicated metals.

However, the Void Bus did not study this thing in detail, it just left and left.

This group of creatures looks like a bunch of grotesque objects, all of which have the same shape as a stone, and are about one meter in size.

They were initially squeezed inside the wreckage of the battleship, stuck to the tentacles of the Void Bus and then came to the surface of its body.

Then I have been living there.

Although these creatures are attacked by immune organisms, although they will fight back, they are more likely to try to avoid immune organisms instead of killing them.

Usually other creatures find that the empty bus arrives at a place like a tumbling person and will find a way to leave. This group of creatures will not do this. They can be said to have been relying on the Void Bus.

And it continues to proliferate there.

Their main source of food is the void bus...the excrement.

Like other creatures, the Void Bus will make a lot of excrement, which will be thrown out of the body like a meteorite, and this group of creatures will be collected at this time.

But this is only the initial food, and later they are better at collecting food while the Void Bus searches for the wreckage.

At one time, the Void Bus encountered a group of creatures attacking it. These creatures used the weapons in the wreck to constantly shoot the Void Bus, and the creatures living in the Void Bus immediately attacked the creatures in the wreckage.

The Void Bus found that they seemed to help them fight, so later, the Void Bus did not let the immune creatures continue to attack them.

These creatures are also officially considered to be residents of the Void Bus.

They are also slowly developing more and more, and it seems that the learning ability is very strong. When the Void Bus finds some wreckage, this group of creatures will immediately fly into the wreckage.

Lin felt that they were not just looking for food inside, they were still learning, and through the things they learned in the wreck, they started building buildings on the Void Bus.

It seems that they are the original catchers, and they really started to be civilized on the Void Bus. (To be continued.)

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