"There is... that place!"

Here is the back of the ... capturer battleship.

A mechanical octopus, just as an Atlan is on the edge of the battleship, looking at the vast void in front, the Atlan, called Rosali, is now quite surprised.

Because what appears in front is the place that is called ‘ruin’.

This place, like its name, is made up of countless wrecks. The number of these wrecks is quite rich, with metal and rock, soft and transparent matter, something that looks like a corpse, and there are Active, like a biological object.

The most conspicuous of all this is the tumbling person behind.

On the surface, it has a complex terrain with a brown surface. It seems that there are many caves and other structures. It seems that there is no atmosphere, but it has... ruins.

Because this ruin is like a layer on the tumbling... film, they wrap the brown world, and observe the world through these floating wrecks, there is a rather wonderful feeling.

"Do you live in this place?" Lin's mechanical octopus, asked Rosali.

"Yes...Yes! We live here, but I didn't expect that I could return here!" Rosalie's mood has reached a level of excitement, although it simply describes its life in the diary. And those of the same kind, but in fact, it is very concerned about it.

Lin did not expect that the battleship would arrive here so soon.

Of course, the warships did not fly over, but were transmitted by...

Before catching the Nether Bus cubs. Lynn saw it. The warship appeared in another place in a flash. It is near this ruin.

After arriving here, the speed of the battleship remained and flew in the direction of the ruins.

Now, the battleship is still some distance from the ruins. If it continues, it will hit the floating objects inside the ruins.

However, before arriving there, Lin had to do some other research. For example, the cub that was caught before.

The cub is now completely in a state of slumber, and its current position is still on the star-gazing promenade. Lin let the mechanical spiders build a ... hang cage around the cub.

This cage only fixes it. If it wakes up, it can still escape, but Lin believes that it should be able to detect something during the period of its sleep.

Looking at the ruins of the ruins that are getting closer and closer in the distance, Lynn quickly began the process of testing.

The main method is to use subtle sharp object detection. Although cell detection cannot be used here, various information can be sent back for detailed analysis.

Lin found that there are a lot of abnormalities in this pup, which is not the same as the pups that Lynn had seen before. The first is that it compares... precocious.

In general, most of the pups in this size are liquid, and this liquid is easily 'deteriorated' under high temperature. Therefore, the cubs of the Void Bus will be afraid of heat.

The pup, which has very little fluid in its body, is mostly solid organs, just like the emptiness buses of the 'Asian adulthood'.

Asian adulthood refers to those virtual buses that have become spherical and floating. They are small and not adult, but they are not afraid of heat.

This pup is like growing up in the body, but it doesn't develop in vitro. Fortunately, although it varies a lot, it can't fight the kind of anesthetic.

Otherwise, it is very difficult to catch it.

However, although its structure is mature and its volume has not become large, it can still maintain its activity.

Moreover, Lynn also found that it has more structures that it did not have, such as its tentacles...

There are a lot of small serrations inside the tentacles. These small serrations have the function of teeth, which are used to smash the flesh and blood skeletons that they eat, and the armor fragments.

These things that are eaten in will also be sent to a new structure... digested.

This thing can be said to be an object such as the stomach. Its original digestive organ is also there, but it has extra growth of this organ. This organ is specially used to digest multicellular organisms, and it has high digestion efficiency. Quickly dissolve the tissues of these organisms.

However, the cubs did not use these nutrients. Lynn noticed that the nutrients of the cubs were piled up beside its digestive organs, swallowed by a group of cells resembling 'fat cells' and stored there, and were not passed on to others. Among the organs.

Because this bunch of cells gather here, the appearance looks like a big meatball. If it continues to eat, the ball will continue to grow.

And the baby's own immune system, regardless of this thing, it is obvious that the baby is not sick.

The nutrient source of the cub is its armor fragments that are eaten when eating various creatures... These armor fragments are sent to the normal digestive organs for digestion, because there is a pair in the armor. The Void Bus is a nutrient component, so armor is the main 'filling the stomach' thing.

Lin now feels that this cub is like being parasitic by something.

This parasite is trying to occupy the environment inside it, changing its habits, and the pile of fat cells that grow in its body is like a parasite.

But Lin doesn't think it's that simple. These structures may have been in the baby for a long time, and only recently, the time of the attack should be the same as the time of the residents here.

This new digestive organ has a neuron-like structure that extends to the nerve structure of the Void Bus cub... This nerve line should be used to send a hungry signal to the cub.

As long as the inside of the digestive organ is empty, it will send a signal to the cub, making it feel hungry and having to eat constantly.

Lynn feels that the overall 'set' of these things is like this. After the Void Bus has eaten to a certain extent, the pile of fat cells will begin to convert nutrients and generate some kind of creature.

Then the creature may occupy the body of the Void Bus Cub, or drill out from it, and is not sure what to do.

At the same time, Lin also found that the baby did not transmit organs, and its transmitting organs seemed to be missing. The position where the organs were originally transported was empty.

So this baby has no way to transmit, it can only escape by opening the wall.

Now, Lynn sees its neural structure, its nerve structure is normal, not changed by anything else... ‘contaminated’, only the nerve line with new digestive organs is connected to it.

Although the nerve line is composed of cells, the information it sends can still be received by the baby. The neural structure of the virtual bus is not composed of cells, but other mixed substances.

In order to detect its neural structure, Lynn specially constructed a 'dream needle', which is similar to the previous small square structure. It can be used to receive the idea of ​​a virtual bus.

But it can't detect its memory unless it wants to 'release' its memory, just like the virtual bus that was cut in half before.

After a little inspection, Lin found that the mood of this cub contained a lot of feelings of anxiety, fear, and panic.

And this feeling should have been affecting it for a long time, not caused by the Lin raid.

It seems that it was in a very tense state before, and it should be caused by these strange objects in the body. The pups may have been in confusion.

It may be clear to itself that it does not eat the bodies of multicellular creatures, but it has to eat under the influence of appetite.

Lynn feels that it should be stimulated. Maybe it will be stimulated and think of some things in the past. It may know... it becomes such a reason, but what kind of stimulation is better?

Just use the last box.

Because I thought of this, Lin took the box, and the void bus memory in the box is obviously very effective for the baby...

Although the effect is temporary, the nerves of the pups are greatly stimulated at the moment of contact with the cube.

It was only the contact with the outer casing that had effect. Now Lin connects the box to the mechanical spider that Lin uses for detection, and directly introduces the ‘content’ of the square into the nervous system of the baby through the spike of spider detection.

This may be...


The square with the memory of the void bus can really stimulate the nerve structure of the baby.

Now the spirit of this cub is in an extremely unstable state of fear, and when this memory block touches it, it immediately stabilizes its mood and reminds it of some things in the past.

Recalling the fact that it was a real virtual bus, Lin could see these memories when he recalled these things directly.

A long time ago, it was like the large group of pups here, happily living in the growing areas that the catchers built for them.

It has always been ate with 'jelly' and nothing special happened until one day...

It suddenly suffered an attack from two creatures.

The two creatures are full of explosives and the like, rushing toward it, and blasting with it, but they are not directly fried into the cubs.

But it wasn't completely blown up. Lin found that in the memory of the baby, it was hurt by the blasting shot.

Those shrapnel are not ordinary shrapnel, but a very small sharp object, some like Lin's needle for injecting anesthesia.

They plunged into the body of the pups and initially did not seem to have any effect, but then there was a series of cases... (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ book friends 1601280...~ 588~

Thanks ~ Maple's demon month ~ zai private n~ palm card ~ pink grass ~ magic market micro dust ~ monthly ticket ~

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