4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 951: Mobile battleship

This warship actually has no control room. ([

Because the capturer does not need a controller, every part of the warship can be considered a unit.

The entire ship of the capturers is a large number of arms gathered together, each of which uses its own thoughts to control a certain part of the battleship.

However, among the warships, there is a place called ‘thinking point.’ It can be said that all the arms will go through that position to integrate all the information.

Lin is known from the memory of the previous bus.

At the same time, Lin also believes that the attack of the water polo may have hurt the 'thinking' of the arms of each part of the warship, so the whole battleship has been stagnant.

However, the attack of the water polo did not hurt most parts of the battleship, which made it intact, but it did not work.

Before, Lin thought so.

It wasn't until Lin chased the cub that the transparent wall of the star-shaped promenade rose, and Lin thought it might be what controlled the operation of the promenade.

It may be that the capturer and some of the surviving individuals are not necessarily, although they don't know why they open the wall or something else.

Lin searched the star-gazing promenade before and found the ‘thinking point’ of this place, which can be said to be a brain-like place.

This part has indeed been destroyed, like an explosion, but the control of this corridor will not be so embarrassing, it can also be controlled through other areas.

This area is the focus of thoughts in the battleship. Because of this concentration point, even if each part of the battleship is dead, it can be controlled by other parts of the battleship.

Lin believes that if this concentration point is found, there should be something in the wall that controls the gallery.

Now, Lynn has reached the point of concentration, which is a closed space.

Because there is no other creature to visit here, there is no space for any creatures, so Lin's troops can only concentrate at a certain distance to the nearest location.

This position is where Rosali and the group of residents protested the capturers.

It seems to be very badly destroyed here. After Lin came here, she saw only a lot of pieces, and here, Lin felt that it might be difficult to move on. These pieces must be dug up.

Thinking, Lin let the troops start to move, and Lin let the mechanical spiders move the pieces in front of them one by one, just let the inside loose and move on.

But it seems to take a lot of time, so it may be before Lin moved. Another thing will be born.

That is

"We will hit it there!"

On the back of the battleship, Lin's mechanical octopus and Rosali are staying together. When Lynn went to catch the cubs, it stayed here, and after Lin came, it still didn't go here.

Because Rosali has been worried about the ruins in front.

Now the warship is about a thousand kilometers away from the ruins, and the warship is advancing at a speed of ten kilometers per second.

Soon, it will hit the floating debris in the ruins.

I don't know if this will cause the warship to be destroyed. Although the catcher's warship is bigger than any wreck seen by Lin, the number of wreckage is too much, and with this degree of collision, I am afraid that this will collapse.

Although the explosion, Lin is not unable to continue to explore the secrets of the battleship. But it will be a lot of trouble.

However, there is a special problem to be aware of, that is, the degree of this warship is steadily slowing down.

Every second, the warship's mobility will be reduced. It feels like it is moving in the water. There is some kind of 'resistance' around it, which makes the warship slower and slower.

Maybe after arriving there, the degree of the battleship is so slow that the warship will not be destroyed?

"What should we do?" Rosali looked nervous: "Since the beginning, I have been trying to contact my peers, but they have not responded.??"

“Your kind?” Lynn questioned: “Where are they?”

"You know when you look at this." Rosali pulled out a long, cylindrical object from the armor of his waist. Delivered to the mechanical octopus: "I have locked it, you will see it as soon as you see it."

The mechanical octopus picked up the long tube and looked at the ruins. Linden saw a picture. Among the various floating objects in the ruins, a floating object was shown as 'highlighted'.

"This is your Nether City?"

Lin sees this floating object like a huge square object, but the surface also highlights many small square and spherical structures. Its overall diameter is ten kilometers, the whole is made of metal, and the outer shell is covered with cracks. It is like a trace of corrosion. It feels like it has been attacked by many things. On the outer shell, there is also the word "Void City" painted with red dye. It is the larger one in the pile of floating objects.

Of course, it is too small compared to this warship, and most importantly, it is located on the edge of the entire ruin, that is to say, if the battleship rushes past, the ‘Void City’ will certainly be hit by the warship.

"Yeah! There is where I used to live. I still have the way to contact them, but why can't I contact them? If they don't want to escape," Rosali said it was getting more and more nervous, but it was obviously There is no way.

Lin felt that it was very difficult to stop this warship. The battleship was quite large, and it was not running by itself, but was attracted.

But what is it that attracts the battleship?

I can only ship this battleship here, I am afraid that there will be only a star bus.

Because the warships are too large, it is difficult for the virtual bus to transmit such a large thing. Of course, it is possible to transmit the large group of virtual buses that originally lived on the battleships, but they are not here.

Therefore, the gravitational ball surrounded by such a possible ruin is the stellar bus, which may continue to attract various wrecks here.

But Lynn has a strange feeling that Lynn thinks it is not a stellar bus, at least not an ordinary stellar bus, it may be

It has a lot to do with the gel-like creatures here.

The pseudo-gel creatures in the battleship are still doing all sorts of strange moves, like breaking down meat pieces, and still avoiding the hunt for the mutant residents.

But now it’s no longer meaningful for the mutated residents to hunt them down, because the warships have reached this position, and even if they are preying on more gel-like creatures, it is impossible to let the warships return.

For the gel-like creatures, Lin thinks they are similar to the group of gels in the floating rock.

The gel creatures of floating rocks are also associated with the stellar bus. The relationship between them makes Lin think of a special possibility, but it can be determined after approaching the gravitational ball.

In any case, the battleship is being attracted, it must be related to the gravitational ball. In this case, Lin wants to try to communicate with it, so now a group of Lin’s troops have also arrived at the signal room in the battleship.

This place is also a sealed and collapsed area, but the debris here is better cleaned, and the main structure here is not damaged.

However, it doesn't matter whether or not the things here are damaged. Lin's troops only occupy a position here, and then create a signal transmission device.

The reason why it is made here is that the signal here is able to quickly reach the edge of the battleship and then send it out to the surrounding void.

There is a special conduction system inside the sending room, which can transmit the internal signal and can conduct a variety of signals, including the signal that Lin now sends.

The transmission system is not damaged, and Lin can send it by simply connecting his signal device to the conduction system.


Thinking, Lin started the signal device made by his own mechanical spider, and this sound was also simulated by Lin.

Lynn has recently tried to add ‘sound effects’ to anything, which seems quite interesting.

The signal now passes through the system inside the battleship, reaches the edge of the battleship, and is released to the surrounding void.

The original capturer will control the system to control the direction of the signal, but now no capture is in control, so the signal is sent in any direction around.

On the other side of the ruins, this signal will also be received.

This signal is a signal that the stellar bus's nervous system can resolve, and Lynn just tells it to respond if it is received.

However, it seems that there is no response.

After sending the signal for a while, Lin did not receive any signal here.

So, Lin continued to let the device send more signals. After a large number of signals were sent around, Lin finally saw the reaction.

It is a pity that it is not the reaction of the gravitational ball, but the reaction of the ‘empty city’.

"They are moving! They noticed this!"

Atlan became very happy, because it and Lin both saw that the place called the Nether City spewed huge energy from one side and began to move.

It seems that they can move freely to avoid dangerous situations, so they do have the potential to avoid the warship, but Lynn notices that they are moving slowly.

This is mainly because there are too many pieces around them, they have to be careful not to hit the pieces, and then leave the impact range of the battleship.

The battleship was not as slow as Lin’s thought. It just accelerated a few degrees ago, and now it’s about a hundred kilometers or so.

This will not only crash the destroyed city, but it will also destroy the entire ship. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thank you for reading 1888!

Thanks to the stalwart of the political commissar of the Zhuangzi political commissar in the name of the dragon yis Griffin’s monthly pass

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