4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 953: Arrived at the station


In the void, there is a roar of only the roar that Lin can hear.

The Predator’s battleship finally approached the place known as the ruins, and its huge body collided with the wreckage at the very edge of the ruins.

The collision caused the warship to tremble, but it was safe because the warships were quite slow, and the wreckage was hit around, and the warship itself did not suffer any harm.

"Final... I have to go back."

Atlan, named Rosali, is still standing on the back of the battleship. Although it is dangerous to enter the ruined area, it does not care.

It is now staring at the empty city that is slowly flying in the ruins, and it is now full of desire to go back there.

However, Lin did not care that it was thirsty and not eager. Now Lin is communicating with a creature. This creature is... a meat ball.

"We are going to return to that place and return to our distant hometown..."

It's actually not a pompom, but a bunch of meat **** that appeared here not long ago, and they carry something called a 'phone player'.

The sound released by this thing can be received through the communicator, and the meat ball is now using this to put a song...

The content of this song is mainly to express the feelings of missing his hometown. The meatball took this thing and then played it continuously.

They seem to want to express their return, so Lynn is trying to communicate with them here, but it seems to be difficult to communicate with them.

Because they don't respond to Lynn's message, Lin understands their brain structure, so they can send them information they can understand.

But even if you can send a message that you can understand. They still have no response. So Lynn wants to...


Lin suddenly felt a violent sway. Looking at the source of the swaying, Lin found that a large object hit the battleship. The object was a hundred meters in size and looked like a stone. At this moment, the meat **** that Lin was communicating immediately Fly over there.

"We saw our hometown! We have to go back there!" And while flying, there are songs that match...

Lin saw it and immediately chased it, but the speed of these meatballs seems to be much faster than usual. They flew out of the edge of the battleship and flew over the huge stone.

Lin's mechanical octopus quickly flew up and grabbed the slowest meat ball, but the other meat **** spread out and flew around the void.

Lin didn't chase them, because Lynn thinks... It's enough to have this one, because this meat ball has a complete memory, and it doesn't need to gather more than the previous ones to make more memories.

And this memory... describes some of the ideas of the meatball.

Their mission, as Linde knows, lets the warship move here. And let this battleship become a part of the ruins.

Now their tasks are complete. They are going to leave.

Lynn also found that in the memory, this group of creatures has been doing similar operations for a long time, that is, collecting debris and collecting the wreckage made by water polo.

Then bring the various wreckage to this place, for which they have been using things in various ways to get close to the water polo.

These things include biological groups, various civilizations, and so on, as long as they are likely to be destroyed by water polo, then the group of gel-like creatures will try to approach them.

Before they are destroyed, they will be mixed into them, and then wait for the entire unit to be destroyed by water polo into wrecks, and then bring these wrecks back.

This is what the gel-like creatures have been doing... but it's not what they like to do, it's a good task to be 'set'.

However, the creature that set the task for the gel is dead.

Lin found this memory here, and the gel-like creatures knew that their task givers died long ago, but they still have been performing these tasks.

Although there is no reason, Lin feels that these tasks have been engraved into their ‘information source’, so they will continue to perform this task.

The gel-like creatures seem to be dissatisfied with this phenomenon. Lin found many similar emotions in her memory. They don't want to continue doing these tasks, but they have no way to defy them. They must continue to do so.

So, after the task is completed, they will feel very happy, like... now.

When Lin was looking at these memories, there were countless ... meatballs around.

The meatballs flew in groups from the back of the battleship. They were all in the battleship. Now, because of the end of the mission, they all flew out of the battleship.

The number of them... There may be tens of thousands. Lin looks at them flying over the back of the battleship, then flies into the surrounding ruins. Some meat **** keep shaking or turning when they are flying. This is Expressing them very happy.

With the flying of these meat balls, Lin felt that the warship was shaking slightly, it ran into more things, and at the same time, the speed of the battleship became slower and slower, and finally... completely stopped. It’s down.

It seems that the battleship has indeed not moved any more. Lin believes that if there is no accident, it may have been here, just like other wrecks here.

The gravitational force here works in a wonderful way, maintaining the balance of all objects so that they rarely collide with each other and do not fall on the gravitational ball around them. This situation is similar to floating rock.

The rocks there have always maintained a state of dispersion. Lin believes that this is something that should be related to bus-like creatures.

"These are..." Rosali looked at the large fleshy ball and flew, and said with some surprise: "How can they all fly out?"

"Let's ignore them first." Lin's mechanical octopus flew off the stone and came to Rosali's side: "Now we can go to see you."

"...Yes! Since it has stopped, let's go!"

When Rosary heard this, she was very excited. Then, it immediately flew back into the battleship's room.

Because it was quite far from the place called the Nether City, it thought that it should be ready, so it went back to prepare some weapons, and strengthened the armor, and also carried a lot of 'must have supplies', in preparation for complete Then I returned to the back of the battleship.

"Are you prepared for nothing?" Looking at the old mechanical octopus, Rosali asked strangely.

"This will do," said the mechanical octopus.

"Is it? But this place is very dangerous... but forget it, the distance is not quite far."

It’s almost a thousand kilometers away from the Nether City, and it’s quite close. Lin and Rosali started the journey here.

When the journey of mechanical octopus began, Lynn's mechanical spider continued its previous actions in the battleship.

They have to dig into the battleship's thoughts and focus on it, and they are also building more troops. After the number is enough, they can rush to explore the surrounding ruins.

At the same time, Lynn is also [collecting] those variant residents.

The mutant residents changed again after the meatballs flew away. They had been crazy to chase the meatballs, but now they have become interested in lack of appearance.

Although there are still gel-like creatures left here, such as the bright red seedlings in the pool, there are many places that have the same thing like meat, but the mutant residents are no longer too big for them. Interested.

It’s not that I’m completely uninterested, I just don’t like it as I used to, and Lynn also found that they started preying on each other.

Previously, the mutated residents did not attack each other except for the swelling, but they now often fought each other.

Lynn thinks that they are very fun, as if they have different personality changes in various situations, so Lynn decided to grab them and study them carefully.

At the same time, Lynn also knows how they mutate.

The reason for their mutation... Lin now understands something that can be called a 'temporary signal' for the time being.

Variants are some multi-celled individual creatures whose growth and development are mainly controlled by data recorded in the nucleus.

The constructor inside the cell reads the nuclear data first and then constructs it, usually as it is.

The water polo uses a method that allows the cell's constructor to receive additional information, which causes new changes in the resident's cells.

According to the test of these variant residents, Lin guessed that this should be the case.

It's similar to the virus, but the problem is that the water polo does not inject the virus into these residents. Instead, it uses some special method to let their cell constructors receive other messages, forcing their bodies to change. .

This is much more efficient than the virus, and it is possible to operate these creatures perfectly, so this environment will be created here.

First, use the swollen blame to provide nutrients, then create a large number of mutant residents, and let them do different things at different times.

Although not successful, but the series of plans one by one is very... perfect, this way can make their cells change regularly, and the virus has too many uncertain factors, it is not easy to achieve this effect.

Now in the final stage, Lin believes that they will be transformed into a special 'ecosystem'. The relatively weak and inhabitants will continue to feed on the corpses and swollen monsters here, as well as the remaining gel-like creatures. Control this place, they will use the entire warship as a living area until the basic nutrients are consumed.

All of this is that the water polo uses some way to give the cells of these creatures an extra 'evolutionary order'.

How did they do it? (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~pvnkkaa~ Forget eternal~ Dark reflection ~ advane~ monthly ticket~

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