4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 120: Worm in worm

The internal organs of the purgatory worm are gone.

When the collector penetrated the esophageal wall and drilled into the body of the purgatory worm, Lin found no blood vessels, no organs, nothing, not disappeared, but was eaten.

It is packed with small worms that are only one meter long. They are exactly the same as the big purgatory worms. Lin remembers that when the second purgatory worm was drilled, many small worms appeared at the same time. Into the infernal worm that was injured by Lin, Lin thought that they might be healing, but did not expect to see them now eating the organs of the purgatory worm.

And they are still quite a lot. Lin remembers that there shouldn't have been so much at the time, and the purgatory worm has no holes in the esophagus wall. How did they get in?

The little worms are not as toothless as the purgatory worms. They have a few jagged teeth in their round mouths, madly devouring all the internal organs, blood or anything else here. They almost eat a huge body of purgatory worms. Space, they did not find the small body of the collector to enter, and still devour all kinds of flesh and blood, but they seem to have reached a consensus that there is no worm to bite the wall.

Is it possible that the Inca swarm is going to eat the viscera of the purgatory worm, so that Lin can't break down the information inside? But how do they know that Lin also mimics the creature by learning the internal structure of other creatures?

Anyway, it’s too late to stop them now. The whole worm’s body is being eaten for a long time, leaving only some muscle structures still attached to the outer shell and esophagus. When did they start eating? The speed is so fast. It doesn't seem to start eating after the purgatory worm is crushed to death.

Lin is not so easy to let large units push home trees here. But now it's more than killing them. It is better to follow them and find out the purpose of these small worms eating the purgatory worm.

When Lin let one of the collectors deliberately go to a worm that is constantly consuming the flesh and blood, the worm does not have any doubts, and the collector and the food are swallowed together.

The small worm's body is filled with the flesh and blood of the purgatory worm. Excessive food causes the worm's lysate to be too dispersed, so that the Lin collector can easily make a wound in the small worm and successfully parasitize it in the body. Location, so Lin can keep track of this worm.

Lin looked at the worms for a while. In the end, the remaining muscles were not eaten. Basically, all the organs were eaten. Finally, the worms bite a hole in the esophagus and drilled together to the tail of the purgatory worm.

Then they all got out of the hole at the tail and entered the mud under the purgatory worm.

These small worms cause insufficient botulation solution because they eat too much at a time, which allows Lin's collector to successfully drill into the worm's body before being dissolved.

Now these worms are walking through the ground and heading towards the territory of the Inca.

Lin is also planning to go over there.

But before that, Lin needed to restore the army. It is normal for the Inca group to have a lot of troops left. If you use your full strength from the beginning, then there will be no way to retreat.

Lin collected the nutrients of all the corpses and produced the troops for several mobile bases that had been carried. Lin didn't need to restore so many troops before the war, only a part of it was needed.

For the study of purgatory worms, because the small worms ate them, Lin could only study some muscle structures, and other organs and how they synthesized lava-like high-temperature liquids were not known.

Lin found that the carapace synthesis of the purgatory worm is also somewhat troublesome. Except that the two bodies are ready-made, other general creatures will not produce such shells, which means that Lin needs some special places...such as volcanoes. Looking for it, it is possible to find the material of this shell material, or the creature that can make this shell.

Restoring the army is generally two days and nights. Before that, Lynn released a large number of flying people to let them detect the infection of nearby home trees.

Time... slowly passed.

Lin found that the quality of the home trees is different. Many of them are festered by fungal infections, and some are immune. This phenomenon is very weird. Lin investigated dozens of home trees nearby and found good homes. The trees actually account for 50% each, and some home trees with very close distances will also have a good one.

Usually a plant is harmed, it sends a smell message to tell nearby plants of the same type to watch the threat, but the home tree does not seem to be like this.

In addition, ferns do not seem to be infected, and they have not been found to be corroded by fungi.

But even if only 50%, if the infected home trees are all broken... this underground world will collapse.

Lynn must hurry to find a solution.

In addition, during this period, the Inca group has been making their rock fossils. They seem to have forgotten the war. Some of these rocks have been made very large. The maximum length is more than one hundred meters, and the width is probably Thirty meters away, Lin found that the black bees made a very good set of these things. They removed the sand and other impurities in the rock, and then combined the spider silk with the mucus. This made the rocks extremely strong and would not collapse, but no Any one of the nests is placed on the ground, and each one is placed on the ground, like huge logs placed on the ground, for which they remove large areas of woodland.

Aztec worms also make the same nests in the upper desert, but they are relatively poorly built, not as high as the Inca worms, and they are very small, the largest is only ten meters, but at least the rock can be combined. Will not crash.

Lin asked about the brain worm. Although the brain worm has no relevant memory, it also has the feeling of wanting to make a rocky nest.

"Fragmental genetic memory is not clear, but it is very useful. The ancestors must have made it. I also need to make it."

Although the brain worm says so, it has not been made, because it is like that of the current rock mountain, and the brain worm also said: "The rock nest, estimated to have a relationship with ‘month,” Lynn, must pay attention.

Lin now does notice that ‘month’ was only a little bigger than other stars, but now it is getting bigger and bigger, just like getting closer and closer... Speaking, how far is the month from here and how big is it?

There are so many puzzles about the sky, but this is the meaning of expectation.

Now the little worms have almost returned to the territory of the Inca desert and stopped at one location.

Lin’s army is also starting to set off.

But before that, Lynn still has to do the last thing... record.

This war with the Inca worms is quite interesting, and it is unprecedented, the battle is evenly matched, the huge and rich biological arms are fighting each other, and Lin wants to record all of this, using the method of brain worms. .

Lin found a few strong and huge rocks, and let the predators and bombers use the claws to match the small explosives, depicting the scene of each battle on the top... every unit of the Inca group, the armor , hangman, cracker, sandblaster and purgatory worm.

Although I can't remember Lin, I always think that it is more interesting to draw. After painting, Lin buried these stones and let them be witnesses of history and will be kept here forever.

It feels like it doesn't make sense...

After the painting, Lin’s army began to move to the territory of the Indo-Flock. In the middle, Lin would check each home tree and observe the number of fungi in the air.

Lin believes that the fungus can be used in the same way.

During the march, Lin found that the surrounding home trees were similar. Basically, one was infected, and the other was not infected. It felt very weird. Why is it so average? Is it two trees?

It is indeed possible that many different species have developed from the same species. Lin believes that as long as they cannot reach each other's reproductive relationship, they can be counted as two kinds of creatures.

These home trees should have been in the Inca, but they have now gathered in the place where the rocks were built. The nests in these trees are like being discarded.

Soon, Lynn arrived at the location of the worm.

The worms didn't go far in the ground. The battlefield was only about 50 kilometers away. Lin could know through the collectors who were parasitic in a worm that they were all in a home tree.

Maybe you can understand the purgatory worm by breaking down this worm.

Lynn surrounded a large number of predators and looked for any entrance in the tree. Soon they found some caves that could pass into the trees. After entering, Lin found only a large space. This tree is also empty inside.

Those worms are hiding directly below the tree in the home, possibly in the soil.

The worm seems to be very fond of and well suited to drilling holes, so Lin also created a worm-like worm that is three meters long and has a spiral-shaped shell structure that can quickly excavate the tunnel.

Lin used this kind of digger to start digging at the inner bottom of the tree at home. It quickly dug a passage. After digging for about ten meters, Lin’s digger found an empty cave area below. It is about thirty meters wide and is full of the thick roots of the home tree. Some glowing beetles climb up and down the roots, and they provide illumination here.

Lynn saw that the worms were also gathered here because the drillers were drilled from the top of the cave and they didn't notice Lin's look.

But what are they doing?

These little worms are constantly spitting out some gray liquids that dry up quickly when they spit on the ground. They continually spit out the liquid as if they were combining the liquids into a shape. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ nine-tailed snow fox ~ 嘿 ya ~ mango heroes ~ 200530481273 ~ monthly ticket ~

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