4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 976: Underground environment

Dark, cold, all sorts of floating wrecks. ●⌒,.

It is like the environment of the earth's surface, but the wreckage here... is not stable.

They are shaking, just like the bubbles in the water, they have no fixed position, they are always active, and then... collide.

Shown in front of Lynn is such an environment... Now, Lin's mechanical spider team has come to the inside of the gravitational ball, which is quite similar to the surface, whether it is the objects floating in the air or the material components on the ground.

Lin feels like it is still on the surface, not the underground environment.

Of course, there are still some differences here. In addition to the unfixed position in the air, there will be many strange things on the ground in addition to the debris that will float.

These things look like...the mushrooms, they are one to two meters high, and they are densely covered with woods. Lin has tested some of the nearest 'mushrooms' and Lin found its composition and The composition of the ground is almost exactly the same.

In other words, they should not be biological, but whoever uses the ‘soil’ of the ground to pile up these mushroom shapes.

However, this is not the point. The point is that Lin wants to investigate where the organ of the Star Bus is.

The small organ in the cave was dragged back by the lighter, yes... dragged back instead of floating back, because those who are lighter will only be active on the ground, they don’t float very much, so they When you bring something back, you will drag it on the ground.

Therefore, Lynn can detect the traces of their stay.

The cave of the lighter has an exit to the surface and an exit to the ground. The passage of the tunnel excavated by Lin's mechanical spider is just near the underground exit of the lighter. It is a circular hole with a diameter of more than two meters.

Lin let the mechanical spider detect it near the hole and detect some residue... These residues are evidence that the organ of the stellar bus passed here.

Because it is dragged back all the way, the organs will wear out and leave traces on the ground... Lin only needs to follow these traces to find them all the way back to the organs.

Thinking, Lin let the robotic spider team start to act, and they detected the traces on the ground. Moving quickly in this ‘Mushroom Jungle’.

Lynn noticed that there were some... huge things between the 'mushrooms', but they didn't have any interest in mechanical spiders.

It seems that the camouflage of mechanical spiders is also very useful in this place.

Although no danger was encountered. However, the search process is not very easy. After leaving the road of more than 100 meters, Lin must stop.

Because the clues on the ground were interrupted, the traces that had been continually disappeared suddenly... before disappearing into a wonderful place.

In front of the mechanical spider, there was a vast lake...

of course. It's not a real lake, except that the mechanical spider has hundreds of meters in diameter and is covered by a soft substance like water.

However, when the mechanical spider pokes up with the forelimbs, it will not pierce the soft substance, but will poke a small pit like a stepping on a very elastic jelly.

When the forelimbs are lifted, the pits will bounce back and make the soft material intact.

It is estimated that the light-receiving person is dragging the organ to walk over this soft substance, but this soft substance may be 'updated', so there is no trace left.

Lynn thinks this substance is made up of certain creatures. It may clean the surface of the material regularly to keep it clean.

But even if there are no traces, there should be no problem, because along the way, Lin found that the light-changers are in a straight line, so as long as they walk straight from here to the opposite of the 'soft lake', they can find traces of the organs again.

Thinking, Lin let a mechanical spider start running on a soft lake, while others stand on the side of the lake.

The first mechanical spider ran for a while and found that there was no problem, and the rest remained to keep up.

This place is a very large area, mainly because of the loss of contact with the ground. Lynn thinks that the camouflage of the spider may fail.

To ride around without any dangerous creatures, quickly ran over.

While running through the soft lake, Lynn also noticed that within the lake... there are many things in action.

They look a bit like fish, and they also seem to swim in the water. As the body sways forward, their types are different. Lin feels... Maybe this soft lake is an environment that belongs to this group of species.

As Lin watched the environment below, the distant 'side' became closer and closer, and Lin also found that there were no previous mushrooms on the opposite floor. It is a vast area full of wreckage.

The mechanical spiders set foot on the shore from the soft lake, and Lin is ready to continue the traces of the detector officer here...


Suddenly, the rear of the Spider Squad made a difference. I saw that the soft surface of the lake suddenly exploded, and a huge fish-shaped object rushed out of it, instantly biting a spider and dragging it back.

The attack was less than a second, and a mechanical spider was dragged into the soft lake.

It seems that the creatures here are not only like fish, but also attacked like fish. Lin thought about it and let the remaining nine mechanical spiders continue to move forward. They have already detected the organ traces. Lin feels that the target is far from here. Not far away.

And the mechanical spider that was dragged into the soft lake had to start a new round of exploration.

Because it didn't die, the thing that dragged it in, like a fish, was huge, but it didn't bite the mechanical spider, but spit it out in the soft lake and swam away.

So Lynn wants to let the mechanical spiders detect the environment here, because in the lake, Lynn also found some familiar things...

No, it should be said that it is feeling, this feeling seems to be...

Thinking, Lin let the mechanical spider swim to the bottom of the lake.

Surging here feels like moving in jelly, some difficulties, and... very interesting.

The bottom of the lake here is very deep. The mechanical spider has been swimming for a long time and has not seen the bottom. When Lin wants to see if the bottom of the lake will pass through the surface, he suddenly finds something.

This thing is white in color, it seems to be solidified in the jelly-like material of the soft lake, and this thing is ... the organ of the star bus.

It’s almost as big as the one that the lighter dragged back, and Lynn found that it was slowly...

Become smaller. (To be continued.)

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