4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1002: There is no guardian response in front

"What can't be guarded is approaching?"

"Things that can't be guarded are things that can't be guarded! Don't be so stupid! This will make us feel stupid! Yes, we can't easily think that you can guard it! How can it become impossible to guard!"


Lin did not continue to talk to them, but continued to observe the results of the test. Just now Lin detected the edge area of ​​the floating rock.

Because the stones in many places have been detected, Lin first detected it at the edge, and at the time of detection, the group of small nucleators responded... but things that cannot be guarded are approaching, this is a kind of Very fresh reaction.

They have always said that something can be guarded, not saying that something is approaching, then that is...

"Things that can't be guarded come from afar, they make it impossible to guard! You must find a way to prove that you are not a fool! Ah! There is a place that has become unguarded!"

In the dream space, an image appears in front of Lynn, which shows a stone.

Because the outside detector will cooperate with the small guardian, when the little protector discovers something that cannot be guarded, it will show the appearance of that thing.

Lin had previously detected this stone, and every piece of Lin that was detected had been remembered. That is to say, this stone could have been guarded. It suddenly became impossible to guard...

Moreover, its performance is somewhat strange... It started to move and flew in one direction.

This is something that has not happened before. Before passing through the small guardian. Lin found a lot of micro-mechanical stone bases. When Lin attacks these bases, they will not make any counterattacks or evasive behavior.

But now it has moved.

In order to confirm the situation, Lin immediately let the nearest unit fly to this unprotectable object, but before Lin approached, Lin saw a wonderful situation.

I saw a huge piece of meat near the flying stone. It was a battleship of gel creatures.

The battleship of the gel creature quickly approached the flying stone at a distance of ten kilometers. A small piece of the body suddenly peeled off from the body and flew toward the stone at a faster rate, causing a bombing explosion after hitting the target.

After an instant, the stone is fried and crushed...

Although the gel creatures attacked the base of the micromachine in the rock before, this time it seems to be much more active than the original, and in this case, Lin has no chance to detect the stone, even though Lin has basically guessed. Arrived.

However, this incident does not seem to happen only once. When Lin returned to the dream space, the small protectors once again had the same reaction as before.

"There is something that can't be guarded, it's close! It's there! There! Ah... it can't be guarded!"

The time when the small nucleator issued this reaction. There is another piece of moving stone in the picture, which is bigger than the previous one. The previous diameter was 50 meters, and this one was 100 meters. It appeared at a distance of 10,000 kilometers from the previous one.

But it also flies in the same direction as before. Is this a coincidence? Or……

When the stone flew, the nearby gel creatures also reacted. This time, a large number of small pieces of meat that were ten meters in size gathered together, and they all cast a part of their body to the stone.

'boom! ’

The continuous explosion quickly blasted the stone into powder, but this time before the explosion, Lin had detected the approximate situation.

Because there is exactly one unit in the vicinity of Lin, it fires a 'probe' on the stone. This thing is similar to a needle and can quickly penetrate the outer shell of the rock to detect the inside.

After preliminary testing, Lin believes that this rock is also a base for micro-mechanics... but it was in the state of 'unstarted'.

That is to say, there are a group of micro-machines that are not infected with fear energy, but they will not do anything.

At the moment, when the little nucleus thought it became 'unable to guard,' it suddenly became infected with fear energy, and then the micro-mechanical inside was activated... control the stone to move .

That means that in the distance... outside the floating rock, there is fear energy here... It’s launched, so the little guardian will say that the things that cannot be guarded are approaching.

This method is quite effective, so that when they are not activated, the small protectors can't find them, and they can wait until they start.

Then the micromachines that are started do not hide, but move quickly, even if they are destroyed by gel creatures, they should know, but they don't care.

Does this mean what action they are going to take? And... How many micro-mechanical bases are there in the unactivated state?

"Come on, there are a lot of things that can't be guarded!" When she returned to her dreams, Lin found that the group of small nucleators became very nervous, and under their 'discourse', Lynn also saw the space. The picture begins to flash continuously.

It seems that...it is quite a lot.

There were a total of a hundred unprotected stones. They were thousands of kilometers apart from each other, but when they started, they immediately flew in the same direction.

Sure enough, there is something in that direction.

Although they are many in number, there are more gel creatures, and they react quickly. Each stone is attacked by a large number of meat-like troops or warships, and it quickly dissipates.

“Which direction does the unprotectable thing come from?” Lin asked questions about the small guardians.

"It's that place! There is a place that can't be guarded! It's very close to here!"

Although they said so, it seems that they can't give an accurate position. However, Lin probably knows where it is, so Lin also acted quickly. Lin let some troops fly in the direction of the starting stones. Others flew out of this floating rock and flew in the direction that might be sent by fear energy.

At the same time, the small protectors once again said that ... there are a lot of things that cannot be guarded.

It seems that the micro-mechanics intends to carry out a lot of action, and Lin feels that they may transfer the troops located in other places in the void.

All in all... just guard this place. (To be continued.)

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