4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1006: Will not stop

The three mechanical bases that are combined together emit dozens of rays that are close to the country of the gods in flight.

And before these lights approached, something is moving faster than them.

That is the large number of rocks floating between the base and the kingdom of the people of God. They quickly moved their positions and blocked themselves as shields before the kingdom of the people.

The explosion of dozens of rays illuminates in succession, but there is no one... capable of hitting the kingdom of the people, they all blasted on those rocks.

Lin also transformed many rocks like micromachines, so it was surrounded by Lin’s troops.

But the wonderful thing is that when Lin transformed the surrounding rocks, she never found any hidden, non-starting micro-mechanical base.

Now, these starting bases are all stones that Lin has not modified. Some of them have been tested, but they have not found micro-machines in them.

Lin feels that there may be something special about it... the reason.

But that needs to stabilize the war before it can be investigated... Thinking, Lin let the surrounding stones start to move again. Many of the rocks are the arms that Lin once called the 'Attacking Stones'. They aim at the three. The one-of-a-kind mechanical base flew a large number of missiles at it.

The missiles were originally greeted by some micro-machines. The base used micro-machinery as a means of attack. Many micro-mechanics formed the shape of a ball and flew to the kingdom of the people.

They encountered missiles and turned into smoke in the void. Some missiles passed through the smoke and flew in the direction of the base.

These missiles were not intercepted, they all hit the surface of the mechanical base, and the violent explosion caused the outer shell to crack and fall off, revealing the structure inside.

Look inside the wound from the base. The structure inside is very similar to... the mirror, which reflects the scenery outside. Lin did not stop attacking. The attacking stone fired more missiles and contained high-temperature light. Numerous attacks hit the three-in-one. Base.

This base is destroyed. In the explosion, Lynn felt... fear.

It’s not that Lynn feels fear, but the energy of fear scatters in the area of ​​the explosion, and affects some of the surrounding rocks. The rocks suddenly start to move, and several rays of light are shot on the surface of the rock, hitting a few of the distant Lin. Block attack stone.

These attack stones were destroyed, but these moving stones were also blown up by Lin's attacking stone in the next second.

It seems to be... very interesting, just the base of the fit will emit fear energy. And it is also able to... start the surrounding stones, and the micro-mechanical tactics are getting richer.

But there are thousands of attacking stones here, and they can completely protect the country of the people of God. These micro-mechanical forces have no chance unless...

Fear is coming again.

From the fear outside the floating rock, the fear once again surged like a wave that would not stop. They poured into the floating rock and passed through the pompons in the rock, one after another, used to perceive fear.

Go straight to the direction of the kingdom of the people of God... when fear once again drowns the kingdom of the people of God. The residents inside screamed again, and some residents had fallen to the ground. Lin estimates that there have been many cases like cerebral hemorrhage. The mayor wanted to use these residents to fight against micro-machines. This seems to be a very... stupid idea.

These creatures can't face this kind of fear. In fact, it's just a wave of fear energy, which is enough to defeat many creatures, only those who ignore fear. It is only necessary for micromachines to use direct firepower to destroy them.

When this fear swept through countless rocks, Lynn saw again that many of the bases started up one after another, and at the moment they started, they were targeted by the surrounding attacking stones, and then... shattered.

And in this attack. There was a role that made Lin a little...somewhat unexpected.

In the country of the gods, a building of more than 60 meters suddenly moved after the fear passed, and the whole building was trembled as if it were in an earthquake, and then fell in one direction.

That direction is exactly where the mayor’s office is located.

‘Booming...’ suddenly, the roaring sound, the dust splashing, the building was turned into a powder during the collapse, but it did not reach its goal.

It slanted at the moment of the squatting down, and it reached the nearby square, mainly because Lin slightly adjusted the gravitational device of the country of the people.

It is gravitational, and the various systems in it are controlled by Lin. Lin originally thought that micro-machines did not have the opportunity to invade here when Lin could not notice them. As a result, they actually affected a building inside. .

A large number of pompons appeared in the air of the kingdom of the people of God. They quickly flew down and studied the fallen building. At the same time, Lin also changed the direction of the country of the people of God.

Most of the previous mechanical bases were flying in a certain direction, but now they are not many troops in that direction, and most of them are destroyed by Lin, and the rest are destroyed by gel creatures. Now the machine seems to The main goal has turned to... the kingdom of the people.

Lynn feels that the fear waves coming in from here are the best evidence. They are constantly attacking this position. Maybe turning around can avoid some attacks.

Because the direction of those fear waves seems to be... not so accurate.

"In that direction..."

Suddenly, Lynn received a 'sound', and in the vicinity of the country of the people of God, there was a huge piece of meat.

It was a one-kilometer gel biological warship. It approached the country of the people of God and sent a message to the country of Lin Shenmin.

"Go there, they won't attack."

Although the information is very simple, Lynn feels wonderful. They have been reluctant to communicate before. Even if Lin sent troops and they fought side by side, they did not have any special reaction.

Now, they seem to be willing to protect the country of the people of God. Therefore, Lynn decided to initiate some exchanges with them: "How do you know?"

"Their purpose...we know." The battleship of the gel creature responded: "To that position, you can avoid it."

After that, it quickly flew in one direction without waiting for what Lin said, and Lin felt again at this time, and there was another ‘wave’ coming to this side.

The battleship of the gel creature seems to have shielded itself as a shield between the waves and the kingdom of the people. (To be continued.)

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