4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 125: Near month

In this battle, Lin did not intend to let the troops escape in the collapse, but in the mood of ‘to the same,’ attacked the Inca.

Of course, after everything has collapsed and collapsed, Lin will come back to recycle everything here.

A large number of troops rushed to the rocks made by the Inca worms. Lin directly ignored the small ones, but attacked a recent large rock that was about 100 meters long and covered with a diameter of one to five. Around the mouth of the rice, these holes are the entrance to the Inca group, they are arranged in an orderly manner, and it seems that large units cannot enter.

A large number of predators climbed the rock and drilled into these holes to attack inside. When the predators surrounded the hole, a lot of blasters burst out of it and slammed into the hunting that Lin was close to. At the same time, there are a large number of black bees stuck in every hole on the rock, and the Inca group intends to stop Lin to attack.

Now the whole underground is banging, and there is not much time left. If so, use a straightforward approach!

Lin intends to invest in the 'art creator' directly into the rock cave to destroy all the Inca insects inside.

Leviathan flew forward and fired a huge bomb from the muzzle. It directly smashed the black bee colony stuck in the hole, and the bomb entered the rock nest.


Under the intense explosion, the shock wave ran across the rock, and numerous Inca insects were hit by a strong impact on the inner wall of the rock. The internal organs and blood rushed out of the mouth, and some were directly blown out of the hole and fell. When it is above the ground. It is already a pile of limbs.

Under such a strong explosion. The Inca insects suffered heavy casualties. But the structure of the whole rock is not damaged at all. Lin knows that these rock structures contain a lot of spider webs. The strong toughness not only keeps the rock stable and does not collapse, but also resolves such strong art creators. Shockwave attack is an extremely powerful defense.

But the spider web has a weakness, afraid of high temperature damage...

Lynn rushed a large number of predators into the rock that was bombarded by Lin, killing all the Inca swarms that survived. There are no powerful arms in it, almost completely black bees and a few medium-sized arms, and most of them are wounded, and Lyne easily occupied the rock.

However, there are still a lot of equally huge rocks, they are arranged next to the piece that Lynn occupies, and there are large arms guarded.

The two crackers are on the top of a huge boulder of more than two hundred meters. This boulder seems to have a platform specially designed for them. Now they are merged with giant pythons. Send a message to Lynn.

The information is very simple, only one meaning: "Dead!"

But even the crackers are constantly tapping on this vocabulary. The Inca swarm did not allow any of the units to attack Lin, they seemed to be stuck, and each stayed in the rock lair and did not move at all.

Lynn let a lot of smashers climb the occupied rocks and respond to the Inca worm with their well-developed sound sacs: "Dead!"

Both Lin and the Inca worms are constantly speaking, and both sides try to cover each other with their own voices. It seems that the fierce battle has turned into a battle of sound. The Inca worms seem to have no fighting, but Lin actually Is waiting for an opportunity to arrive...

Lin is paying attention to the top of the cave, the crack, which is spreading there.

When a crack spread to the head of the cracker, Lynn suddenly let Leviathan violently fire a bomb! The bomb exploded on the crack. As the impact spread, a huge stone was shaken by the bomb and smashed onto the head of the cracker.

However, this **** reacted extremely fast. It opened the giant python to 180 degrees against the boulder from the sky. When the stone approached, it suddenly merged the giant python!

Under the bang of the loud noise, this rock with a diameter of five meters was clipped into numerous pieces by the giant clam.

This is really amazing, Lin has not thought that the **** actually has this reaction speed.

'Boom! The **** once again hit the giant python and seemed to show off its power to Lin.

Lin is also preparing for the next attack, but the sudden appearance of the sudden appearance of the scene makes Lin stop the current action.

I saw the boulder that had been broken by the cracker. The pieces scattered around it did not fall on the ground, but slowly floated into the air...

Will the stone float? Is this new trick for Inca?

Lin immediately let the troops guard, but the two crackers were still snoring, and no other Inca swarms were drilled out of the rock...

And the pieces of stone actually floated slowly to the top of the hole, and then it seemed to be sticky and stuck on the top of the hole.

Does this feel like something in the top of the cave **** it up?

'Boom! Boom! ’

The two crackers apparently saw this scene. They are even more cheerful. They don’t seem to be surprised by this kind of thing. That is to say, what tricks are they doing?

This situation... I feel very wrong...

At this time, Lin suddenly found that the clods, stones and sand scattered around the ground began to float slowly. They floated slowly, but they were floating. Lin used the scanner. Carefully probed, no wires were pulling the stones, they were... themselves floating.


Suddenly the boulder occupied by Lin’s army swayed, and Lin could feel that it had to be raised.

So huge stones... Is there such a thing?


At this time, Lynn heard a brain worm yelling at the display.

This shouting made Lin immediately turn her attention to the other side. Lin knew that the sound capsule of the brainworm was not suitable for such pronunciation, and it may cause various problems such as damage to the sound capsule, so it usually does not bring emotion into the sound.

If it screams like this, it is not extreme anger, it is a serious problem.

The brainworm continued to say: "Month, is close, influential, fully arrived."

month? Is this the impact of the month?

Lin’s troops on the ground are also paying attention to the night sky. The moon under the night has become much larger than before. It is far more than other stars and seems to be much larger than the previous day and night.

But there was nothing in the last day and night, Lin thought that the impact of the month would slowly take effect, how could it suddenly have such a huge impact?

"Month, resonate with Mingshi." The brainworm said: "Mingshi, let everything rise."

At this time, Lin noticed that the large number of rocks made by the Inca group began to rise slowly into the air... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ the gift of the Son of Heaven~

Thanks ~ stardust drive ~ monthly ticket ~

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