4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1017: Distant fear

It comes from a distant place.

Its past life, and what it is waiting for... all this is a mystery, because it is said that almost no creatures have been to its hometown.

Only after it came to this side, it was known to many creatures and had the term 'fear'.

But the reason why fear comes here is that few creatures will know that it is not voluntarily coming here, but is brought here by a very special creature.

This particular creature lives in a world that is covered by the ocean, and fear does not know much about this group of creatures.

However, it knows that this group of creatures is studying a study...

This group of creatures believes that in this void, any activity of anything is caused by another thing.

For example, a stone will move, because there is a creature pushing it, and the reason that the creature pushes the stone is because its brain has issued instructions.

Everything is moved by the influence of another thing, and this group of creatures think so.

Then they make a decision... They want to be the influencers of everything. Simply put, they want to direct everything, everything that is in this void.

And intends to let everything change, grow, act, and create what they think... the perfect world.

Although it seems simple, it is an unreachable goal, but they have been researching in this direction and are constantly conducting various research.

This research process is very long, and they have not given up the idea.

For them. Creatures are much more interesting than other foods. So they put the first goal on the creature. There are many ways to transform the various creatures in the void, and keep all the records of their transformations in their ocean-covered world.

At some point, they found a distant place in some way.

The creatures have reached many places, and they were surprised when they found this place because they found themselves unable to reach this place.

This place is called unforeseen.

Although there is such a name, this group of creatures still uses various methods to ... peep into that place. And observe the various things there, they are at this time, found ... fear.

The fear at this time is not called fear. It has no name. This group of creatures originally called it ‘scattering energy.’

It is better to use the name fear.

The fear of unpredictable land... The creature thinks that fear can provide useful help, and this group of creatures brings fear to this void.

After the fear came, the creatures poured a lot of their own ... will, or their own thoughts, and made some modifications to their fears.

After everything was done, the creatures released their fears. Their original purpose was to let fear affect the surrounding creatures.

According to the plan of this group of creatures, some other creatures that are exposed to fear will be affected. They are then transformed into the form they expect.

But this kind of thing... didn't happen.

Fear was separated from the water polo after leaving the world that was covered by the ocean and called the water polo. It did not do anything that the water polo expected it to do.

After that, fear never touched the water polo, but drifted in the void, continuously... moving around.

This is a very long period. At this time, it slowly officially possessed the title of fear.

Because most of the creatures it touches, you will feel strong fear and try to escape or make crazy moves.

During this period, fear was noticed by more and more creatures, and some creatures tried to ignore its influence, approached it, and some creatures tried to use it as a weapon.

Fear did not care about these creatures, nor was it bound, or continued to drift around in the void.

The drift of fear has also led to the destruction of many creatures, its influence is too strong, and some creatures, or some civilizations, have perished after touching fear.

Therefore, there are many creatures that want to eliminate fear, which is a huge threat to many creatures in the void.

And fear doesn't care about being a threat to yourself. It's better to say that it has never had this kind of thing...the idea, in fact, fear has barely shown any 'thinking', It doesn't usually think about anything, even if it sees so many things in this void, it doesn't have any special reaction.

It only thinks about a very small number of things, one thing is... when you maintain your ‘life’.

Because fear is not eternal, it will be consumed bit by bit... as if an object is always moving when it is moving.

Fear found something in the void that is somewhat similar to oneself, and they will devour this kind of thing to supplement themselves.

Although there is not much problem in maintaining 'life', fear is not intended to stay in this void, and there is another thing that will make it think.

This thing is what fear has always been expected...that is, returning to the unforeseen land.

It has been working hard to achieve this, but it has not returned to the water polo, although it knows it came from the water polo because it... afraid of water polo.

This is an interesting phenomenon, something that can scare countless creatures... There are also fears, but fear of water polo... It is not clear why.

It did not delve into this issue, and in fact it would not delve into anything other than maintaining life and returning.

Fear has been drifting, looking for any way to go back. In the long-term action, it happened to be learned from some creatures... there is something about the collapse.

The collapse was transmitted from unforeseen places. Fear wanted to use the ‘phenomenon’ of collapse to return to the unpredictable land. For this reason, fear began more complicated thinking.

It thinks of some ways that can cause a collapse, but it is difficult to achieve...

Fear itself can't do anything. It doesn't directly affect many things in this void. So... it needs to find some help from the creatures, and fear can achieve its plan.

It found such a kind of... 'biological'.

They are a very subtle thing, to be precise, they are not ordinary creatures, but rather... ‘mechanical’, of course, it does not classify them for fear.

These subtle machines have killed their own manufacturers, mainly because they have their own 'consciousness', which comes from an energy.

An energy that is very similar to fear... I often devour this energy before fear and supplement myself.

But now, it does not engulf these mechanical energy, because this energy gives mechanical awareness.

The energy of fear slowly infects the energy of these machines, thus controlling these machines... The consciousness of the machinery itself is still there, and their ideas are beginning to become consistent with fear...that is, letting fear return to unforeseen places.

This group of micro-machines seems to accept this idea for granted, and does not think there is anything in control of them.

Then, the return of fear continues.

Micromachines have come to a place before being completely controlled by fear. This place was the site of the last collapse. The collapsed star bus group has turned into pieces and turned into countless floating rocks.

But there are still some hidden things here.

Some fear can be exploited to trigger a collapse and return something.

However, micromachines cannot act here arbitrarily because they have reached an agreement with the ... a creature, a gel creature.

This agreement shows that micro-machines only move in a fixed place, can not leave this range, as long as they leave, it is a violation of the agreement, will be attacked.

Micromachines have been doing one thing before, that is, bringing various individual creatures to the floating rock in the void. This is what is done on the surface, and they are still doing a lot of things secretly, that is, secretly putting a lot of floats. The rock was transformed into a base.

There are two types of bases to be rebuilt, one is the activity base and the other is the inactive base. The inactive base is on standby and will not attract any attention, but it can be started at a critical moment.

Micromachines have been making these bases, and they want to use them to wage war on gel creatures at some point.

And after the fear of controlling the micromachine, it also allowed the micromachine to continue doing these things... It needed a micromechanical army to help it occupy this place, in order to start the collapse,

Then, the fear also found that the individual creatures gathered by the micromachines are somewhat...special.

Fear believes that they can be used as carriers to travel to unforeseen places.

After preparing for all kinds of things, fear finally begins to act, because a new collapse will unfold, and that will happen... to connect the world.

This new collapse does not allow fear to return to unforeseen places, because the stellar buses there are not a common collapse, but a series of collapses.

But there is still a way to fear.

It allowed the micro-machine to go all over the void, and began to lock the position of multiple stellar buses, while also locking the star bus that connected the world... and finally collapsed.

Fear can "contag" its collapse to the stellar bus elsewhere in the void, and then trigger a massive common collapse, so that it can return to the unforeseen land. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~b516~俺It’s not a hero~The bamboo demon’s 麒~ After a hard one~Escar~'s monthly ticket~

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