4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1023: Anger is life

"We... must... must destroy them! Kill them!"

Lin’s pompom is floating in one place.

Looking around, you can see towering rocky cliffs, and above these walls... there are metal objects dominated by spheres everywhere.

They vary in size, some are more than a dozen meters in diameter, and some are only about two meters. There are many cracks on the surface of the sphere. The faint light is emitted from these cracks, illuminating the canyon that should be dark.

All of these spherical metals are only one such thing, that is... residential.

Lin's pompom came to the position of the enemy's army with the ‘the bandits’ on the mountain. If you look at it from a high altitude, you can see that the surface is covered with a lot of cracks.

In the cracks, there are many creatures.

They are different from the 'bandits'. Lin's pompoms did not suffer from missile attacks when they flew here, but when they flew into the canyon, they suffered the siege of the creatures living here.

After Lin had a little conversation with them, they temporarily... Trusted the pompoms and allowed the pompoms to visit the things here.

Lin is mainly in the memory of the bandits to understand the language of the creatures here, the two biological languages ​​are connected, and they are considered to be similar creatures.

It is their body structure, which is similar to the 'cold stone', except that the long kind of mountain is like a bandit, and this one is like a long...


They are usually up to a meter long and are covered with a lot of pointed hair that looks like a real caterpillar.

However, their pointed hairs are not used to defend themselves like caterpillars, mainly because of their moving tools.

Because these caterpillars don't fly, they need to use these... hairs to move, and they also have a lot of joints on the hair, which makes their hair as flexible as tentacle.

Moreover, these hairs are also their main means of communication, and they express various meanings by posing different postures with hair. Because the pompoms also have a lot of fluff, they can easily communicate with them.

Through communication with them, Lin learned that they are also the aborigines living here, which was once quite prosperous. But now I can only hide in this position and live a difficult life.

Difficulties are not just because of the lack of resources here, but one thing is that they are always threatened by fear.

The pompoms are now slowly floating at the bottom of the canyon, and Lin can see that there are many caterpillars that are constantly rubbing with some hair in the middle of the body.

This means they are quite... angry.

"You must kill them!" "Death! Blow them up!" "Why is there a weird **** creature here? I can hardly hold it... kill it!"

Lin can simulate their actions in the thoughts as ‘speech’, and the specific meaning they express is almost the same.

Lin found that they had always been extremely hateful to the bandits on the mountain, and they were thinking about killing the bandits all the time.

This is mainly because they fired missiles there. They have the same missile production technology as the bandits.

However, they have a major problem... The missile manufacturing materials here are not as rich as the mountains, and it is said that it is quite difficult to excavate and scarce.

They build missiles as soon as they find enough material, but because of their anger they are quite irritating, so they fire immediately after a small number of missiles. They do not store enough weapons to wage war.

However, this may also be their original purpose, because these caterpillars now mainly rely on this angry mood... living here.

They don't directly abandon fear like a bandit. Although they are similar creatures, they are very different in structure. In short, caterpillars are fearful.

The only way they can avoid fear now is to stay angry.

Because their brains are in an angry situation, they will not start the part of ‘fear,’ because the two emotions are conflicting with caterpillars. There will only be one kind of emotion in their minds.

As long as they remain angry, they can avoid... they are affected by fear. Lin used some micro-arms to detect their bodies and found that they have always maintained their anger.

Lynn feels. It is better to call them 'Raging worms'.

In order to survive, the ‘Rage worm’ must always remember anger, but fortunately they have an opponent, that is, the band of the mountains that completely abandoned the fear.

In fact, these raging worms live in the canyon mainly because of fear energy, but by bandits.

It seems that when the energy of fear comes. The bandits began to attack the raging worms, so the raging worms could only hide in these gorges, which made them very hateful.

They also discovered that as long as they maintain hatred and anger, they will not be affected by fear. If they don't maintain it... they will continue to secrete some 'fear quality' in their bodies, originally in the case of their fear. ... a substance produced in the body.

But in the case of the influence of fear energy, this substance will continue to be produced until it affects the whole body and causes death.

So... this group of worms have been living here for a long time.

They don't need a way to rest like sleep, so they can be kept as long as they want to, but it's not easy, but those rags that can't keep anger are dead.

The rest of the group are successful, and under anger they still have reason, knowing to make things like architecture and daily necessities.

So Lin can see a lot of buildings here, but these buildings are very simple, they use more attention... here.

The pompons have already flown to the end of the canyon, and below the rock wall, Lynn can see a large cave where the worms are coming in and out.

Most of the rags that came out were carrying something, and they were all excavated in the cave.

In fact, there are many similar caves in the canyon here. The materials of the missiles and other things, as well as the food, are dug out from the ground.

And there is a wonderful place in the underground here... the micro-machine without fear is here.

Lynn has previously detected that the fear here is attached to the micro-mechanical, while the micro-machine is covered with a position close to the surface, and in some places it directly covers the ground.

However, there are no micro-machines near these canyons, as micro-mechanics does not specifically cover them, so Lynne is also very interested in this place.

The pompom has now flown into the cave. This cave is like a mine cave. There are many machines on the surrounding cave wall.

These machines look like roots...the arms, which are usually several meters long and have a shape such as a drill at the end, which is responsible for excavating the cave.

However, they only throw aside the excavated things, and then the worms need to personally distinguish and pick these things, take out the useful things, and the unwanted things pile up and throw them away.

During the flight, many worms look at the pompon, they are visionous creatures, and their sights always contain hateful emotions.

Some of them want to attack the pompoms, but when the pompoms came here, they communicated with one of their leaders. The leader also ruled all the worms with things like broadcasts, so they now know that pompoms cannot attack. Object.

But they still really want to...do something.

Lynn flew quickly and moved quickly into the depths of the cave. They only left their field of vision and they didn't do anything.

Moreover, Lynn is able to get closer to Lynn's curious things.

In the depths of this mine, Lin can see more and more machinery around, the ground is full of things they have dug, and the worms here... are not so angry.

It is already far from the ground, and it is mainly the fear of covering the ground... It seems that the deeper the underground impact is.

So the rags in this place don't need to be anger all the time.

Although maintaining anger has become a habit they have always had, they will have some angry feelings anyway, but they are better than those above.

Lin thought that there might be a lot of fear energy in a deeper place. It seems that this is not the case, at least not in this position.

Can you say that there are special things in these canyons?

It is known from the memory of a previously detected worm that it was recently the case. Not long ago, the canyon was covered by fear. They have a device that can detect the 'fear index', which was previously left. Device.

Just like bandits, the techniques of the previous worms were much stronger than they are now, and after a drastic change, only a few techniques and anger were retained.

And they can't restore the look of the previous technology right now...

Lin is now looking for why there is no fear of the answer here. At the same time, Lin also sent a question to a nearby comparison... calm worm.

Lin mainly asked it, did they dig out strange things when they dig here, and this worm indicates that there are only useful things and useless things, and there is no such thing as ‘strange’.

That is to say, items that they cannot understand may be sorted into useless things and then thrown away.

If this is the case, then go to their ... garbage dump to take a look.

Lin feels that there is something special here, and that the small nucleus thinks so. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Qianer and Zerg ~ for rewards~

Thanks ~ book worm ~qjde hole wu~dreadtails~ excited e107~ monthly ticket~


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