4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1025: What is it?

This is something that is made up of something that can store the energy of dreams. ¥f,

Lin's pompom is in the middle of the worm's underground cave, but there is no worm in this position, only a large piece that looks like a crystal structure.

This thing is shiny under the light of the pompon, but more importantly it is...intrinsic.

If you touch it a little and then enter the dream, you can see... such a scene.

"You...have you been guarding this place?"

"You... can you guard this place from a distance?"

In a space that is not very large, Lynn can see a lot of small light **** and a ... big light ball, those small light **** are the little guardians brought by Lin.

The big light ball is a nucleus protector, or something similar in this crystal object. After the test, Lin found that the composition of the light ball is very similar to that of the small protector.

It's bigger, as it's seen now, its diameter seems to be more than a meter, ten times larger than the little guards that Lin brings.

However, the big one is not only the body shape, it contains more energy than the small guardian, and Lin feels that the small protector is a homologous creature.

Just don't know why it is here.

“Why are you in this place?” Lynn sent a lot of such inquiries to it, and its answer is generally...

"I am guarding this place! Is it a place that can be guarded? Do you know? You are here, it is a place that can be guarded! We must guard this place!"

Other small nucleators will also talk to it. In short, they seem to be very familiar. Although they have some differences, the little nucleus likes it.

Then, Lin continued to ask some questions... Although it said that its personality is the same as that of the small guardian, there are some ways to ask what you want to know.

However, it seems that I don't know why I am here, how long I have been here, and myself... what it is.

It also has a strong idea of ​​guarding certain things. It’s the same as the guardian I’ve seen, and why it’s here... it’s a mystery.

Lynn feels that it is the reason why the surrounding fear energy is not close to the canyon. What is interesting is that the fear energy does not want to destroy it. Just leave it alone.

If you want to investigate its source, Lynn feels that it should start with... these creatures.

Looking to the side, Lin can see the creature that was chased by the pompoms like a cold stone.

It is now motionless here, mainly caused by pompoms, and the pompons emit some fluff to stick it to the ground. It also detected its in vivo condition.

All in all, this group of creatures is a group of...wild creatures here.

They usually live in the depths of the ground and dig into the various substances inside, but recently they liked the body of the worm, so they appeared in the mine hole.

And these 'cold stones' themselves do not abandon fear, nor do they maintain themselves in anger like rags, they have the same fear as normal creatures.

Therefore, the way they avoid fear of pollution is to approach the nucleus of the protector.

There seems to be no fear energy approaching in this large area around the crystallizer. This makes them able to live well here.

In general, close to the small nucleus is almost as close to fear energy, they will make the creature go crazy, but this nucleator seems to have no problem, because these cold stones always touch it, it has become the cold stone... The source of life.

Therefore, the cold stone should also run around with crystals.

Even so, they don't have the idea of ​​protecting crystals. When Lin is close to the crystallization, they are scattered to escape, although I don't know what other cold stones think. However, this piece that Lynn caught, it felt that Lin's pompoms would not be interested in their crystallization.

These cold stones are also relatively high in intelligence. Although they are not as good as rags and bandits, they can carry out some complicated thinking.

And this crystallization is that they moved here from the depths of the earth. So continue to go deep into the ground to find out what.

Lynn decided to let the pompoms move on. At the same time, Lin had to do another thing, that is...

'boom! ’

Above the surface, under the sky outside the mountains, the brilliance of the explosion lights up again. The explosion was also caused by missiles, and the missiles that Lynn fired.

Because on the plains in the distance, the micro-mechanical army reappeared.

They are also like thick fog this time, coming to the mountain... and not using any weapons from long-range attacks, not even sure if they want to attack, but Lin still blows them up.

But they quickly gathered again and came to this side, so Lin did not launch the missile so fast this time, but let Clarken send some signals to these surging machinery.

These signals are mainly used to communicate with fear energy. Lin said that it does not necessarily need to collapse to reach unforeseen places. There should be other methods.

And the tiny micromachines that came in like Lin’s thoughts... Nothing happens, they continue to flow here.

Lynn thinks that they may not like to communicate, so... what is that?

Lin suddenly found that there was a flash in the group of micro-mechanical groups in the distance, which is the kind of attack that they commonly use in floating rock.

A flash of light shot in the mechanical group, toward the position of Craken... This mountain full of missiles fired.

'boom! ! ! A fierce explosion rang in the air, and the flash exploded just before hitting the mountain.

That was mainly because a huge stone appeared at the explosion point, which blocked the flash.

This is Lin's attacking stone. At the moment the opponent fired, it appeared in front of the mountain and resisted the attack from the micro-machine.

I don't know if it was because of Lin's communication with them or for other reasons. The micro-mechanical suddenly adopted a long-range attack and wanted to directly blow up the mountain.

The previous attack stone hit by the flash has destroyed most of it. It swayed down to the ground, and the micro-mechanical group in the distance gathered again.

'boom! Then, the sound of the explosion re-emerged, but it happened in the micro-mechanical group. The explosion swallowed up a large number of micro-machines, and the smoke-like mechanical group showed a huge gap.

And the flash of their gathering disappeared.

This is because... a missile hit the machine earlier, and the missile was not launched from the mountain, but from the sky on the top of the mountain.

There, an attacking stone is floating, and in the next second, there is a second attacking stone next to it, followed by a third one...

A large number of attacking stones have appeared in the air around the mountains, and it seems that in response to these attacking stones, there is a strong black fog on the vast plains.

It seems that the micro-machines that are covered on the ground are now starting to move. They are like the overwhelming clouds, covering the starry sky of the world... The only sky on the mountain where the attacking stone and Clayken are still remains. The brilliance of the stars.

Lin has sent a total of 30 attacking stones. They have been surrounded by a circle around the mountain. Facing the emergence of the mechanical army, their forces seem to be relatively thin.

The surrounding micro-machines have a dazzling light...


Before they attacked, an explosion occurred first among the micromechanical groups.

The strong explosion caused a huge gap in the micromachined army, through which the dazzling stars in the sky, and ... many attacking stones, could be seen again.

Lin did not only send the attacking stone to the side of the mountain, but there are quite a few attacking stones appearing in... the void.

'boom! ! ! ’

The explosion rang in succession, and the dense micro-machines began to dissipate rapidly under the bombardment of this burst. When the explosion almost reached the end, the mechanical group that had originally covered the sky almost disappeared.

Instead, ... the attacking stones of the sky, their number is more than a thousand, and their firepower is enough to sweep all the micro-machines here.

The stones slowly descended, and they swept the surface while sweeping the micromachines around them.

When the attacking stones fell to the ground, the plain area almost became 'clean'.

The fear energy originally covered on the plains could not be felt, because the micro-machines on the ground all flew out and all were cleaned up.

There are many... small holes in the surface, which are traces of the diamonds they have left.

These holes are very subtle, which proves that they have been hiding here before, although all of them have just come out to attack, but Lin feels that they seem to be under-prepared.

The micromachines here do not have any special weapons, they are the most basic kind of troops.

However, it is only the removal of the micro-machines on this plain, but it can still be detected, and there is still a strong fear energy in the farther places.

This tumbling person has indeed been covered by fear energy, but after Lin came here, it just started this unit to attack.

Does this mean that they are thinking about any special plans?

However, Lin was not in a hurry to destroy them all. Lin asked the attacking stone here to start digging on the ground. Lin decided to build something here.

For example, the ‘door’ connected to the floating rock, and...something else. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thank you ~ 5788~

Thanks~ wrong, it’s a reward for the picturesque mountains and rivers~

Thanks ~n small k~ sea in the bright moon ~ lock Luo Meng ~ darkildat ~ monthly ticket ~ sf0916

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