4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1027: Quietly

They don't seem to find out...

Here is a dark and open place... To be precise, here is an underground cave.

A branch of Lin is slowly moving here.

This unit is a rock spider, but it is somewhat different from the previous one. This is Lin's special manufacturing unit for the detection of micro-machines.

It can be invisible before the micromachine.

When the micromachine detects it, it will produce the same reaction as the ordinary stone here. In simple terms, it is... no reaction.

This allows the tarant to move slowly here, and this place is the one that Lin found before, where it is possible to hide the conveyor.

Lin first let the rock spider come here to explore, but also test the ability to hide it. At present, Lin found that... just pay attention to not to step on the micro-machine, then there is no problem.

Because, at the foot of the rock spider's feet, a lot of micro-machines are laid.

But they are not completely dense. There are still a lot of gaps between these machines. Lin let the rock spiders step on these gaps and slowly move among them...

Every step taken, the rock spider will cause subtle ... vibrations in the surrounding ground, which is the only place where the machine can notice the rock spider.

But they don't actually respond. These tiny machines seem to be in a state of sleep. They are all motionless. If they move, it will make the spider's action much more difficult.

There are many fine machines around the ground, there are many...larger machines.

Now, there is a machine like this at the side of the rock spider. It is up to five meters. It is much larger than a one-meter rock spider. As for its shape... it is not fixed.

Now the machine is square, but after a few seconds, Lin noticed that it began to change shape, and the entire square was transformed into another shape like an amoeba.

This is because it is mainly composed of a number of subtle micro-machines that are different from each other on the ground.

So every ten seconds or so, they change shape, and all the micromachines are rearranged. Change their position.

There are many such changing machines in this cave, and Lin feels that they are testing something.

However, the number of them is not much enough to block the road. Lin's tarant slowly walks between them and moves toward a goal...

Now, this goal has already appeared in the eyes of Lynn.

Ten meters away from the rock spider, Lynn can see a big thing... Lin can detect it, this should be the device used for transmission.

It looks like a transparent...box, up to ten meters, with a bright red object in a transparent outer casing.

It feels like a gel creature... a piece of meat, but Lynn thinks it should be something like a bus organ. It is constantly squirming.

The rock spider ran faster and crossed over countless machines. The rock spider approached this thing, and when he looked closely, Lin found that there were also many micro-machines on the outer casing.

These micro-mechanics are constantly moving on the outer casing, and it seems that there is no clear purpose, that is, moving back and forth.

But they are not dense, so Lynn's tarant can easily reach the transparent shell...

The rock spider lifted the forelimbs and touched the outer shell slightly. With the structure of the drill bit extending from the end of the front limb, Lin let the rock spider open the outer shell and detect the organ inside.

But... there is no action yet.

Because, if you do this, it is likely to cause micro-mechanical attention around, so Lin wants to try other methods.

Lin's tarant was sent here, but it was sent to a farther, outside the cave, so I had to run over. Now, Lin wants to give it a try... Is it possible to send this thing away?

It's not working now, because Lynn's transporting organ doesn't sense it. As long as he perceives the things in this cave, he can only feel a lot of fear.

Therefore, what Linde has to do is to dispel the fear here, perhaps to perceive the things in the cave and then send them out.

Thinking, Lin let the rock spider's back slowly split...

In the crack that cracked on the back of the rock spider, there was a shining light, and a crystal-like object appeared on the back of the rock spider slowly opening.

At the moment when the crystallization appeared, all the machines on the ground that seemed to be resting suddenly moved. They spread like dust from the dust that was blown away, just like... want to escape.

This crystallization is the crystallization of the newly discovered protector, which looks very effective and can instantly make these fear-containing machinery feel... fear.

But the reaction only lasted for more than a second, and then all the machinery was re-enclosed, and before they came round, the rock spider had extended its forelimbs and drilled a transparent outer shell that transported the organs in front.

At the time of drilling, Lin also introduced the nucleus in the crystal carried by the rock spider into the organ in front.

The limbs of the rock spider can transfer the dream energy in the crystal into the organ, and this organ can also carry the dream energy.

After the introduction, the rock spider has been surrounded by countless micro-mechanical groups, and they begin to rapidly decompose the entire body of the rock spider.

But at the same time, Lin's transmission perception in the distance can already feel the organs in this cave, mainly the nucleus who was introduced into the forest, and purified the fear energy in the organ.

'Snapped! Therefore, after an instant, the transporting organ in the cave disappeared and it appeared again in another cave.

And this cave is where the caverns of Lin Kelken are... the caves on the mountains.

After the organ was transferred, Craken immediately extended his tentacles and sprinkled a large number of subtle arms on it, allowing the arms to clean the micro-machines on the outer casing.

It seems that taking this thing is not so difficult... then I will study it...

'boom! ’

When Lin thought so, the sky outside the mountain suddenly exploded, and looked out through the missile's launch port, and it was able to see a powerful explosion in the air.

The explosion was caused by a flash of light that had just been shot from a distance. It was intercepted before hitting the mountain, so that the explosion could be seen.

However, more than this time, Lin can still see a lot of flashes flying from all directions, the target is directly aimed at the top position of Clarken.

The surrounding attack stones immediately counterattack, they quickly fire missiles or light, intercepting all nearby attacks.

It seems that Lin’s move to send the organ has angered the fear energy. It is now beginning a continuous attack, and more and more flashes are flying here.

When Lynn intercepted these flashes, Clarken quickly studied the transfer organ. Under the transparent outer shell, the transporting organs like the meat pieces had been put into a large number of micro-arms.

After their testing, Lin believes that this organ is something like a virtual bus to transport organs.

But to be precise, it is not like the transporting organ of any bus creature. The structure inside has many different places. It is an object that works together with a lot of things smaller than the cells.

Mainly it does not have ... information sources.

It is something like the nucleus of a multicellular organism.

The source of information controls the growth of bus-like creatures, usually found in some important organs, and this does not mean that ... it may not belong to any creature, and Lin feels that it may be manufactured.

It is like an organ of a Void bus, it can be transported without storing energy, but there are also many restrictions, and it can't transmit too many objects.

Lynn also found that this thing still lacks a set of transmission awareness systems.

The sensing system and the transmitting organ are usually together, sensing the system to confirm the object and the target, and then transmitting the system to restart.

And this transmitting organ has no perception system, and maybe they are not put together.

But these are not very important. What is important is that Lynn can investigate what the organ has transmitted and where it was sent.

Through it, you can find other hiding points of fear energy, and...

‘ booming...’

Suddenly, Lin felt that the whole mountain was swaying abruptly, and a large number of missiles around it were rolling around in the shock, and many hit the rock wall.

But this will not let them explode, but there is something explosion here.

The explosion was at the bottom of the mountain, so the whole mountain would be shaken. In the mountains, the fearless bandits all flew to the explosion point at the moment of the mountain vibration.

Lin has a lot of pompons to observe the life of the bandits in the whole mountain. Now they seem to have to solve the source of the explosion, and Lin feels that it is better to escape from here.

Because the fear energy seems to be completely... angry.

'boom! ! ! ’

The mountain swayed again and again, and from the outside it was seen that the mountains were covered with a lot of cracks, but it seemed that the whole mountain could still support it for a while.

So, Lin immediately started all the ... missiles.

The missiles on the top of the mountain were all transformed by Clarken. As long as they think about it, they will all move. All the missiles will fly out from the top of the mountain and fly in all directions of the world.

They have no special goals. The mission of these missiles is... to bomb any place with a lot of fear energy.

This should be able to clean up some of the fear troops, or ... induce them to intercept.

Anyway, you can clean them up. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ wandering 24315~ rewards~

Thanks ~ Nighthawk Changming ~5857443~ Wushuang Bookworm j~go2go~ monthly ticket~

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