4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1037: Diffusion of dreams

The ecology called ‘dreams’ begins in this world... slowly expanding.

A huge amount of dream energy overlaps with real things, and creatures in dreams interact with real creatures.

This is what the Dreamer expects to see. They use the new core of dreams to create a mixture of dreams and real environments.

The Dreamer began to continuously observe and study the creatures in these environments. In the study... they found that some dream creatures began to symbiosis with real creatures.

They slowly form a dependency, and even then no one can be inseparable, and when the dream creature is destroyed, the symbiotic real creature will also perish.

These interesting phenomena have attracted dreamers. They like this environment quite a bit. It seems that the state of this mix makes the dreamers feel very happy... happy.

Soon, they transformed the world in which they lived into this dream environment.

They cover the world with huge dream energy, making the world a completely overlapping world of reality and dreams.

This may be the first overlapping world... just like the world of dreams that Lynn encountered.

The original dream energy can only be restricted to the load, and the Dreamer later made some adjustments to the energy, which allowed the dream energy to be centered on the load and scattered in the surrounding space.

Simply put, a stone with a diameter of one meter that can carry dream energy, can make the surrounding radius of ten meters or more full of dream energy.

Although these dream energies are centered on this stone, they can spread out and be surrounded.

But not all dream energy can be like this, and some dream energy can only cover as large as its load.

However, some can spread out, and with this diffuse dream energy, the whole world will soon be completely covered.

After the dreamers created such a world, they continued to observe the growth of the world's creatures, and they themselves did not exert too much influence on the growth process of the creatures.

Because the Dreamer is quite interested in the self-change process of these creatures.

In the course of observation, they found that both dream creatures and real creatures will change greatly in a short period of time, but dream creatures change faster...

quickly. The Dreamer discovered that a new dream creature was born.

In general, dream creatures must be in an environment covered by dream energy. They cannot leave dream energy, but some kinds of dream creatures that are newly born do not have this limitation.

They can leave the area covered by the dream energy. As long as there is something as a 'carrier', they can follow the carrier and live alone in the dream zone.

These dream creatures that can live alone are initially found in places that are not covered by energy.

Although energy covers the whole world, there are always some... loopholes, and some areas are not covered by dream energy. In this area, these special dream creatures appear.

These dream creatures usually use a variety of things as carriers to live in places where there is no dream energy coverage, but in these places, they are not free to move, so they may stay in a carrier for a long time.

Although weavers are the makers of all these things, they are still amazed at the changes in these creatures, such as creatures that can get rid of the energy of dreams. They didn't even think of such creatures at first.

Dreamers feel that the dreams they create and the real overlapping environment have unlimited possibilities. They decided to continue to expand the dream energy.

However, the dream energy has covered the whole world. How do they continue to expand?

In general, the easiest way is to throw the carrier of energy into the void, and then let the dream energy expand in the void.

Dreamweavers, on the other hand, use another method, which creates a device that is primarily used to detect energy in the distance.

Dreamers believe that there may be many places in the void that have dream energy connections from distant places. They are looking for these dream energies.

And the devices they make are able to detect far away. Lin thinks that some of them are like the stellar bus's transmission perception, and they can detect some places in a long distance.

The Dreamer quickly found an area closest to them. This place seemed to be a galaxy, and there was a reaction of dream energy in a tumbling man of that galaxy.

Followed by. The Dreamer decided to go to that place to see.

Dreamers do not have the skills to transmit real substances. At present, they do not seem to have encountered bus-like creatures, but Dreamers have... the technology to transmit dream energy.

In fact, they use a method to connect their dream energy to the dream energy of other tumbling people in the distance, and establish a connection between the two.

This way they can reach directly to another place with dream energy.

At this time, the Dreamweaver also created a new core of dreams, and let a ... army take the core of this dream to the new world.

Their purpose is clear: to transform that place into a tumbling person that is completely covered by dream energy. Create an identical 'overlapping world' on top.

But... when the troops reached the new tumbling man along the passage, they suffered... attack.

There is no detailed process of the attack here, but it is said that the Dreamweaver’s troops were attacked by another kind of dream creature. This dream creature seems to be very powerful. They destroyed the Dreamweaver’s troops, and the Dreamweaver took it. The core of that dream is also lost...

Shortly after this, the Dreamers once again sent more powerful troops, but after they arrived again, they did not find the dream creatures that attacked them, nor did they find the lost dream core.

Dreamers are very concerned about this incident, so they decided to look for these attackers, but they did not forget the original mission, they began to transform this new tumbling, transform it into a world of dream energy.

After this time, the Dreamweaver is not quite... satisfied.

Mainly speed issues, covering a world described here seems simple, but it actually takes a long time.

Dreamers want to cover more of the world into a dream zone at a faster rate.

They didn't say what they were meant to do, but... Lin thought it might be related to their development.

They mainly indicate here that they like to observe changes in various organisms.

Then, Dreamweavers continue to develop new dream cores, and they try to create a core that will automatically “grow”.

At the same time, in the process, the pursuit of the Dreamers has progressed, and they found the location of the dream creatures that attacked them somewhere.

The Dreamer discovered that the creatures...the intelligence is not very high, but they are very threatening. In order to deal with this kind of thing, the Dreamer begins to create a...dream creature.

They are also the first to directly create dream creatures, but in reality they are not created out of thin air, but to find a dream creature born in a world covered by dreams, and then transform them...

Finally, a special dream creature was created.

This kind of creature... is used as a weapon by the Dreamweavers. After they are made, the Dreamers let them attack the dream creatures that have attacked the Dreamweaver.

Soon, this battle won, because these creatures are specially made ‘weapons’ by Dreamweavers, they are very...strong.

This is true for other dream creatures.

It’s just the core of the dream that was lost before, and the Dreamweaver never found it.

They are very concerned about this matter, but in the case that they cannot be found, they can only give up.

At this time, the Dreamweaver is almost ready for a new core.

When they used the core before, they needed to be 'operating' next to it, and the core of this manufacturing didn't need to do anything because it would... grow automatically.

According to the dreamers, they only need to put the core of the dream in the right place, and it will slowly cover the whole world.

The Dreamer intends to create multiple of these dream cores and then put them in a lot of places.

At the same time, they also think of danger, so they add a protective function to the core of this dream.

It is the kind of creatures that used them as weapons, and the dreamers let these creatures protect the core of dreams.

This seems to be the original...protector.

It's just that they have many differences with the current protectors, for example, they are added from the outside, not from the core of dreams.

And there are still some problems that happen later.

After the first dream core was sent to a distant place, the Dreamer decided to observe the situation on a regular basis. They quickly discovered that the core of the dream did not grow, and the Dreamer decided to recycle the core.

But before they went to recycle, they suddenly lost contact with the core, and later they could no longer find the core.

This kind of problem did not let the dreamers give up, they continue to send the dream core to the distance, this time they will automatically grow the dream core to a relatively close place, and then keep an observation of it, this time There is no problem.

Until this core growth almost covered the entire world, there were some strange things happening.

This situation is mainly caused by some changes in the core itself. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ 绯红弦月~1888!

Thanks ~ Philippine fluttering ~ rewards ~

Thanks for the monthly ticket of ~kmt.g~noganl~~sf0916

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