4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1039: perfect?

‘guarders’ have an innate mission, they are born to protect the core, they have been remembering this task since birth...

The Dreamer is very surprised by this phenomenon...

... Although they are manufacturers, they are completely incapable of predicting what will happen to their manufacture.

But at least... they can understand this phenomenon through research after an anomaly. Although the protector is very powerful, the Dreamer succeeds...stops them and then begins to study the core they guard.

The Dreamer is in the midst of research, and the core of the dream that has been lost has a very strange situation. It is like... alive.

Because these protectors are all made by the core of dreams.

The Dreamer discovered that a series of ‘programs’ in the core of the dream have been changed. As for the details of the changes, Lin saw only a brief description of the information.

The program in the core of dreams is mainly changed from 'fixed' to 'unfixed'.

The core of dreams originally had a set of fixed procedures that allowed it to continuously expand its dreams. Unless the dreamers make adjustments and changes, the development model of the core of dreams will not change.

However, the dream core found by this dreamer, its program is no longer fixed, they find that the core will ... change the practice according to various situations.

For example, if the host of the dream core is damaged, it will try to move to another safe place.

Dreamweavers have discovered that this core has moved many places, and that every time it moves, it is stronger than the previous place, which means it is always looking for a safe place.

When the core is threatened by a dream creature, it will protect the protector, so the core can be protected from both real and dream threats.

At the same time, the core has also changed its own mode. The behavior mode set by the original Dreamer will allow the core to continuously expand the dream, but this core will not expand.

It completely stopped the expansion action, but... has been inactive in one place. Only leave when threatened.

The strangest thing about all this is that this dream core does not receive any other instructions or the like. At least the Dreamer has not found anything in the core to issue orders here.

It seems that everything is the same as the core itself.

Therefore, the Dreamer believes. The core stops expanding the dreams mainly... It feels that this may threaten itself.

Because the expansion of dreams will increase the chances of being discovered by something else, and also produce dream creatures, these dream creatures may threaten themselves, so they decide... to stop the expansion of dreams. And hide in a safe place to live.

It seems that the core of dreams has completely become a kind of 'biological' that will focus on its own interests.

And this change is not... very strange.

Therefore, when Dreamweavers originally created this kind of dream core that would automatically expand, there was the idea of ​​making this core something like... ‘biological’.

The core of the Dreamer's original manufacture already has this foundation, which means that the core may have its own 'will', and it may become like this if it is affected by some external forces.

It was only the Dreamer who thought that it was impossible to have such influence under the 'natural environment'. Even the Dreamer himself had not fully figured out how to let the core generate his own thoughts.

Seeing this, Lin wants to know how they make the core of dreams. The core of the original dream can be said... nothing, and the core of the dreams is more and more advanced, and now they even think for themselves.

However, according to the description of the Dreamer, this kind of thinking is not complicated, it is just a simple behavior of 'self-interest'.

However, discovering the core of this lost dream is a good thing for the Dreamer.

Because, the Dreamer wants to create a more powerful dream core at an early age.

According to the Dreamer, this is a fairly 'perfect' thing, and this 'perfect core' has many functions. It can even be used as a 'warship'.

The foundation of this perfect core is like the usual core, which can release a lot of dream energy to spread in the world.

However, the dream energy created by the perfect core does not depend on the core itself.

Even if disconnected from the core, these energies can be maintained.

And the perfect core itself. It is not bound by a fixed carrier, it can move around, but it is not completely unrestricted. It can only be active in the dream energy that it creates.

At the same time, the perfect core can also detect the dream energy in the void elsewhere, and connect with that place to form the 'channel' and then go to that place.

When I go to that place. It can carry some of the dream energy here and the dream creature to leave, so this perfect core can also be used as a ‘warship’ to carry a large number of dream creatures for long-distance travel.

The main thing is that this perfect core has its own thinking ability, they can make a variety of different choices for different situations.

To make this kind of core, we must also ensure that this core is absolutely 'loyalty', so they must do something special to make the perfect core.

The perfect core must be made by a dreamer's thoughts, which means that the perfect core itself is made up of an individual of a dreamer.

It’s just that there are some... problems, they have not completed this core, it seems that this kind of production is very difficult.

They still haven't revealed any details of the core of the production here. It is obvious that the dreamers don't want to share such things, but they are willing to describe their experiences of failure and destruction.

The perfect core is too complicated, the dreamer has not been able to complete it before, and after that... after the destruction of the world, they are even more impossible to complete.

But now, they have discovered this once lost core... they found some key things in it.

This allows the Dreamweaver to complete their perfect core.

Next, Dreamweavers began this work. They intend to complete the perfect core and leave this resource-poor world and continue to develop in a new world.

Therefore, the Dreamweavers chose one of their groups...the individual, which will be mixed with the core of this dream to form a perfect core.

Although there is no accurate description, Lin feels that their hybrid method is somewhat like the original creator sucking the core.

Finally... this plan is a success.

Through a series of complex compositions, the Dreamers succeeded in creating a perfect core, which is what the Dreamer thinks, and it has its own thinking, because it is made by a Dreamer.

Although it seems that this core already has the ability to think, it is very ‘primitive’ thinking ability, and the dreamer's thinking will replace it and integrate with the core to become the mind that controls the whole core.

This feeling is a bit like the feeling of installing a ... intellectual brain with a higher intelligence in a body with almost no intelligence.

The plan was very successful, and there were no problems in the mixing process. Some of the problems that the original Dreamers were worried about... did not appear.

Originally they thought that there might be mixed unsuccessful things that would lead to the destruction of the entire core, but it was not.

At the beginning of the construction, the core of the mixture is like a ‘茧’, wrapped in dazzling light.

When the light slowly dissipates, it will reveal something like a thick fog inside.

This is the ‘perfect core’, it is completely different from the environment of the usual core. If the general core environment is like a boiling volcanic lava, the perfect core is like the smoke rising from the volcano.

When this smoke is revealed, the dreamers think they have succeeded.

However, when the dreamers were to celebrate their success, something happened that they didn't think of.

That is the perfect core they constructed...

Although there are thoughts, there is no memory.

It...has no memory of itself as a dreamer, but like a new creature born at the beginning, wondering what it is.

This is not the phenomenon that the Dreamers want to see. If the perfect core does not know that they used to be dreamers, then everything they do has no meaning.

Therefore, Dreamweaver immediately began to detect the perfect core and tried to restore it to memory.

The memory of the dream creature is stored in what place, Lin is not very clear, but recalling the memory of this thing... It seems to be quite difficult for the dreamer.

Dreamer... no success.

Or they didn't have time to succeed.

Because at the time of their research, the perfect core began to have a variety of ideas, and it was quite disgusted with the Dreamer's research on this kind of thing.

So, it escaped.

This perfect core uses its own ability to detect the dream energy in the void far from here, and then connect with it and then flee to that place.

When it ran away, it also took away some of the dreamers who studied it.

The Dreamweaver could have stopped it all, but their reaction was still a little slower. This incident led to... The Dreamer suffered a huge loss.

After the perfect core escapes, the Dreamweaver loses contact with the perfect core, but they know where the core has escaped.

But they have no power... to hunt it down.

Then they have to face a lot of ... difficulties. (~^~)

Ps: Thanks ~ He Sky~ The basket is not blue~kmt.g~noganl~

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