4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1043: The last piece

It, go back.

The dream of having the memory of the Dreamer... After being subjected to a fierce battle, it was split into pieces.

It seems like some very... primitive cell-like creatures, even if the dream food splits into multiple pieces, the split pieces can survive, and will retain all the previous memories.

But the ability will not be as strong as before, then it is not clear...

And the last piece that survived... It went to the new world, but it didn't stay there for long.

It detected... its original world still has some residual dream energy.

Although it started all the weapons, the dream energy packs of that world were not completely destroyed, and they still had some look.

So, how long this piece has not been in the new world, it tries to return to the world that was destroyed by it...

After returning to the world, it saw... everything it created.

Although it can't see the real situation in this state now, it can see...the situation of dreams.

The vast and vast space of dreams has now become scattered, and they are like pieces of debris scattered throughout the world.

This feeling is like... The dream space was originally a large continent, but the continent is now flooded and now split into scattered islands.

This is the situation in the dream of the world. It has become a lot of scattered small space. Now, the pieces of dreamers are in a small space.

The diameter of this space... seems to be more than 30 meters, is a very small place.

In this place, Dreamweaver Dream Food began its new plan. It is going to expand its ... new plan here.

It is here... to rebuild the world of dreamers.

It thinks. It has this ability... and it also has this possibility. Although the world has become like this, it should still retain a lot of things, such as the remains.

It is able to reconstruct the entire Dreamweaver civilization on top of this ruins.

So, it started to move in this small space, it first tried to expand the size of this place, but also want to connect this with other spaces.

However, this seems to be difficult because it finds that it has no way to extend the size of this dream space. There are no loads nearby.

Fortunately, there is no problem in establishing a channel. It is connected to a recent dream space. This space is also a very small place, and the two connections are slightly larger.

Then, it began to connect more places, but when it connected to the third place, it encountered some problems.

The third space is relatively large, and the description indicates that there are more than one hundred meters in diameter, but there are some dream creatures here... These dream creatures attacked it at the moment it arrived.

Although it is only a fragment now, it is still stronger than the average dream creature. So it defeated the dream creatures that attacked it and swallowed them.

Simultaneously. It also noticed that the main reason these dream creatures attacked it was because of its previous effects...

Previously, in order to start the weapon, so that a large number of dream creatures entered a mad state, this effect has continued until now, so the current dream creatures are already full of aggressiveness.

As soon as you see any creature other than your own race, they will attack immediately.

In this case, when the Dreamer's dream food is connected to another place, it may be attacked at any time, so it decides not to connect to other places.

It thinks of a new method, it thinks that in reality, there may be some... machinery still remains.

It can signal and issue commands to start these machines, allowing these machines to collect dream energy loads, thereby expanding these narrow and fragmented dream spaces.

It did it right away, and although it couldn't see the real thing, it was able to send a signal to the real.

But... after it sent the signal, after a while, it did not find that the three narrow dream spaces had increased size.

There seems to be no machinery... In response to its commands, or because of any problems, there is no way to expand the dream here, perhaps because there is no material for the load.

This is indeed normal, because the real world has no idea what it will be like.

After waiting for a while, and found that there was no reaction, it decided to do it as before... use the method of connecting multiple small places to expand.

This time, it is cautious when it is connected, and the dream creatures that use the various methods to detect the connection point before connecting.

If there is a dangerous creature, it will not be connected. If it is a better creature, it will be attacked immediately after it is connected.

It uses this method to connect a lot of places, but the time is consumed too long... Slowly, it connects to ten areas, but...

This does not seem to be of any use.

Although the dream creatures in these places have been solved by it, these dream spaces... have become empty and nothing.

Its original idea was to find out what remains of the Dreamer that might remain in these spaces, and then use these residual techniques to build a new kingdom.

However, it does not find any residual things at present, and it can't do these things by itself, because it has memories, but can't recall the details of those technologies.

And it also found a problem, that is, it has no way to grow.

Although it has swallowed up many dream creatures, it finds that it can't grow stronger and stronger as it used to be, and its dreaming ability seems to have changed.

In the past, the various abilities it possessed have disappeared. It can't use any spiritual influence to affect other creatures. Maybe there is only such a broken piece of relationship. Now it becomes more like a... ordinary Dream creatures.

But it's not quite ordinary, because it's a bit more powerful than other dream creatures, and it also finds it has new capabilities, such as... It finds itself capable of making 'offspring'.

Just like splitting, it can create individuals like it, but it needs to have enough energy.

The energy of the former Dreamer can be obtained through the real material, but it can't get energy from reality now, only to swallow other dream creatures.

And it is now planning to do this... So, it starts to attack the dream creatures that remain in the narrow space and devour them and use them as food.

At the same time, it also creates many descendants, who are similar in their thinking ability and other abilities.

But the premise is that they have to grow to ... adulthood.

Because the offspring that have just been created are small, they can be considered a cub, and they need to feed these cubs to make them grow, so it starts feeding them.

It decided to create a lot of offspring to rebuild the entire Dreamweaver population, and it believed that these offspring grew up to be similar to the previous Dreamers group.

They have the same intelligence and are more capable, and they can completely reorganize the entire group.

It doesn't take long...

In this way, the group it builds is getting bigger and bigger, and it has become a 'mother' with many descendants, but these descendants have no memory, or the memory is incomplete, and it has to be taught.

During this period, it also connected more and more dream space, and also allowed these descendants to build a large number of ... buildings in scattered space.

Re-establishing the entire population... The possibility of this idea has become larger and larger, and at some point, when connected to a dream space, it finds that the space has some... lost technology.

These techniques are very special techniques that connect some real creatures into a dream and let them have both a dream and a real perspective.

It can use this technique to...create a whole new kind of creature that can move in dreams and reality at any time, and can use everything on both sides at will...

If you use this technique, it can find some real creatures and then rebuild everything in the real dreamer.

So, it wants to use this technology to observe the real situation, but ... there are some difficulties in observing this.

Although it can use this technique to detect real creatures, it has not found anything after detection.

It seems that no creatures are alive in reality.

However, if you don't use this method, there is no way to rebuild or find something that the Dreamer civilization has left in the real world. Although it is possible to find more technology in a piecemeal space, that...not necessarily find it. .

Because there isn't much left in the piecemeal space, it only detects a small amount of space that has not been explored.

If there is no more discovery in these spaces, they can't do anything...

However, after many tests, it still found some living real creatures, but these creatures are very... primitive, they have almost no intelligence, so they have no effect.

Therefore, it thinks that it may not be able to stay here anymore. It still has to go to other worlds to develop and then return to this place.

But at this time... it found that its ability... weakened.

Although it can detect the dream energy in the distant sky, it has been unable to establish a connection to the place, and its descendants have been trapped in the world.

What should it do? Will they be trapped here forever, until the energy is exhausted and perish? (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks~ Listen to the snow~5857443~o the monthly ticket of 1994~

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