4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1046: Continue to sneak

Almost all know. ≤,

Lin’s pompom is floating in the dense fog...

They are new to explore this world known as the Land of Dreamers, and Lynne needs more troops to understand this place.

However, Lin had already learned a place called the skeleton base through some scattered fluff.

The base, like its name, is made of skeleton machinery, which has a complete engineering system inside, which can quickly assemble the skeleton machinery.

There is also a very good 'dust removal system' that allows the dense fog debris that is mixed in without affecting the internal environment.

It can piece together the materials collected by the skeleton machinery and quickly assemble a large number of machines, but it seems that the machine has an upper limit, that is, after reaching a certain amount, it will stop assembling unless there is any mechanical damage.

The base system is just that, it's quite...simple, its system allows it to continue to circulate in this thick fog, and it can continue to do so.

However, this kind of operation does not seem to make sense, because it has no goals, but it has been working repeatedly.

The skeleton collects two materials back to the base, one is the material used to assemble the skeleton, and the other is the dream energy loader.

They put all the collected materials in the base...the storage room of the skeleton mechanical material is not always full, because it is always necessary to make more skeleton machinery.

However, the storage room of the dream energy loader will always be full. When new materials are collected after the fullness, the base will discard the old part of the material and put it in a new one.

Of course, there is no difference between the old one and the new one. After the old material is thrown out, it will be collected by the skeleton and then put into the storage room... This is a process of repetition.

This seems completely meaningless, because the loader has never had the opportunity to be used... so this result.

Why doesn't it use these loads to assemble something?

This is not very clear, because even from the system, I can't find anything about this. In fact, its system content is quite simple, that is, it is constantly assembling the skeleton, no more complicated commands,

It seems that this base is huge. But there is nothing special about it. There is nothing about the dreamer.

So, Lin let more pompons come here, and some pompoms are constantly flying down.

Lynn wants to see... what the world’s surface looks like.

Now, there is a pompom that is flying down the pillars that stand in the thick fog. These stone pillars... are also very special things.

Because their height is indeed hundreds of meters, now the pompom is flying more than three hundred meters, but its bottom does not touch the ground.

It floats in the dense fog.

This makes these pillars more like a thing called a 'buoy' rather than a tower, and Lynn also finds that the pillar itself is quite...light.

Its interior is hollow, and its top is very light, the bottom is relatively heavy, it seems that this way can make it ... floating in the thick fog?

No, the reason it floats is mainly the wonderful gravity here. Lynn feels that the gravity of this world may be dominated by creatures like the Star Bus.

The fastest pompom should have reached the ground almost. It flew almost 10,000 meters and is already on the ground.

In this position, the gap between the fine particles floating around and the above is not very large, there are still a lot of sand, but there are many things like liquid substances.

They are not mixed together, but floating at a certain distance from each other.

At the same time, Lin can also detect some... stone pillars here.

Just like the floating pillars on the surface of dense fog, there are also many stone pillars here. Now the pompom is close to a stone pillar like this.

The composition of this stone pillar is almost exactly the same as that of the thick fog surface, except that it is not standing at this depth, but horizontal.

Moreover, there are many stone pillars here. The stone pillars on the surface are very far apart, but here are very close...

Other than that, there seems to be nothing special. Of course, these stone pillars are very special things. They are materials that can store the energy of dreams.

There is no trace of dream energy inside, as if it has been drained. Or there has never been a dream energy... I have been exposed to this thing.

Lin felt that it should be right.

The pompom flies over a large area of ​​stone pillars and flies over a depth of 10,000 meters.

However, there is still no ground detected here, but I feel something... activities.

These things floated around the pom-poms, and it seemed to have a thought on the pompons. They gathered from a distance and then flew around the pompons.

This pom-pom is also 50 meters in size, and these things...Lin thinks they are like rectangular jelly, the shape is transparent, it seems very soft, and each length is about six meters.

They thought that the pompons did not find it, and actually Lin was already observing them.

They are small, but they don't have any fear of facing the huge pompoms, but some feel like they are attacking.

Lin thinks that they are the first group of creatures that Lynn came across here... creatures.

Lin hasn't done anything to them yet, but continues to fly down to see when they will follow.

In this way, the pompoms slowly squeezed out the dense fog around them, moving toward deeper and deeper positions...

And this group of jelly-like soft creatures, followed closely, and gathered more and more, initially only ten, now has gathered ... more than one hundred.

But they all keep a certain distance, no attack or doing anything else.

Lin still didn't pay attention to them, because now... it is close to the ground.

However, there is actually a distance of about 100 meters, and on the ground, Lin also found that there are many... things are active.

These things... all seem to be skeleton machines, but they are not fish-shaped, but all kinds of shapes, and these things are everywhere on the ground...

Are they also collecting the load of dream energy here? Then there may be a base nearby...

No... seems to be doing something else.

Because, Lin suddenly found two skeleton mechanics underneath, they seemed to be fighting... (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks~ How to get rid of the ~~ff16

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