4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1067: not here

This is... the transpiration?

Lin’s pompoms are in front of a huge... stone.

The stone is more than thirty meters in diameter and is located in a cave that is twice as large.

Lin's pompoms, as well as a large group of micro-machines, have arrived here, and now this group of micro-machines has climbed onto this stone under the control of the dreaming descendants.

Lin's pompoms also flew to the side of the stone and began to test.

In the initial investigation, Lin did not detect... any special things. Simply put, this is an ordinary stone.

Its constituent material can indeed serve as a carrier of dreams, but there is nothing special about it, and there is no dream energy inside.

In fact, on the way, Lin found it, because the pompoms have no wonderful feeling in the process of approaching. If you follow the saga of the vagrants, this is something that can evaporate the world.

It should have the ability to resemble a stellar bus, so it should be huge, not just 30 meters.

Moreover, when you are close, you can definitely feel something... but now there is nothing like it, so Lin feels that it may not be here.

The dreaming offspring seem to dare not act rashly. Their micromachines did not dig up the outer shell of the rock, but instead probed it outside.

Lin feels that... the vagrants and the dreamers should not be in this place, although there is a stone that looks exactly the same as the record.

"Take it out." Lin sent such a signal to the micromachine.

"No attacks are prohibited." And they immediately responded to Lin with such a signal: "If you make any moves, you will be classified as a hostile target."

It seems that they don't want to open the stone, and Lin is not very anxious, so I am waiting here now, and I am also paying attention to the pompoms in other explorations.

That's it... a little time passed.

The micromachines of the descendants of the dreams are constantly searching on the stones, and they seem to have noticed that nothing can be detected on the outside, and they begin to dig a little out of the rock.

Lynn noticed that a small group of micro-machines dug a small hole in the surface of the rock, and then they poured in from the hole, and Linda saw the pompon break a fluff and let the fluff and micro-mechanical Climb in together.

Inside the stone. Lin found that the space inside the stone... is hollow, without any noticeable things, either visually or emotionally.

Dreaming of the offspring is also very strange. After their micro-mechanics came in, they all lingered in the same place. After a few seconds, the machines were all scattered and spread throughout the stone.

Then... continue to lie there.

It seems that no matter what the stone originally had. It’s not here now, and I don’t know how long they have left, at least there are no traces around the cave of this stone.

It may have been long ago that the tranpers and dreamers dreamed of leaving this position, because the dreamers did not receive any information, so they could only think that the transpirations were always in this position.

So where are they likely to go?

Seeing that the world is still in the process of 'evaporation', Lin believes that the transpires have not left the world yet.

However, there is a problem. The transpiration seems to have been attracted to the dreamer's dream, and the vagrant is originally in a certain world.

That world is evaporating because of the relationship of the transpiration. But what happens when the vagrants leave?

What will the transpirations leave there to keep it evaporating? Still have nothing to do, just come over?

Moreover, what is the purpose of this evaporation?

These have great questions...but if a world that is evaporating stops evaporating...

The surface is suddenly covered by heavy dust, which may be the best case.

"What do you think of this thing?" Lynn sent the image of the transpiration stone to the two small nucleus carrying the pompom.

"Is this something that can be guarded? Don't ask us anything, stupid! Can you not even have the ability to distinguish things that can be guarded?"

"You can't tell if you can't tell?" Lin said.

"You dare to say this! Yes! We can't tell! Yes! Can't tell!"

They are directly recognized, and this is rare, and they usually keep talking, which is the main reason why they can drive most creatures to go crazy.

Lin did not continue to talk to them, but sent a message to the micro-machine: "What are you going to do?"

And they replied: "Continue to find, find the whole world. Must find."

Sure enough, this idea, however, may not have much time to find it slowly, because. This place... still has the energy of fear.

It was originally one of the territories of fear energy, so Lin will detect it here, so it will soon be attacked by gel creatures.

Although Lin can make their offense a little delayed, but can not completely stop, so Lin feels that it is still the first to find the hidden places of fear energy.

Although the energy of fear left the surface of the world very early, it did not completely leave the world. Otherwise, Lin will not detect that this is one of their bases.

And some fear energy should be hiding in some places under the ground, but not sure where they are.

Lin felt that she could find them out in some way, so Lin turned her attention to a pompom in the city of Rock... that is the pom-pom in the main control room.

In the main control room, Lynn rummaged through a lot of recent... information.

Because recently, the rock was attacked by a group of creatures, they repelled this group of creatures many times, but they also suffered a lot of losses.

Mystery also decided to send troops to completely destroy this group of creatures. Of course, they have no chance now, but Lynn has found some information about this biological position.

Another pompom is now in action, and it is now in an edge area of ​​the city of Rock.

This area was excavated not long ago. The surrounding walls are rock structures and have not been completely trimmed. On the ground here, there are many rocks.

Accurately speaking, a group of skeleton machines that have fallen to the ground and have changed, are completely different from those left behind by the micro-mechanical attack of the dreaming descendants.

The dreaming offspring just took the brain away, and the machinery itself remained intact, and these were obviously dismantled by the enormous force. Some of the skeleton machinery's head was crushed together with the brain inside.

These things, the stone did not clean them, it is not because there is no time, but because of fear of being attacked again.

The source of the attack is there.

Looking to the side of the wall, Lin can see that there is a big hole with a diameter of six meters.

It was the source of the attackers, and according to some of the information that Lynn saw in the main control room, Lynn felt that these attacking creatures should be related to fear energy.

Because the mystery mentions the inexplicable fear of fighting them.

But what is it... or you have to go straight to see it.

Lin's pompom has flew into the cave, and it quickly moved deep along the six-meter-wide passage. As it moved, Lynn saw a lot of traces on the road.

These seem to be... ‘footprints’?

On the walls of the cave, there are many small holes, both up and down, left and right, as if they were poked by sharp things.

Lin feels more like a trace of the creatures with many small, sharp legs crawling through the cave, so they are footprints.

But that creature should not have these sharp feet...


Lin suddenly felt the whole cave vibrate.

It seems that there is something big to move in front, and Lin makes the pompon speed up and flies to the object.

After almost sixty seconds, Lin saw this...active object.

This is... the Order of the Creature?

The creature that Lynn saw was more than five meters high. It looked like a group... tentacles, a large number of tentacles of about ten centimeters in diameter gathered together to form a sphere, and the tentacles had two thick ones. The legs 'extend from it until the ground is used for standing.

This is exactly the same as those taught by Lin in the historical materials... except for the height of two meters.

It looks a lot like multicellular creatures, especially those tentacles, which are like cells, but the two legs look like metal and look very hard.

It's here... a bit strange.

Although there should be many ecclesiastical creatures in this underground, this passage was dug up by the group of creatures that attacked the rocks.

And the creatures that attacked the rocks were not the group creatures, they were a group of things that were like fish.

Now the sect of the group apparently noticed Lin's pompom, which is located 20 meters away from the pompom, and seems to be watching the pompom.

The pompons are watching it, and the two sides look at each other...

But Lynn is not just looking at it. Lin is still testing this group of creatures. Lin found that... it is a very unguardable thing.

Because it is full of fear.

'Boom! ’

Suddenly, the Order's creatures moved.

It first took the first step. This step caused the entire cave to explode and seemed to contain a very powerful force.

Then it rushed over to the pompom.

Lynn also let the pompons lift up two fluffs to aim at it. The two fluffs should be able to clear the fear on it, and at the same time know what it is. (~^~)

Ps: Thanks ~sr~ river crab can not eat ~ ♀ ☆ ★ ☆ ♀ ~ chhaozi ~ red heart heart ~ ~ monthly ticket ~

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