4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1070: Underground hill

'boom! ’

The dazzling explosion exploded in front of Lynn’s eyes.

A white fluffy ball dissipated in this explosion... The numerous fluff on its body floated like a scattered snow, and finally landed on the ground.

Because of the explosion, Lin let the remaining pompons quickly escape behind the nearby 'bunker'.

This seems to have a little hard to deal with...

Lin is observing the situation ahead. Lin feels that it should be regarded as a religious group... the base camp.

Here is a large cave with a diameter of three kilometers, and the height of the cave is fifty to seventy meters, which is a rather large underground environment.

This underground world has a very visible landscape, that is, a hill located in the center of the cave. The hill is more than 100 meters wide, and its height is about 60 meters. It almost touches the highest point of the cave. At the office.

It looks like a bunch of square stones sticking together, looks very weird, and there are many sects around it that surround the hill.

These ecclesiastical creatures are completely different from the previous ones. They have more sophisticated equipment, and their hands are equipped with relatively powerful weapons with explosive power.

So when Lin's pompoms flew out, they were immediately attacked, just like it was, and that was the second one.

Lynn has lost two pompons, but the remaining pompoms hide behind the stones on the surrounding ground, and they won't attack.

If the light is used, they are not so troublesome, mainly because they have a lot of micro-machines around them.

These micromachines are covered on the ground. Scattered in the air. They are not very dense, but they attack anything close to them.

For example, Lynn's mini-arms.

These machines are surrounded by a radius of about 300 meters around the hill. As long as any unit approaches this area, they will be attacked immediately. The attack method is very simple. It is gathered to break down the target, and some micro-machines will Perform a self-destruction. So... break down the target faster.

This layer of micro-mechanics does not have any fear energy. They are set in advance to act in a fixed manner, so they will not be chased out and will only be in situ.

The group of creatures gathered in a region within a radius of a hundred meters around the hill. These two things formed a 'guard ring' around the hill.

The hill that they protect in layers, there must be something suspicious in it. In order to get close to it, Lynn has adjusted many pompoms.

but. Lin has not yet decided how to go.

It seems that there is a layer of defense, so it seems that there is no problem from the underground excavation, but Lin believes that there must be a lot of defense in the underground, they can not miss this.

So, just launch the assault directly.

At present, Lin has ten pompons here, each one meter in diameter. There are only two small guardians in one.

These pompons are considered small pompons. So there are not many weapons in itself, but the characteristics of pompoms are... their own 'change ability' is strong.

Thinking, Lin let the ten pompons... gathered together.

Then, let the ten pompoms stick to each other, mix the skin and the fluff, and slowly, the ten pompons are assembled into a huge...synthetic pom-pom.

After adjusting the internal structure, this huge synthetic pompom began to act.

This pompom creature has four limbs that leaped high behind the hidden stones. Expose yourself completely.

At the moment it was exposed, all the corps creatures that were under the hill immediately lifted their tentacles and aimed at it.

Before a second, the violent explosion bloomed on the fluff of the surface of the pompom, and the intense brilliance swallowed it.

But after the explosion, the synthetic pompons flew out in the brilliance of the explosion, and it flew forward at an extremely fast speed.

Its fluff is filled with scorching smoke, but it itself has not suffered any damage... because Lynn already knows the attack power of the group of creatures.

Their power is not very powerful, and their number seems to be a lot, and it seems that all shot together, but in fact...

Only a few of them were shooting in the big group, but those who made the shooting, but they were fake, they did not participate in the attack.

Why do you do this? Is it for the sake of pretending to be scary, but also to save ammunition? It is not clear now...

'boom! ’

The explosion once again bloomed on the surface of the synthetic pompons, but the synthetic pompons are still moving forward, and it has entered the micro-machine-protected area.

All the micro-mechanics around them gathered here, they frantically attacked every part of the synthetic pompon skin, and almost every fluff.

They disassemble the synthetic pompons little by little...

'boom! ’

The third attack, in the seemingly thousands of ecclesiastical creatures, only about ten involved in the attack, but this time caused the effect, the left side of the body of the synthetic pompoms smashed and exploded in the explosion, turned into The meat of the sky.

The pace of synthesizing pompons has also advanced a bit, and the distance from the hill is now only two hundred meters.

Its body is surrounded by a large group of micro-machines, but these machines only know how to attack and do not try to trap the synthetic pompons.

With the approach of the synthetic pompons, the group creatures fired again... The fourth explosion hit the 'head' of the synthetic pompons.

After the head is also shattered, its shape is only one-third the size, but it is still moving forward because its legs are not injured.

But now there is no way to fly. In fact, it was just flying at the beginning. Later, Lin used it.

However, the next explosion soon came again, this explosion... completely submerged the synthetic pompons.

After the explosion, the shape of the synthetic pom-pom... disappeared.

It was smashed by the explosion, and the corps creatures saw the disappearance of the target and stopped the attack.

They... did not seem to notice.

This explosion of the pompoms actually left a lot of things, and these things are now approaching the hill they protect at high speed.

These things... are subtle fluff.

These fluffs are completely unnoticed by the sect of the sect, because they are already at a level that is not detectable by the sect, which is mainly tested by the constant attack. Lin has already known these micromachines and sects. What is the ability of biological detection? (To be continued.)

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