"Let's get together..."

Here is a world full of dense fog, even thicker than some of the world's oceans.

This is the phenomenon caused by the 'evaporation' of the world, but in this thick fog, there are almost no creatures, and only the skeleton machinery that works according to the procedure is active...

But now, a group of creatures have returned to the ground from the ground where they live.

They are a group of creatures.

The hordes of ecclesiastical creatures moved their tentacles, one by one, from the ground, and they were seen in many parts of the world.

Lin is observing this phenomenon.

More than thirty pompons have been in the dark for the last time and the micro-mechanical battles in the ice. During this period, Gel Bio and Lin are still going on everywhere... hunting for fear energy.

Lin believes that the key to solving the fear energy is to create a trap that lures them to the floating rock, so Lin has been preparing for the floating rock.

During this period, Lynn is also observing the changes in this evaporating world...

In fact, the changes here are not very big. The evaluators are still missing. Lin has already found many places, which makes Lin...have a feeling that it is not here at all.

The group of creatures here are making various actions. They first connect the groups to each other, and then collectively excavate from the ground and go to the surface.

The recent time they dig out the ground, they said they want to leave with the transpiration, but after that they are not closer to the transpiration, but farther away from the transpiration.

They all went to the ground, and now they have begun to build buildings and other things on the surface, they are going to wait here for the tranpers to take them away.

These moves are very strange, and asking them is not effective, so Lynn intends to continue to observe... see if they will really leave.

At the same time, there are some new news on the other side.

That is... the world of fungi.


“There are still some residents living here. They learned to roll and spin and eventually survived in this world.”

The little aircraft is still moving forward. It flew over the coverage of the 'thin blanket' and came to the real sea, and then searched the sea.

However, search has not progressed. The strange object that was discovered does not seem to be above this ocean.

As a result, many aircraft began to search elsewhere, leaving only one aircraft for filming, and now it sneaked into the ocean.

It’s not a long time to move forward in the sea. The aircraft reached the position of the seabed, and in the field of vision, there were some buildings.

These buildings are mostly hemispherical, and they have no windows on the surface, but more than a dozen buildings have transparent pipes connected to each other.

The flying vehicle flew over a pipe, and it was seen that there was a virtual person walking slowly through the transparent pipe. The virtual person did not seem to notice the aircraft outside the pipe, but stared at an image device in his hand.

The three-dimensional image popped up above shows some information, including the storage of food, oxygen and other things. There are also the integrity of the pipes and buildings, and so on.

That is the information of these underwater buildings.

This discovery made the Master and Maya feel a little surprised, so they plan to take the next step.


The aircraft used its head to knock the pipe slightly, causing the attention of the virtual people inside. When the virtual people looked up and saw the aircraft, they suddenly showed a look of surprise.

At the same time, it made a scream, which caused several virtual people in the buildings on both sides of the pipeline. They came together under the pipeline and looked at the aircraft in the water outside.

The ‘嘀嘀’ aircraft now displays a set of words in the eyes of the head. The text means “Do you live here? ’.

"Where are you from? Who are you?"

A virtual person in the pipeline raised the image device in his hand, showing the text in the picture and communicating with the aircraft.

"I came from a group nearby..." The aircraft responded in this way, and the virtual people immediately wrote the next sentence.

that's it. The two sides used this way to communicate. In the process of communication, the virtual people here said that they originally lived in the sea.

Accurately speaking, it is a year-round work in the sea. Generally speaking, it takes a long time for this kind of work to return to the land. Because of this, they survived the fungus war.

But there is no way to return to land, so they decided to build a building life under water, their staple food is to live by cultivating ... plankton, and to obtain pure water through the water filtration system.

Most of the buildings here are actually cultivated, and there are only a few of them.

"There are people living there! It’s amazing!"

In the cinema. The images that were continuously played also made the people of the New World see the situation here. Except for the excited and screaming cubs, other people were surprised and silent.

"This is impossible! There is still a living in the community? Are they not eating fungi? Will they not be infected? This is not a big deal, I have already guessed it..."

Then, the imaginary people broke out, and there was everything in them. Many people expressed surprise, and many people dressed up as they had already guessed, but no matter what, the situation in the sea suddenly caused a fiery heat in the new world. Incomparable... News, the virtual people there immediately have the name 'haidi people'.

Soon, there was a discussion about the hardships of the people on the seabed, whether to go back and save them.

But in fact, those who are under the sea are not too hard. They have plenty of food and plenty of entertainment equipment, although the network that could connect the world is now limited to a small community.

But the main thing is that they say they have not been threatened by fungi.

In the question of small aircraft, the virtual people here said that they have not been infected with fungi, although the water and the drinking water of the plankton are obtained from the sea, but there is no problem.

They occasionally see some large fungal creatures wandering around but are not directly attacked.

They have always been safe here, and the lack of it is just a sense of security, because they don’t know if they will be attacked, so they have always been worried.

They said that there are other similar submarine people who have already contacted some communities in the vicinity and said that ... it is time to gather all the living people living in the sea to build the city together.

The fungus was originally swallowing up all the imaginary people, but now...tolerating these virtual people living in these places seems to be a very interesting phenomenon.

Next, the small aircraft asked them the main question... that is about a strange sea star creature.

This ‘starfish’ is more than 30 meters in diameter and is white in color. So strange things are easy to find.

The imaginary people here also said that they did see this creature in the near future... actually they have seen it on the sea.

"In the last night, when we went to the sea to collect ... gas, we saw a similar creature flying in one direction at a slow speed."

At this time, the imaginary people have already let the small aircraft come into their buildings, and they talk directly through the voice. It is more convenient than before. The leader of this small group of seabed people said to the small aircraft: "If its direction and speed have not changed. If you are, then you should be in this position..."

Say, it clicks on the image device, which shows a map of the nearby waters.

“Is it?” the small aircraft said: “Then there is still a very important question.”

"That is..." The leader of the seabed asked: "What is the problem?"

The aircraft said: "When it moves, is it rolling or not rolling?"

"Well... it's not rolling." The leader of the seabed stunned and replied.

"..." The aircraft did not respond, but was still floating in place.

"...?" The imaginary people present were puzzledly watching. This phenomenon lasted for almost sixty seconds. The aircraft moved. It turned and flew in the direction of the exit. At the same time, he left a sentence: "I am leaving. It is."

"Wait a minute!" said the leader of the seabed people: "We have to exchange at least contact information! I will contact you when there is something... your group."

... In this way, after exchanging the contact method, the aircraft left the pile of submarine buildings and flew over the surface of the sea to catch up with the creature.

The aircraft continued to fly away from the land, and it seemed that nothing changed in this area of ​​the sea.

The fungus did not spread to this position, there was nothing on the ocean, it was endless and calm.

The aircraft stopped in the air, it detected the map information recorded before, and thought that this position should be the place where the starfish is located. If it is not, it must be turning or accelerating.

And where is it most likely to go?

Perhaps it is an island nearby, on the map, the only island in the vicinity. After the idea of ​​going to see it, the aircraft flies in the direction of the island.

They quickly arrived at this place.

This island... It also retains many traces of the imaginary civilization.

It seems that the fungus has not floated over the sea and it is still on the island, which makes it still the original. The island originally had a name, that is... ‘prison island’.

It was originally used by detainees, and now those ruined buildings are still standing on the islands, and in these buildings, there are also... creatures. (~^~)

Ps: Thanks~ Listen to the snow~30000!

Thanks for the ~zy37~ reward~

Thanks ~ gods slippers board ~ listen to snow ah ~ kae milk ~ monthly ticket ~

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