4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1104: to sum up

This is the first time that it communicates directly with it.

Here is... within a certain ship...in the battleship of the world of pompoms.

There is a space filled with water in the battleship, and there is a creator in the water, and there are many pompoms in this position.

Just now, Lynn listened to the cubs who had finished talking about the vagrants. Although they said that they had added a lot of their opinions and ideas in the process of description, in general, there was no falsehood in them.

Because Lin has also tested its brain cells, it is difficult for large creators to seize brain cell detection, but this baby is very simple.

It does get a lot of information about the transpiration from the nuclear information of the fungus, and this information seems to come from a very old creator.

To put it simply... It seems that tranpers are part of a huge system that collects materials for a huge project, so it is working in the evaporation world.

The world of evaporation is usually carried out in special worlds. The creator cubs call those worlds a 'small world,' but they have nothing to do with smallness, but those where the world is generally a wandering person and a sparsely populated place.

And the tranfers don't do the bio-hands, that is, they don't attack the stellar bus and the void bus. All of this information seems to have been obtained by the old creator and the vagrant when ‘deep into the vagrant thinking’.

That is to say, it has not witnessed the behavior of the tranfer, but only knows these things from the thinking of the transpiration.

There is a certain amount of transpiration, but there is no accurate description of how much. Lin thinks there may be no more than ten. However, it should be noted that... After the transpirations have been in the world for a while, they can keep the world evaporating and leave.

It can be said that this is an ... automatic process, but it is said that this world of automatic evaporation is not insured, that is to say, evaporation may stop due to other things.

Only the tranfers and its followers can guarantee that a world can safely evaporate from start to finish.

So tranpers don't necessarily move around, they seem to stay in one world. It is generally interesting to let the world evaporate before moving on to the next world. Before they go to the next world, there is a place to compare the original species and let the species evolve into its own believer.

That is to say, the same is true of the ecclesiastical creatures of the Dreamweavers. They were originally a kind of creature where the transpirations were first placed.

The reason why the transpirations go to the land of the Dreamer is not attracted to the dreams of the Dreamers, but it may be that they are going there.

The next goal of the tranfer is... the world of fungi.

This seems to be the first case... the vagrants invaded this world.

Because according to the information of the old creators, the world that transpirations go to is usually very rare, although it is not completely biological, but it is only a little bit.

In simple terms. The world's creatures in the world where tranpers generally go together can only occupy several ‘sports halls’ in the virtual world.

The transpirations have never chosen a world of too many creatures, but this time they have chosen the world of fungi with huge amounts of organisms... The fungus covers almost the entire world, and even without fungi, the original imaginary people cover almost the entire world.

Why do they choose such a world?

The old creators also predicted this because they were on the way to study the trantrators. What it wants to know most is about the huge project of the transpiration.

Although it has never been to the location of the project to observe. But it believes that when the project progresses to a certain point, the tranpers will change their goals, from a sparsely populous world to a biologically rich world.

But what is the purpose is not clear.

The old creators think this may be to bring the creatures together... ‘evaporation’.

All in all, the fungus knew this, so it began to beware of the transpiration. The cause of the attack was because the original star-shaped creature came out.

The creature was called the ‘#11’ by the instructor, and Lynn felt that it was more suitable to make it a 'marked star’.

Because it is used to mark ..., although it is not a creature of the evaluator, but it is also a vagrant's ... something like the subordinates.

Before the arrival of the transpiration. It will first send the ‘marked star’ to the next world, in order to let the mark star set a landing location for itself.

Lynn still doesn't know how the tranfers are transmitted, but their transmission is not immediately unfolding. Marking the stars seems to be a must. It starts to fly over the island and breaks the tentacles. These tentacles are used to mark the transfer position, usually It marks a circle and then the transpiration reaches the position inside the circle.

After the mark, it is useless to kill the mark star, the transpiration will continue to send it, but kill it before the mark... It is not clear what effect, maybe the transpiration will get a new mark star come.

However, the mark star is not directly transmitted. Lin believes that the transpiration is not able to transmit very far without the mark, so the mark star should come here through a long journey and mark it so that the tranfer can directly transmit it.

After discovering it, the unsuspecting fungi became so alert...but they seemed to be late and could not be stopped.

Moreover, Lin is also very concerned, so that the tranfer should also place a certain creature in the virtual world, let that creature grow into a creature that believes in it waiting for it... But what creature is that?

Is it a virtual people? Although the Master believes that random creatures that are so slow in evolution cannot be put down by the evapoturizer.

But in this world, there were only virtual people and things that some virtual people raised to make food.

As for now, there are only fungi and some virtual survivors.

However, this does not seem to be very important. It seems that regardless of whether or not a faithful creature is waiting here, the transpiration will come to this place and then evaporate.

So what should you do after knowing these things?

Research should continue, and Lynn would like to go to that... huge project to see what they are making.

Moreover, Lin believes that there should be more information to be tapped, and the information that the cubs now have may not be complete... Maybe there are more nuclear information with information in the fungus.

Even if there is no information on the transpiration, there should be some other information, for example, how many creators have passed this nuclear information... (to be continued)

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