4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 135: Statue of history

In this statue, the whole event was finely crafted. The statue in the center of the disc is a mountain. This is the peak of the twisted jungle, and there are many in the jungle around the foot of the mountain. More rocky mountains.

It is a Mayan group.

The slopes of the mountain peaks are covered with cracks. The Inca insects have also created statues of lava flows on them. It is obvious that lava flows from them and rushes to the rocky mountains built by the Maya group.

This is the destruction of the Maya group. On the surface, there is nothing strange about it, but the Inca group also specially created another statue of a mountain beside the disc. This mountain statue is only half of it. See the internal structure.

There is hardly any detailed description of the carvings in the mountains. Perhaps the Inca group does not understand the structure in the mountain. This statue is just made into a mountain that is cut into two halves, and then a worm is dug in the center. appearance.

It was a purgatory worm, and Lyne could see that it was because of the relationship between the purgatory worms burrowing in the mountains, causing the lava to erupt.

But the Inca insects did not show details, such as how they caused the lava to erupt, and where did the lava flow out?

"Destruction, we record." Shadow blame said: "Record, still continue, interested, continue to observe."

After listening to the shadow blame, Lin found that there are more than a few statues of the mountain, and there is a ‘>’ symbol next to it to point to the next one, just like the previous room, which shows the same evolutionary order.

Lin then looked at the statues in order, and saw that the statues showed that the purgatory worm slowly drilled closer to the top of the mountain, where it began to dig the mountain bee in a rotating way, and finally created a huge pit on the top of the mountain. hole

So, this is the source of the great lake on the top of the mountain.

Then the next statue said it broke out.

The Inca swarm did not show how the lava broke out, as if the purgatory worm had dug and blew it.

So it seems that they are not deliberately attacking the Maya group? Was it just by chance that the lava was squeezed out?

Do not. This kind of thinking is not right. These statues actually lack too much detail. It is not obvious that the Inca insects are going to dig the mountains in order to attack the Maya group, or they are accidents caused by themselves.

Aggressiveness is also one of the reasons why Lynn is extinct for a species. If a species is strong and aggressive, then Lin will think that it is quite threatening to extinction.

"The next statue, record the 'season'."

After waiting for Lin, the Shadow Monster went to another disc.

By the way, the Inca worms gave Lin what they didn’t want to say about anything special, just sharing the information they recorded with Lynn.

Then let's go on.

The next disc. Lin saw the Inca swarm also used the statue to record the spring, winter, summer, and the status of the forest and the state of the creature.

It is like snow in winter, vines in the spring, and so on. They recorded all the changes with the statue.

After the season, Lin saw some event records. There are battles between the Maya and the Aztec. Each of the two ethnic groups, also recorded Aztec escaping to the desert, then Montezuma went to the desert crater to contact the Inca swarm.

In the last disc, Lynn saw the war between Lin and the Inca swarm, which recorded the arms of both sides. In the case of the layout of the battlefield, the Inca swarm also made in detail every home tree and every base on the rocky side where Lin was located.

But some of Lin’s arms are in an unfinished state. It is estimated that the war is pressing and they have no time to make it.

This statue is also the latest. It seems that the manufacturing time is in the war with Lin.

The last statue disc in this room is ... month.

The statue of the moon is a ball-shaped object with a diameter of one meter. There are many small bumps or strange cracks on the top. At first, Lin couldn’t see that it was a month, because it’s completely different from the real moon until Lin’s A large number of slate stone boats were also found around the moon.

Now the moon that Lynn sees is a round thing. I can't see any traces on it. How can the Inca group get such a fine surface trace? Could it be said that the moon will slowly get closer and closer to here? Until it is as clear as this statue?

If so, how close will it be? Lin feels a little bit expecting, if it is close, Lin will try to go to the moon to have a look.

Of course, it is impossible now. Lin tried several times. No matter what flying creatures, flying to a certain height will not fly anymore, but if the months are close enough... maybe it is not necessarily true.

After the month, the statue of this room was finished.

Most of the descriptions here describe various larger events, most of which are also known to Lin.

"Events, the end, and finally, the history of the record." Shadow blame said what else, what is history? Haven't you seen evolution before?

"Ancestors, recorded history." Shadow sneaked into the corner and pulled a wall again. This time there was no tunnel, and the third room appeared in front of Lynn.

"The last, information." Shadow blame said.

Inside this room, it was recorded with a huge disc, but it looked very old, covered with decay and cracks, even older than the statue in the first room.

These statues show a group of grotesque creatures, and Lin, who saw the first room statue, knows that it is a creature parasitic by the ancestors of the Inca worm.

At this time, the worm has ended parasitic life, but has become the brain of the host, the era of the formal establishment of a new species, when they can already be called 'Inca worms'.

The statue depicts these creatures gathered together, hunting, living, being chased by huge monsters on land, looking for a variety of creatures to extract information and create new arms.

During the period there were also arms that could make a 'figure', and the statue showed a mucus that was being sprayed into a statue by a worm-type unit.

At that time, the Inca swarm had begun to record various things with the statue.

The statues of the whole room are almost the same. In short, the records of the Inca worms have just left the parasitic life, the living conditions, the evolution process, etc...

Obviously, the evolutionary process was difficult. They were almost extinct several times, but they all survived and successfully evolved into the current Inca worms...

The statue has been finished, and the shadow blame is waiting for Lynn to reply. (To be continued...)

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