4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1107: evaporation

"No! Don't come over! Don't come over! Otherwise you will kill you!"

"What? Don't take this thing for you to guard us!"

Among the creators of the creator's cubs, the creator is facing some creatures that make it crazy.

The creator doesn't really go crazy, but in the face of these things, it also feels very uncomfortable, because this kind of thing called a small nucleus is communicating with it.

However, this does not seem to be a communication, it is more like being on the one hand... oppressing the other side.

"You will definitely die! If you continue to approach..." In the dream space, the creator's cub has retreated to the corner of this space, and there are a total of three small guardians in front of it.

"We just plug it in here. That's right! If it doesn't run, it will become guarded! Do you know? You can be guarded, and happy soon!"

"..." The creator cubs are motionless in the corner.

This is a common situation with them. The creator cubs are not yet capable of killing these small guardians, so they can only suffocate here.

But they don't communicate with each other.

At the same time, on the other side, the response of another creature to the little nucleus is relatively...there is much flatter.

"Look, there is something that can't be guarded here! Wow, I didn't expect that there would be something that couldn't be guarded. It was too guardian!"

Here is in the ocean, where the transpiration is located... nearby.

Not long ago, Lynn let the Blazers open a bigger mouth and get the jail of the dreamer's dream food inside.

Now, Lin took the prison out of the room and began to study the dreamer's dreams inside. The first study was to let it meet with the little protector.

After meeting, Dreamweaver has no special reaction to the dream, even if the little nucleus keeps saying the words that make most creatures go crazy...

Therefore, Lynn decided to take this dream food out of here. Lin believes that it should be brought back to the land of the Dreamer and meet with those who dream.

However, Lin will continue to study this dream food on the road. There is not enough research on the last dream, but this time there are more opportunities.

After taking away the dreamer's dream food. Lin continues to pay attention to... the transpiration.

The evaluator did not care about Lin’s move, at least it did not send any defensive power to stop this, nor did it respond to Lynn’s Blazer attack.

Even so, Lynn did not continue to let the Blazers cause more damage to the vagrants, but let it go aside to see... wait and see.

After the fungus used the Type 78 bomb to blow this place. This sea area is in a relatively quiet state. There are no cultivating creatures and no fungal creatures.

But such a situation... won't last long.

On the outside of the sea, Lynn could see a lot of fungal creatures... they gathered here again.

And what method does the transpiration respond to? Has the ecclesiastical creature been completely destroyed?


When Lin thought so, Lynn felt the ocean shake again.

This sea has been shaken many times. This is the case after the transpirations come. Most of the time the vibrations occur when the ecclesiastical creatures are dancing, controlling the flow of water or something else...

This time, it seems to be the same, but there is no culture of the Order.

A large number of fungal creatures flew over the sea. They are almost all flying creatures, a few swim in the sea, but almost no underwater, the vibration of the ocean becomes more intense as they reach the position of the transpiration.

'boom! ’

Lynn saw...numerable water columns.

These water columns are very thin, that is, the water column that the original group of creatures used to attack the fungus, but this time the amount is quite...tense.

The tiny water column instantly penetrated all the fungal creatures, and when they turned into the wreckage, Lin felt the sea tremble again.

'boom! At the moment when the sea was shaking, Lin saw the ecclesiastical creature...and appeared again. They are instantly covered with the surface of the transpiration.

It seems that the previous bombs did not blow them up, because among the group of creatures, Lin found some ‘knowing’ individuals.

And they are not the same as before, this group of creatures equipped with their armor and weapons. They seem to have returned to the land of the Dreamer to take the equipment there.

And along with them, there are a lot of ... stones, the group of creatures immediately began to assemble these stones, as they did before.

Seeing this, Lin also thought that the plan of the tranfer was like this, and the fungus repelled the fungus once every attack. If the fungus does not attack it, it will allow the group to start building the building with those stones, and does not actively attack the fungus.

As for what it will do after building a building, it is not clear... So what is the building used for?

Lin feels that it should be part of the body of the transpiration. If the transpire does not bring the body when it comes to the world, then it will use various methods to create its own body.

It is one of the ways to let these beliefs help their own structures, but the reasons for using various methods are unknown. Lin believes that tranpers can assemble things like evaporation, but they don't necessarily do this.

As for fungi, they use various methods to evict the tranpers, they attack in a variety of different ways, but the tranfer does not make any special response.

Only when the attack comes, the transpiration will find a way to deal with it, which may mean that the tranfer is quite confident.

And... that is...

When Lin thought about it, she suddenly noticed that there were huge objects on the sea level in the distance. These objects were moving slowly, and they were covered with a lot of fungi.

Obviously, these are the islands of ... fungi.

Fungi seem to use some methods to drive the islands in the sea. These fungal islands vary in size, but each is at least larger than the transpiration.

Perhaps the fungus thinks that using such a large thing is close to it, they will not be affected by the climate created by the tranfer.

It is true that these islands can easily defend against storms or whirlpools, or even tsunami. It is impossible to stop them by controlling the flow of water.

The transpiration should also know this.

Lin noticed that the ecclesiastical creatures were different each time. They built a lot of small stone houses. The second time they built a wall, and this time they laid the stones on the sea and looked like It is an island.

There are some strange things on this stone island made by the Order.

After the emergence of the fungal island, Lynn also saw that the ecclesiastics were putting a strange thing in the center of the island. This thing looks a lot like...

A door.

It is the kind of square door that is commonly used by the virtual people or Atlan. It is more than 20 meters long. It is made up of a large number of finely divided stones by the ecclesiastical society. When they were built, they used the flying devices in the equipment. Can make such a high thing.

Now, Lin also sees that the stone island where the sect of the sect is located is slowly turning, and a large number of sects of creatures are driving the island's rotation in the water at the edge of the island.

It’s not the island’s own turn.

As they were pushed, the middle 'gate' was also aimed at a fungal island in the distance.

Is this something like a weapon?

‘Hey! ’

Suddenly, Lin saw a sharp object in the door, which quickly swept through the air and hit the distant island... the fungus island.

The island, which was slightly larger than the serotoner, suddenly stopped moving at the moment when it was hit.

Although they are not moving fast, they are constantly approaching, but now they stop moving, and Lynn also found some strange things happening on the island.

The island is full of plant-like fungi, starting to crack a little bit... cracked.

Whether it is a huge bacterium, or a small fungus like a leaf, they all burst from the epidermis, and numerous dandruffs are scattered, but the debris does not spill on the ground, but slowly drifts into the air.

Not only fungi, but also the stones on the island and other things began to crack open little by little, turning into debris and rising to the sky.

The island... began to 'evaporate'.

And the rate of evaporation is much faster than the evaporation that Lynn saw before.

Because the fragments that are all divided are relatively large, at least than those seen by Lin in the land of the Dreamer, the debris that makes up the dense fog is much larger.

The debris is actually some kind of cell-like or much smaller debris than the cells, and now the fragments that Lin sees are already more than a centimeter.

This way... it will completely evaporate the entire fungal island at a very fast rate.

Lin immediately turned the arms of the arms in the air and shot a ... pompon to the island of fungus that was evaporating.

At the moment of entering the island, the pompons also felt that there was some kind of powerful force that was slowly tearing the pompons from the outside.

The transpiration directly evaporates on the creature, and when Lin tested it, the sect of the group had already aimed the ‘door’ to another fungus island.

They seem to be planning to use this power... to completely destroy these islands of fungi.

This may be an incomprehensible terrorist force for fungi, but for Lynn it may be... an opportunity.

Lynn feels able to understand it through this opportunity. (~^~)

Ps: Thanks~ I am not a hero~30000!

Thanks for the reward of ~ mint gods~

Thanks ~ river crab can not eat ~ 俺 really not a hero ~ monthly ticket ~

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