4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1111: Something happened

"Hey! Now that we have been able to communicate normally, you learn very quickly. n∈n∈,"

Here is a jungle full of thick fog.

Gloomy woodland, moist air, in this dim environment, a machine called a scholar... is standing with a dragon.

“Hey!” the scholar said to the dragon in front of him: “Yes, it’s because you are good at teaching...”

The scholar has not finished talking, the other party interrupted it: "Hip, it seems that you have not fully learned our language, just that you mean the dragon."

"Oh... is it?" The scholar stunned because it felt that these cockroaches were all the same.

The reason why it communicated with this dragon here is mainly because it saw it when climbing the beach... this dragon.

Then I tried to communicate with it. The scholar found that although the dragon said the language it had never heard, the language is very similar to the language used by the dragon and the emerald dragon, and the dragon is not so afraid of scholars, but It was very curious about it, so scholars began to try to communicate with it and soon learned its language...

According to the scholar's understanding, this dragon seems to be a hybrid of the Emerald Dragon and the Dragon.

In the exchanges, scholars have learned about the general situation of the dragons here. They are not very clear about their past history records. They just know that they have been living in this place... on the island, although they are full of dangerous creatures, they are Still trying to live here.

However, the dragon said that their lives have become difficult recently, mainly because of some special ... creatures attacking them at sea recently.

In general, although various wild animals are dangerous, they are not specifically targeted to them, and this group of creatures are specifically targeted at them.

Because of the attack of this group of creatures, this mixed dragon has suffered heavy losses. According to the description, the scholar seems to be...the ancient cockroach, because the dragon said that this creature has many tentacles and will change color. What.

This creature has established camps on some beaches. Constant attacks on the island have caused these dragons to retreat to the center of the island.

After hearing the news, the scholars decided to help them solve the incident, and also had the opportunity to study the environment on the island...

"So. Just like it was said before..." The scholar said to the ‘Cui Yulong’ in front of him: “Take me to see what kind of creature you are talking about.”

"Oh! No problem! You can be so hard to beat them!" This Cui Wei Long is... a very young individual, so what he looks like is very excited and excited, it immediately ran in In front of the scholars, scholars also followed up behind it.

They moved more than sixty meters in the woodland, and the dragons and scholars stopped under a tree. It points to the forest road in front of it: "Look, that is their camp."

The scholar looked in the direction of the finger, only to see some in the jungle... up to two meters, about half a meter of cylindrical objects, these columns seem to be piled up with small gravel and sand.

"It's out!"

With the sound of Cui Weilong, the scholar saw a hole in the cylinder... some tentacles.

These tentacles grasp the top of the cylinder and slowly drag the whole body inside. The scholars found that this is indeed... the ancient scorpion, but the body is bigger, and its length is more than one meter if it is tentacle. Because there is no skeleton, you can only crawl on the ground.

How do the seemingly soft and weak species pose a threat to the dragon?

"It... found us! Run away!"

When the scholar wants to ask, the cuilong dragon around him yelled and ran away in the distance...

"Hey! Don't run away!" The scholar's words have no effect. Cui Weilong has been running in the foggy jungle. Now there are only scholars and this...the old man, face to face.

"You are obviously very stupid."

"...what?" The scholar's mechanical face made a surprised expression, because it found that the color was changing in the ancient body, and after the change was completed. There was a text composed of... dragon language.

"You must be surprised, I am also very surprised, I did not expect that there will be such a strange creature you appear here."

Without waiting for the scholar to say anything, there were a few more words on the ancient Shu. This time it was made up of the words of Emerald Dragon: "Although... I don't know what you are, but you obviously know them, you know the language that I show."

"Why are you..."

As soon as the scholar’s ​​words were half, the ancient scorpion waved the tentacle and showed the text again: “We have been observing your creatures on land and learning all your knowledge, so we have fully understood you. But you don’t know us at all... ...because we have never officially appeared before you."

"Now, after knowing you, it is a breeze to kill you!"

After displaying this paragraph, Gu Yu suddenly used a few tentacles to prop up his body and rushed to the scholars!

‘Hey! Then he was knocked over by the scholar on the ground.

"What is it going on?" The scholar looked at the ancient cockroaches on the ground and seemed to faint. After all, the boneless body was hit with metal and it seemed to hurt too much, but the scholars felt very strange. It is now very familiar with the ancient cockroach. Creatures, ancient cockroaches are highly intelligent marine life, and there are many kinds of species distributed in the sea. Usually, they use alternating body color communication.

But there has never been a... like this one, I can change the words of 'clear' in myself, and I also know that I know the species on land, I want to kill the species on land... What does it do? significance?

With doubts, the scholar decided to carefully study what the ancient cockroaches are all about, but it seems that it is not so fast to be studied, because it found that the cylinders in the open space have been drilled again. Oh...

.............................. At the same time, on the other side of the distant void........................

"Do you really intend to do that? Stop this practice..."

Here is the void close to the fungus world...

Lin's lobster-shaped arms are looking at the distant stars... I can see a huge, space-stationing object moving to this side, and it will soon fall into the ocean of the fungus world.

In terms of the size of this space station, if it reaches the world of fungi, its power is definitely much higher than that of the Type 78 bomb.

This does not necessarily destroy the tranfer, but its power can have a considerable impact, so Lynn sent a lot of information to the fungus, letting it know that it could be a heavy blow to its own world.

But the fungus has no reply, they always seem to be like this... I don't care about other creatures and their communication, only when I try to communicate constantly, I will react a little, and the normal communication is far worse.

Why do fungi have such a personality? It's not very clear at the moment, but Lin feels that fungi have enough intelligence, even if they don't respond, they should be able to understand the stakes.

Therefore, Lynn told them that the tranpers are likely to avoid this attack. They will only affect themselves if they take the space station down, and may even affect the whole world.

They reacted to this, and Lin saw that the space station in the void slowly stopped moving and slowly flew back.

It seems that they can understand it, it is really good... so Lynn continues to send some information to them.

Lin mainly tells the fungus that the transpiration can't be defeated by any devastating attack because it can escape, but it is more fearful of war.

Lin said that the main reason for this is to look at the continuous fighting between them to understand more about the transpiration, and of course to understand the fungus, Lin feels that there are hidden secrets about the creator in the fungus.

Then the war began again.

This war seems to be quite large.

The fungus creature, Lynn sees them coming together again and again, and this time it doesn't look like it used to be.

Although there were many troops in the past, they only came one after another. This time they came... continuous troops.

On every continent, every island, they are constantly moving fungi to the sea.

These fungal creatures have completely obscured the sky of the ocean, without any gaps between them. It seems that the fungus intends to use the power of the whole world to fight the transpiration.

Moreover, the fungus listened to Lin's suggestion... They don't use explosive things, but countless troops to consume each other.

Therefore, Lynn also proved that the fungus could not obtain the complete creator genetic information.

Once, the ancient creators proved that the war of attrition had a good effect on the vagrants. Lin was also known from here, and the information about the old creators was obtained from the nuclear information obtained from the fungus.

It’s just that Lynn uses the creator cub to guide out all the content in the nuclear information, and the fungus doesn’t know what method to use... they don’t seem to know all the contents of the nuclear information, so the tactics of fighting are constantly trying. Only.

The way the fungus is guided is obviously not as effective as the true creator.

Knowing this, it also means that there is no difference between fungi and creators. Can they beat the tranfers with the creators' tactics?

Lin only needs to continue to observe and test here... It is also a very interesting process to slowly understand the complete form of this mysterious thing of the tranfer...

However, when studying here, Lynn found that... there seems to be some wonderful situation on the other side. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ a sword, a bit of a mother ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ Wang Ahua ~ ytutturty ~ He Sky ~ hard after one ~ monthly ticket ~ sf0916

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