4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1121: Port thing

“The creatures of the sea are constantly attacking our ports, making it impossible for all our ships to sail!”

Under the thick fog of the sky, an emerald dragon stood on the high platform and looked at the dragon gathered below. It raised the voice and said loudly: "Oh... so we are facing a huge trouble now, that is these Attacking our creatures, they are not edible! They are so delicious but not edible, which is simply unbelievable."

"So, we declare here that all dragons who feel that they have the ability can try to remove this... octopus creatures... What? This is called 鱿? Well, who can remove the toxins from the ancient cockroaches, will get A huge amount of shells as a reward! We have removed many toxins from living things, so I think we can do it this time!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh!"

Its speech attracted the cheers of the Jade Dragons below, and many of the Jade Dragons have quickly ran back. These dragons seem to be full of confidence in their ability to release toxins.

"If they can know the method of detoxification..." The Emerald Dragon, who finished the lecture, looked at the scattered dragons. It went down from the stage and walked to the edge of the pier.

Looking around, there are floating bodies all over the sea... These bodies are all from ancient times.

They continue to attack, so the body is accumulating more and more, if the weather gets hot, it will soon begin to rot and stink, so there is an urgent need for a way to solve the body.

"What is that?" Suddenly, Emerald Dragon saw something moving in the floating body. It looked carefully and found that it had sneaked into the water.

"Maybe it's a fish or something." Jade Dragon didn't care too much, it turned and left.

‘咕噜噜...’ But the sound of the water made it turn around again. When it looked at the water, it found... there were some...big things on the water.

"This is..." Jade Dragon looked at the sea in surprise, and saw several huge buildings on the water filled with bodies.

These buildings look like stone, they have towers that are more than 30 meters high. There are also hemispherical heights of ten meters, and some pyramid shapes. These strange buildings suddenly appear in the sea at the edge of the port, and their appearance seems to have caused the water surface to surge. Many ancient corpses were washed on the ground because of the waves.

"Is this legendary... This is the legendary city of the sea! What? Why is it here!"

Many of the surrounding emerald dragons gathered around, and they all discussed the buildings that suddenly appeared, and the most discussed were the legends about the underwater city.

It is only one of many nautical legends. It is said that a group of dragons have discovered spectacular buildings under the water, because this group of dragons has a famous... painter. It came back to draw the look of the buildings, so this thing is very popular.

But a closer look reveals that these buildings are not the same as the submarine city. The architecture of the submarine city is said to be made of corals and shells, all of which are stones.

At least it looks like a stone.

When the dragons talked about it, they suddenly stopped, and stared at the tallest building. The top of the tower opened, and a creature that was covered by tentacles was drilled from it.

"Oh... what is that! Is it also ancient? Big old!"

After seeing the creature, they all shouted. At this point the guards also quickly rushed over, and they raised their arrows and aimed at the tentacle creature on the building.

"That thing doesn't seem like the old one." The bright guard captain walked out and said loudly to the tentacle creature above: "Where are you from?"

The creature did not respond to it, but waved tentacles there, doing quirky movements.

"We can negotiate peacefully! We can provide whatever food, resources or resources!" said the captain: "Please stop the meaningless wars and disputes!"

"Captain... Are you surrendering to it?" a soldier whispered.

"Shut up, hey! It makes these buildings suddenly appear here, and it means that it also has the ability to throw buildings on our heads, demand peace from the strong, and violence and conquer the weak. This is the virtue of the past. And tradition, and the way to survive!" said the captain: "All successful creatures are like this!"

"... Hey! I know, but the captain... There seems to be no peace plan on the opposite side. I really don't know what it is doing."

The tentacle creature still didn't respond. It still wriggles on the body.

"It may be talking to us. You know that some strange creatures have a strange way of communication. It may be a peaceful dance." The captain said: "Come on, we also learn its movements and dance with it! ”

"That..." a guard asked: "Do you really want to jump with it? That posture is a bit..."

"If it's dancing with us, we don't respond, it's quite rude." The captain said that he had already swayed his body: "Come on, you jump together!"

"Oh..." The guards had no choice but to order. So they all learned that the tentacle creatures on the tower began to swing their bodies. "

At this time, the tentacle creature suddenly raised two tentacles, and the captain shouted: "Hands up, hurry up!"

"Hey!" The guards lifted their hands at the same time.

'boom! At the moment when they raised their hands, the sea came with a bang, and a huge wave of hundreds of meters swelled up on the sea and came to the port.

"Oh oh oh oh oh! It's a tsunami!" The jade dragons shouted, and the captain immediately shouted: "Don't be afraid! Hurry into the building! Then close the doors and windows!"

"Oh ah!" The emerald dragons on the scene immediately dispersed, and they fled into the nearest building, and then shut all the things they had inside.

'Booming...' At this time, the tsunami rushed to the port. It first flooded the rock buildings that appeared on the edge of the port, including the tentacles above, and then the entire tsunami plunged into the port, in the violent waters. Everywhere, almost everything is... safe and sound.

Of course, not all of them are safe and sound, such as ships and various boxes and barrels on the ground of the port, all of which have been washed away, but all the buildings on the port are still intact under the impact of the current.

Although some buildings were a little shaken, there was no big problem. The doors of the building were tightly closed and the water did not rush into the door.

This is mainly because the port is occasionally attacked by the tsunami. The building of the port of Jade Dragon has been reinforced many times. Each building has the ability to withstand a greater tsunami than this, although other areas are not good to say, but The construction of the port is absolutely sturdy. Although many slow-moving dragons have been taken away, most of them have survived safely.

"It seems to be ok..."

After the tsunami receded, the guard captain of Jade Dragon first opened the door and stepped on the ground full of sea creatures and seaweed. It looked far away and saw that the stone buildings on the sea were still there, but none of them. Complete, it seems that the tsunami was damaged, and the tentacle creature was gone.

The captain turned his head and looked at the building on his side. Every building on the dock was intact, except that a ship that was washed was crushed.

"...they may not be that powerful." The captain thought for a moment and then shouted: "Hurry up and gather! Let's search for those buildings!"

"Hey!" The soldiers also ran out of the nearby building. Listening to the captain's orders, they quickly ran to the other side, but one soldier asked: "Tsunami... What if it happened again? And just now The reason for the occurrence..."

The captain said: "As long as you pay attention to hiding into the nearest 'safety point', there is a safe point under the water... As for the cause, I think it should be made by ‘whistling whales’.”

The guards wondered: "But the whistling whales can't make such a big tsunami."

"It may be a particularly large group." The captain said: "Well, let's not care about this. Now let's see what the strange dancing octopus and those buildings are!"


"What the **** are you coming to, I already understand."

"No, what are you doing? You can't do this. You have to join us. Why are you refusing?"

Here is... In the void, a huge warship flies slowly in the void.

Lin is paying attention to the inside of this warship. Within a certain room inside the warship, you can see many... creatures here.

These creatures...is of course a sect.

Lynn caught them all here not long ago, and it is very convenient to test them thoroughly here. Lynn knows a lot by testing them.

For example, their deep memory.

Before Lin could only know some of the memories on their surface, and the instructions that the recent transpirations gave them, there is no way to know too much, but in Lin's research, they know more details.

For example, this transpiration is not a simple believer creature.

They are more complex and should be said to be something like a vagrant's 'leader', which means that most of the evapotrania's ability needs to be guided through them.

Although they have not been seen in various materials before, they have been clearly shown. They are a kind of creature that has followed the transpiration for a long time, and at the same time, it is also one of the participants in the huge project. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Ling Ling ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ book friends 1603311021333301 ~ half bottle is not full ~ monthly ticket ~

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