4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1126: Great show

Here is a place called the street.

The black road was printed with a white trace, and the metal-made vehicles were placed on both sides of the road. They were neatly arranged, but none of them were moving... So, let them take a look.

Fly to a vehicle, grab the handle and pull it gently... The door opens.

After flying into the interior of the vehicle, after turning something called a key, the engine of the vehicle made a continuous roar.

Even so, but can't move, no matter how to press the control to advance the ... pedal, the vehicle does not advance, mainly because its wheels seem to be solidified on the ground.

"This can't move." The pompom flew out of the vehicle and looked at the outside environment... Looking up, you can see a lot of towering buildings, all of which have a gentle glow in the windows... ...but there is certainly no life in it.

Because this place is a scene created by a tranfer to simulate a real object.

"Let's continue to appreciate. These are just a small, insignificant part of its great project, but... it's already quite huge. It takes a long time to fully understand it. Do you feel the greatness of this project?"

The ‘voice’ of the sect of the sect was still being passed on to Lin. Lin let the pompom fly slowly from the road and flew over the building to reach the sky.

This place is quite big. Lin was just a street just now, and there are many such streets, all of which are full of transportation, and each one is different.

But most of them are very similar. Except for the larger ones, they all use four wheels as the driving force, and the buildings here are all familiar with Lin...the style.

That's right, here is the teacher of the imaginary people, the city of relatives of Atlan's ancestral land...that is, the city of the residents of Ershi.

Lin used to wander around here, and the transpires always showed Lin the buildings. From the internal environment of one building to the metropolis of this one.

Every time you change a scene, the group creatures will say how great the project is, no matter how humble details. Yes, even the crystal bacteria...the things that the fungi make are perfectly displayed.

Therefore, Lin can indeed see many small creatures in these buildings, such as hills piled up by some insects, or small holes that are eroded by fungi. These details are all very good.

However, the subject is still something that is made by a creature with higher intelligence. The group of creatures said that it is necessary to talk about a certain project... The situation in the 'corner' is shown here to Lin.

Indeed, Lin also saw it, but I did not expect that they actually had the environment of Ershi. This is exactly the same as the building built by Lin’s residents. Almost every detail shows them, even those vehicles. It can be activated.

But they stick to the ground so they can't run, but they seem to be well maintained, just like they were just made.

There is a big...metal tower in the city, and now Lin's pompom flies to the top of the tower. Looking down at the city from above.

The city seems to be a city of Elsa, but the environment here is known to Lin, so Lynn asked the group biology: "Is there any new records about the city..."

As before, there is a gradual and increasingly high level of development, and Lin feels that the buildings of the residents of Ershi will also have.

"Of course," said the group's biologists: "The residents of this city are constructing new creations, and their creations are being recorded in the project at the same time, but they have not been recorded yet and will not be displayed here."

"You can observe other buildings, the emptiness creatures you can imagine, almost everything. Their creations are all within the project. This is an unparalleled project that took a long time..."

The sect of the sect began to boast of how great the tranfers were.

Lin generally ignores what it says and then continues to look down. Lin has seen a lot of places so far. While wanting to look at these buildings and various things, Lin also wants to see how much they will show Lin.

Thinking, Lin let the pompom fly down the city and come to the city's exit.

The city’s exit is actually a door, a round one. Just let the pompom pass, the door floating in the air, fly into it and then go to the next scene.

In the next scene, Lin has never seen it. This should be considered a 'city' scene. The size of the space is similar to that of the previous city of Ershi, but the construction here is very wonderful. They look like a The roots are huge... black chains.

And criss-crossing the entire space, each chain has more than 30 meters thick, as the length has spanned the entire space.

“Is this also the creation of a certain creature?” Lin asked the ecclesiastical creature: “Do you have any information about this creature?”

"It only records the creature's creation, and does not record the creature." The sect responded: "I know that you want to know why this great thinking is, come on, just join us and you will know everything, understand everything, construct Everything, no matter how magnificent the spectacle, how unusual the structure is, is only a small part of our great project."

“Do you think these structures are small or great?” Lin asked.

"They are very small when they are alone. No matter what kind of creature, what wonderful things it makes are very... small, only when countless creations are combined, greatness can be reflected." The creature said: "Can you feel it? This great..."

The words behind it were ignored by Lin.

Lin flew around here and found no means of transportation. These things look like iron chains, but they are a very strong mixture. Lin feels that it can withstand many shocks, but...not invincible.

Later, Lin continued to fly to the next room.

When Lin was observing here, she was constantly testing the 'steamer's internal space'. Lin also knew the specific structure here. In short, it can be said that it is a constantly changing space, mainly to show Lin. .

At the same time, some arms are about to reach the position of this transpire. Lin thinks that it must know a lot of things. (To be continued.)

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