4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1128: turn up

"Here are the things they construct, the things that the creatures in your world construct."

“Although they don’t have much to construct in your world, they build a magnificent landscape after another world...”

Lynn's pompoms are now flying in an area full of shining things.

It looks like a vast wilderness with lots of gravel and sand on the ground, and many larger stones scattered over the wilderness.

However, no matter whether it is the ground, gravel sand, or stones, they all emit sparkling crystals.

This seems to be because... they are all composed of crystals.

"They changed the whole world." The ecclesiastical community still said there: "The whole world has been covered with this color, and such scenery has been recorded by us."

What it said seems to be that when the crystal bacteria went to another world, the whole world was 'crystallized'. The specific scenery is like what Lin sees. It feels like... quite interesting, though The reasons for crystallization and numerous details are not known.

The group did not know what it was, because when Lin asked about it, it said: "We record creations, do not record the reasons for the creation of the creator, their reasons are worthless, meaningless, and their creation is worth keeping. Can you understand this great thinking?"

Simply put, the content of their records is relatively simple. If it is recorded by Lin, Lin will definitely record why this kind of thing was created.

Lin thought for a moment, the reason why crystal bacteria crystallized the world and ... possibility, and at this time, the group biology continued to say.

"Of course, this creation is also a negligible part of the great project. The whole crystallized world is probably a miracle in ordinary creatures, but for great projects, it is simply not worth mentioning, if you To understand such a great thing, we must join us."

"I want to know more about you now..."

"What?" It seems that the group's creatures stunned, and then the tentacles of the whole body began to wriggle. It seems to be looking for a trace of Lin.

It seems that it has found that Lin found it, and Lin did find it... The pompoms released a large number of micro-arms when they came inside the vagrant, and the micro-arms moved around, some were shot down by... Some have successfully reached the religious position of the religious group responsible for the explanation.

It is in a relatively narrow place, this place is like a square metal room, the length and width are only ten meters, and the group creature is here, constantly sending information to Lin.

"You found me. What does this mean?" The twitching tentacles of the Order stopped, and each of its tentacle ends was able to shoot 'observation of sight', and its sights now just stop at Lin Fei’s arrival here. Six micro-arms.

"You can escape the detection function, which means that you are very strong and very good at hiding." The group said: "But it is great that you are better at constructing, why don't you join us? Don't you want to construct all the voids? Wonder?"

"I want to understand them." Lin said: "But it must not be constructed. I have not promised to join you, but you should let me visit your great project first."

"No. You must join in order to visit... You will go with your evaporating world, and then you can observe the greatness there. Make a choice." Missionary Bio: "Even if you don't choose, evaporation will proceed. In this case, why should we resist?"

"..." Lin did not answer, but let a mini-arms fly to the sect.

But it flew for a while and was blocked by a transparent wall.

The sect of the sect continues to use its tentacles to stare at the miniature creatures and say, "You can't touch me. I am the spokesperson and controller here. I am responsible for everything here. You should not treat me and those...likes. Creatures, I live longer than them. They are even stronger..."

"It's even more embarrassing."

Lin then let the second mini-arms begin to act. After it hit the transparent wall, a small explosion occurred.

"Do you want to destroy it? Why is there such an idea?" The group said: "Or do you want to stop... it?"

After the micro-arms exploded, the transparent wall disappeared... the way to make it disappear is simple, because the transparent wall is transported from a distance, not the whole one, just a little If you interfere, the transmission will not be maintained.

"You are close to me, you want to know me." The group did not make any other moves, but said to Lin there: "I can try, I will not escape, but I think you will not succeed."

Lin found that what it said does make sense, because the body of this sect is biologically sealed. It does not have many channels of exchange with the outside world like other things, for example, it has no mouth and the like.

And its skin is very strong, mixed with some new substances different from other cults, and these micro-arms may not be able to open it.

"You can't hurt me, you can keep trying, but I won't avoid it, I can continue to show more things like you..." The group said: "For example, this crystallized world has many wonderful things on it. Things, what you see is just a corner."

“There are a lot of things to show here, and your world will evaporate when it rolls over to the first thousand laps. I believe that before that... you will decide whether or not to join us. The time is very good, so you think so. Let's go."

"If you were destroyed before that, what would you do?" Lin asked the corps.

"If you destroy us, you will never see the great project, will you make this choice?" Missionary Bio: "It knows you, it knows you, it thinks you won't do that."

Lin said: "As long as you can move in the void, there is nothing that you will never see."

"Yes..." the group said: "But time... is limited. That great project may disappear completely before you see it, so we will invite you, why not make a choice... ”

The words of the Order's creatures stopped because it was watching something... suddenly appearing beside it.

This time it is not a mini-arm, but a pompom that is about the size of it. (To be continued.)

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