4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1135: Deep in the green


Under a scream, the Master of Blood and the Dragons slammed back...

'boom! The objects falling in the sky were also on the ground, and the huge sounds made all the dragons around them look over.

"This is... Crystallization?"

This is... a big crystallization.

The Master of Blood Fog believes that it is not wrong to rely on the vision of his master. This crystal has a diameter of ten meters when it falls, but it has now fallen into pieces.

"Hey! I was almost picked up!" The blood fog master looked at the fragments of the land and said: "Fortunately, no dragon is injured. The work you are doing here is too dangerous."

"No..." said a dragon near the **** fog: "This is the first time... there is crystallisation falling."

"Is it?" said the **** fog, "If you do this, you must be very careful next. It is not easy to work on such a big tree. I will leave first. I also think of other places." Go and see..."

After that, the blood mist leaped away from the glade where the home tree was located.

The dragons looked at the back of the run, and they continued to work.

"Oh! It’s too easy, it’s so fun!” The **** fog moved quickly in the jungle, and it felt like it was full of power, just like... when it’s in a dream, there’s something omnipotent. feel.

Whenever it was true, it felt very slow, and now it feels completely different. What's more, it doesn't feel hungry.

It seems that the fat meat that disappeared before has not disappeared, but filled its stomach, so the blood fog feels satisfied and brisk, it is not going to go back so quickly, but to explore here.

but. Where are you going to explore?

The blood fog that thought of this stopped, and it looked at the dense woodland around it, and it decided... to climb the tree.

It immediately took action. It grabbed a nearest tree and tried to climb up, but it never climbed the tree, although the body became lighter. But without any skill, it fell to the ground.

"It doesn't seem to be as simple as that. If this is the case... yes, what is this?" The blood fog looked at the trees, and when thinking about how to climb, its attention was attracted by a lantern hanging on the tree. The past.

The body of this lantern looks carefully as if it is solidified... Honey, and honey does not shine, and the main thing that illuminates is surrounded by many luminescent insects.

The light of these insects is much brighter than other illuminating worms that the blood fog has seen in the past. They keep flying around, and occasionally there are several stops there. And began to eat honey.

"Is this their food? What should I do if I have finished eating?" The blood fog reached out and grabbed the honey, and it took a little bit of force. The honey shattered.

"Oh! It's broken!" The blood was so shocked that the surrounding worms flew around, but they didn't fly far, but flew around the pieces of honey on the ground.

"... Maybe these bugs will fix it, I will... go first."

The blood fog then turned and fled, but it was taking the first step...

"Wow, oh oh!"

There was a loud scream behind it. The blood fog turned around and saw a large group of black dwarf creatures rushing over here.

"These are... gnomes!" The blood fog knows this creature. It immediately turned around and ran, and the gnomes partially ran to the scattered pieces of honey, which pieced together the pieces.

Most of the gnomes have been chasing the blood.

"These short things actually run faster than me!" Blood fog thought that his speed is now no enemy, but it found that the gnome is faster than it. In the rush, the gnome slowly draws closer to it. distance. And there are a few gnomes who grabbed the stones on the ground and threw them at it.

"Hey! Hey!" A piece of small flying stone lingers on the blood fog. Under the connection, the blood fog feels that the anger in it is constantly growing.

"Enough! You guys..." The **** fog turned sharply, but it hadn't had time to do anything, and it saw a group of objects flying towards it.

"Oh!" After the blood fog wiped off the object on the face, it broke out. It angrily picked up a branch as a weapon and slammed it toward the gnome in front.

These gnomes did not fight back, they quickly ran up the surrounding trees, and all disappeared.

"It's awful..." The blood fog looked at the gnomes that escaped: "See you again next time... absolutely can't let them go."

After that, it threw the branches in his hand and continued to move around in the woods.

Although I experienced the previous thing, the blood fog has not given up the idea of ​​continuing to explore here, but it does not seem so happy, it walks so quietly and continues for a long time.

"It's weird here." The blood fog occasionally looked up and looked at the top. There were no sounds of dragons except the sound of some small creatures among the countless branches.

This is exactly the opposite of the country of Emerald Dragon. The city of Jade Dragon is very noisy. The voices of countless dragons, footsteps, various sounds are intertwined, and only quiet in the middle of the night, but Also look at the location, some areas are not quiet regardless of day and night.

This place is quite quiet. Doesn't the dragon sleep in the day?

"Here is..." The pace of the blood fog stopped because it was a vast canyon in front of it, and the jungle stretched to this position. A lot of trees stood like a wall on the edge of the cliff.

The blood fog is between the two trees. Looking down the canyon, you can see that the entire canyon is green, and the canyon is completely covered by dense, different kinds of plants.

“Is it a country in the gorge?” Although I have seen the map of ‘land territory,’ the blood fog has forgotten whether there is such a canyon in the map.

Just as the blood fog was thinking about whether to go down and see it, it suddenly noticed that there was a center in the valley... a flying object rose from the dense plants.

The flying object slowly rose to the sky, its shape looks like a ship, but it is not a common wooden vessel, it looks more like a huge leaf rolled into the shape of a ship.

It has a length of more than 20 meters, and there are large ellipsoids on both sides of the ship. These objects also look like blades. It seems to be filled with air and can fly.

"It seems to be called...airship." The blood fog looked at the flying object in the sky: "Although I heard about it... but it was the first time I saw it."

The airship rose from the cliff, and the blood fog noticed that it quickly flew over here. At the same time, it also saw several dragons on the bow of the boat looking at it.

"Hey! Where are you going? Can I sit up?" The **** fog immediately yelled at the airship: "I want to take a look at this flying object!"

"What dragon are you?" The airship flew to the edge of the cliff and stopped. A dragon on the top asked aloud to the **** fog: "What are you doing here?"

"I came here to visit!" The **** fog said loudly: "Can I go up and have a look?"

"You have to visit and visit yourself. We still have things."

After that, the dragon turned back and looked like a flying airship with blades rolled up into the sky above the jungle and flew into the jungle.

"Oh... no way, I can only visit myself."

The blood fog looked at the cliff in front. It noticed that the cliff was not so steep. Many rock vines were attached to the rock wall. After grasping and finding stability, they climbed down the tree vines.

This seems to be easier than climbing a tree. It does not take a lot of effort to reach the bottom of the canyon. In the canyon, it finds a soft ground of moss underneath, surrounded by dense forests of different kinds of plants, and above. The jungle has different places, and the plants in the jungle seem to be the same.

It is much richer here, and the **** fog also sees a group of small dinosaurs called tree dragons eating moss.

"Is this creature...Is it already out of the country? Oh, it's not very sure."

There are very few wild species living in the city of Jade Dragon, except for those that are small in size, but whether the blood fog is uncertain or not.

It took a little step, and all the tree dragons immediately fled, but after a large number of tree dragons fled, it noticed that there was one tree dragon that did not run away.

Because this tree dragon...the whole body is shining with crystal light.

"This is also crystallized?" The blood fog approached the tree dragon. The tree suddenly became tense and quickly ran far, but it was much slower than the same kind.

"Oh... this kind of phenomenon can't be spread everywhere. It seems that the crystallization will be devalued in the future." The blood fog looked at the crystal tree dragon that jumped to the distance, and it did not chase, but continued to himself. The original goal went.

It is going to go to the center of the canyon to see where the airship was raised. It cares about how the airships were built. It also wants to take a look.

'boom! ’

Just as the blood fog thought, it found that the crystal tree dragon still in its field of vision suddenly slammed, and then the whole dragon flew out and slammed into a tree next to it.

"Hey! Hit!"

At the same time, the blood fog also saw two bushes in the other side... Jade Dragon, they quickly ran to the crystal tree dragon, and said while running: "This is the shell! It is a new species!"

"Isn't it a brand new one? Is it a rare thing? These things are very rare... Hey! Who are you!"

An emerald dragon noticed the blood fog and immediately took the opportunity in his hand to aim at it, but after a second, he put it down again: "What is the same, it turns out to be the same kind." (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks~ I am not a hero~ 588~

Thanks ~ melancholy night ~ salty fish that won't fly ~ idle mother ~ night humming ~ pull the bite ~ the monthly ticket ~

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