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"Oh ah -!!!"

In the dense green jungle, two creatures that are screaming are falling to the ground.

Although they are very fierce, they have no scars on their bodies, only two furry objects are squatting on them.

"Don't approach me!" "Hey! Die! Help! Help!"

Looking at the two emerald dragons screaming on the ground, the blood fog master asked the dragon very doubtfully: "What happened to them?"

"Their fears are provoked." Xiaolong said, clapping his hands, the two furry objects suddenly jumped from the emerald dragon, and the two emerald dragons were no longer screaming.

But they seem to have been greatly frightened and have been squatting there...

"This kind of toxin injected into the jade can make the current victim become ... focused." Xiaolong said to the blood fog: "They used this ability to **** blood. They will continue to squat when they are on the victim." Living in toxins allows the target to focus on what is being done, regardless of them."

"But these two dragons, they just ran because of ... panic, so they became focused on fear, and the excitement like fear was amplified by the toxins, and they became more and more scared as they did just now." Said the dragon.

"Is there still such a magical kind?" Blood fog looked at Mao Yu and said: "I have heard this kind of variety that can affect biological emotions. I didn't expect so many... I also met one before."

"If they are used correctly, they can be used to do a lot of things." Xiaolong said to the **** fog: "You don't seem to be their accomplices. What are you doing here?"

"I came here to visit." The blood fog said: "I saw your airship just now, so I want to come here to see what the airship is made of."

"Very good, I know."" Xiaolong said, it looked up and shouted: "嘎——!!!"

"Wow, oh!" Suddenly, the forest echoed and saw a large group of gnomes jumping from the woods, all gathered in front of the dragon.

"You send them back outside the border." Xiaolong pointed to the two emerald dragons still shaking on the ground: "And record them in the list of 'smugglers.'"

"Wow!" The gnomes seemed to obediently ran to the two emerald dragons. They grabbed the tail of the emerald dragon and prepared to drag the emerald dragon away.

"There is one more thing." Xiaolong suddenly said: "Don't feed them excrement, they don't like it."

"Ah? Oh!" Those gnomes looked like they were angry and dissatisfied, but they didn't stop, but they continued to drag two emerald dragons away.

"They... it’s amazing." The blood fog looked at the group of distant gnomes.

"They are incredible." Xiaolong said: "They are very clear. Excreta is a very...disgusting, dirty thing, and they are very annoying to excrement, but they will feel like other creatures like it. We haven't figured out all the time...why is this behavior of them?"

"I don't mean this... but this kind of behavior is really..." The **** fog paused and then shifted the subject: "So now I don't have to leave?"

"I think you deserve our trust, as far as observations are you can stay here." Xiaolong said: "You look better than the two dragons... so much better."

"Hey, haha, you praise me so much, but I won't be humble." The **** fog laughed, but in fact it didn't know what happened.

Because it is also a ... more greedy dragon.

However, after it became thinner, when it saw the crystallization, it did not have the feeling that it was so wanted before. If it was before, I saw that the two emerald dragons would definitely want to join in the hunting crystallization. Now I chose to watch because I didn't have any interest.

"You just said that you are here to visit the airship?" Xiaolong said: "Then I think you already know, these big leaves on the ground...the leaves are the raw materials of the canyon airships, they will grow to more Big, by that time we will pull them out of the ground as a boat for the airship. 8 novels`"

"I have heard of you using wooden airships..." The blood fog said: "Now change to use this... leaves?"

“There has not changed.” Xiaolong said: “These are new varieties, the old ones are also used. The leaf-made airships are generally used in domestic flight, but now you want to see the manufacturing process may be no way because of maturity. The leaves have been made. The rest of the leaves are still immature."

"Yes? That's a pity." The **** fog said, looking at the crystallized leaves: "What is going on here?"

“The phenomenon of crystallization...” Xiaolong said: “A lot of these things have happened recently, whether they are plants or animals, so they have attracted some... poachers.”

"Do you know what is going on with this phenomenon?" The blood fog said: "And is this good or bad?"

"At present, it is only considered to be a large-scale explosion of crystal bacteria." Xiaolong said: "But we think there are some other reasons... As for crystallization, it is harmful to most organisms... they cannot breed. The degree of action is slow. Or want to eat rocks, cause stomach blockage, etc., only harmless to a few creatures, some species have been accustomed to crystallization since a long time ago, but now many creatures are crystallized for the first time. The phenomenon..."

"We are investigating this phenomenon. At the same time, we must stop the dragons who want to sell them." Xiaolong looked at the **** fog: "This phenomenon is also harmful to you."

"Yes, I know this." The blood fog said: "So what do you do with the crystallization of the tree planted?"

"You saw the tree on the way you came?" Xiaolong said: "As long as the crystal bacteria live in the home tree, they will not be contagious, but we will still pay attention to whether there is any situation."

"It seems that these crystallizations seem to have no small problems..." The blood fog said: "Then I will go first, I want to continue to explore everywhere, right, do you have a map or something..."

"of course."

......... on the other side.........

"Oh ah! It hurts!" "What are you doing! Come and let go... let go?"

Here is the border of the Dragon Kingdom, a row of huge trees like a wooden wall standing in front of the two emerald dragons, and the group of gnomes dragging them all disappeared.

"It seems that they have thrown us out." An emerald dragon said: "What should I do now?"

“It’s not easy to want to mix in again.” Another Jade Dragon said: “But those crystals are all confiscated, how can I go back!”

"What should I do?" "Nothing, I thought of a way to mix in again. After this time, I will leave very little! I will be caught if I stay too long." "That is of course, then in the end." What is the method?"


" should be coming soon."

The blood fog is still moving slowly in the canyon, and it looks at the map in the hand, which clearly depicts the surrounding terrain and various locations.

"Come on." Suddenly, a strong scent floated up. When the blood fog moved the line of sight from the map on the hand to the front, it saw a vast...flower sea.

The ocean of this flower has a colorful color, countless gorgeous insects fly in the sea of ​​flowers, blood fog feels an excitement in its mind, it immediately rushes out, then jumps Fluttered in the sea of ​​flowers.

After crushing many flowers and insects, the blood smog lay on the ground, enjoying the beautiful sunshine while enjoying the beautiful flowers. It feels that this happiness can be compared with the best equipment it has in the dream. .


Suddenly, it felt the ground tremble, and countless petals floated with the trembling of the ground, and then slowly fell.

The blood fog propped up and it saw a huge tree in the distance that was approaching here step by step.

The tree is about sixteen meters high. There are no leaves on the branches of the body, but there are many petals attached. Many colorful pterosaurs are on the top of the tree. They set up many round nests there. It seems that the trees don't care. , still moving slowly.

The blood fog looked at the tree and walked over here step by step. It immediately raised his hand and said hello to the tree: "Hey! The weather is really good today, are you taking a walk?"

"Hey?" The tree seemed to look at the blood smog, and it suddenly rushed over to the blood.

'boom! boom! boom! Under the heavy footsteps, the pterosaurs on the trees were stunned, and the huge trees waved their branches and swept across the blood.

"Oh ah?" The blood fog immediately rolled on the ground, avoiding a blow that might break his spine, but the big tree had already reached it and lifted the pillar like a 'foot' The ground stepped on the blood fog.

'boom! ’

The ground left a pit under the heavy blow of the trees, and the blood fog rolled to the side, and it immediately ran to the distance.

After all, it has a lot of combat experience in dreams. Now it is light and it can do some postures according to these experiences. It seems to be quite effective.

But... Why is this tree different from the tree it saw before? Those trees were slow and gentle before.

After this meeting, I wanted to kill it.

"Hey?" At the time of the rush, the blood mist suddenly felt the foot empty, and it looked down and was now a cave...

"Oh ah!" With the scream of blood and fog, its figure fell into the cave. When it felt heavy and hit the ground, it also had a wonderful view in front of it.

(To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Kung Fu Panda ~ There is a crow brother ~ o Shangguan Phoenix o~ rewards ~

Thanks ~zhang milk i1i~ mass effect 3~ half bottle dissatisfied ~136136139~ monthly ticket~


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