4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1145: Plants and plants

"Hey! Run!"

In the vast wilderness of flowers, an emerald dragon and three dragons are rushing, and behind them, they follow a huge plant.

This plant also belongs to the 'skeletal seedling' family, but it does not look like a seedling, because its shape is more than six meters, the body is attached with a lot of bones, but because the body is too large, so in There is also a green vine structure between the gaps in the bones. In the face of this huge plant, the blood fog and the dragon cubs choose to escape quickly.

"It will kill you all!"

The elders are now at the top of the plant. It looks at the dragons who are escaping from the bottom and screaming. The body is wounded. Although it flies with wings for a while, the wings are also hurt, so it Landed on the plants, directing the plants to continue to chase them.

"Why is there such a big one!" The blood fog ran and looked behind him. The plant was constantly moving up like a root-like leg to catch up, but also smashed countless flowers on the ground, but It seems to be powerful, but at a slower pace, the blood fog and the cubs slowly open it.

"I don't know! I have never seen it so big!" said a dragon cub: "They shouldn't be that big!"

"Let me tell you! Before you kill this tragic dragon, you can know what it is to kill you!" The elders shouted again here: "This is made by suppressing growth." of!"

“After the seedlings grow to a certain degree, they slowly fix their roots, enter an immovable state, and finally become completely different carnivorous plants! But just use some methods to suppress their growth and stop They enter this immobile stage of maturity, they can remain active all the time! And their size will continue to increase... and then it will be the point where you can kill you! You are afraid that it is too late. Let's die in despair!"

Although the elders said so, the dragon cubs and blood fog have been separated from the plant by more than 60 meters, because it uses root movement, the speed seems to be difficult to get up.

"It seems to be very powerful. But it is not clear." The cubs looked at the elders and plants farther and farther and seemed to care.

"Don't worry about it, it can't catch up." The blood fog said: "Where there is a dragon, call the guards to solve it... or... it seems that this can be."

The blood fog saw the flower field 100 meters away. There is a tree...there is a tree there, it is very clear that this is the tree that once chased it.

"Oh! It's it!" Several cubs immediately said, "We can really let it protect us, hurry up!"

Said, the youngsters and the blood fog quickly ran over. The tree also noticed the situation here. It immediately moved to the body and ran over to this side.

Feeling the pace of tremors getting closer and closer, the blood fog subconsciously hid the shackles in his hands and said to himself: "There should be no problem now... there are three of them, they should know..."

"Hold!" The fastest cub that ran to the tree called, it seemed to be the name of the tree, and then it used the dragon to speak a lot of words to the tree.

"Oh..." The tree looked behind them. It noticed the strange plant covered with skeleton in the distance, and immediately rushed over.

"It is willing to help us!" said the cub: "This is really great!"

"Yeah." The blood sighed with a sigh of relief. It is also afraid that the tree will hit it... but it seems to be no problem.

"No! There are still such helpers, I want to kill you! Kill you!"

The elder shouted as he let the plants that took it continually retreat, because its plants were huge, but they were about ten meters shorter than the sixteen-meter-high cheese trees.

At a disadvantage, the elders can only use their voices to make themselves look less like losers, and then quickly flee toward the distance.

But the dairy tree has not let it go, it catches up with the plants at a faster rate, and swept the plants with claw-like tree shrews.

The plant was hit hard and did not make any loud sounds. But the plants have broken from the place where they were hit. The bones that are covered with the whole body are also scattered all over the floor. The broken plants fall on the ground and twist the body, like an octopus that is struggling on the shore. general. I can't stand up anymore.

The elders also fell to the ground, rolling a few laps and lying in the flower field.

"It's so powerful..." The **** fog couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that the dry wood can actually exert that great power..."

"Hey! It won!" The dragon cubs cheered and said: "So let's get the elders right now!"

"...Elder?" The blood fog then remembered the elders. It found that the elders were now crawling on the flower field, seemingly trying to escape back to the swamp, and depressed their bodies to try to hide, but it was dark because of the whole body. It is very conspicuous among the bright colors of flowers, so this hidden action is meaningless...

The tree did not care for the elders. It used to smash the still struggling plants, and the cubs and blood fog ran to the elders.

"Do you want to escape now?" The **** fog looked at the elders who were constantly crawling and said: "Does this mean that you have not recruited?"

"What are you talking about?" The elders replied: "I am just an ordinary nephew. Don't bother me to leave."

"..." The blood fog and the dragon cubs seem to have stunned at this moment, but then they quickly rushed to the elders who said they were ordinary scorpions, in order to prevent it from pinching and escaping, It was **** with ropes made of plants on the ground.

“Why do you want to catch it?” After the bundle, the blood fog asked the dragon cubs, because the youngsters said they would catch the elders, otherwise the blood fog would kill it directly. some.

"We have to take it back and put it into the pompoms for trial," said a young cub.


"Oh! That's right!" said another cub: "In fact, this is one of our rules. If we encounter non-dragons, but smarter creatures, we must carefully observe each other's character... If the other party is hostile to us, then it is necessary to catch the pompon and let it accept the trial of the pompon."

"You didn't mention it before..." The blood fog said: "What is this trial?"

"Oh... we just remembered it." A cub said: "This trial is a 'purification' of those hostile creatures that can make those creatures become hostile or disappear."

"Disappear?" The blood fog asked: "Why will it disappear?"

"It is said that if the creature still maintains its hostility and refuses to repent, it will disappear. It should have been killed." The cub said: "But the details are not clear because we have not seen the trial. the process of."

"What? You actually want to take me to do that weird thing?" The elder shouted again: "Why do you want to be so cruel! You are so abominable, whether it is a green dragon or something else. Like dragons, I must give you all out..."

‘Booming! ’

When the elders yelled, the ground suddenly jerked and the blood was suddenly shocked. It immediately picked up the arrow and aimed at the elders: "Do you have any weird plants?"

"No... this is..." The elder's words have not been finished yet. Underneath it is blasting, and a crack is formed in an instant.

The elders fell into the gap.

"Oh ah!"

It was not only the elders, but also the blood fog and the three cubs that were affected. The ground beneath them also burst, and the blood fog found himself falling to a dark deep valley at this moment.

"Oh...ah?" And just as they were screaming in horror, the blood fog and the cubs felt their bodies parked in the air, because...

"Hey!" The cubs screamed excitedly, only to see the huge cheese tree standing on the edge of the crack. It stretched out its roots and caught every dragon that fell.

"You... live..."

The sound of the tree sounded low, and it slowly retracted the roots and pulled the blood fog and the cubs up one by one.

"That's great... almost scared to death." The blood fog looked at the ground closer and closer, and it was relieved... but it suddenly felt like grabbing his roots and stopping.

"Poaching... you are poaching..."

"Hey?" Listening to the words of the trees, the blood fog found that he had taken the donkey in his hand because he had just shot the elder, and forgot to hide it.

"Wait... Hey!"

Without waiting for the explanation of the blood fog, the roots that caught it were loosened, and the blood fog suddenly fell into the darkness with his own screams.

Everything around me is rising rapidly... The fog is watching the sun on the ground farther and farther away from it. It thinks this time may have... can't live.

The family of blood fog will lose their offspring and become a family forgotten by the dragon, sinking in history...

Its parents, all expectations, have disappeared... including the legendary Master of Blood Mist...

And it... although it has experienced this wonderful adventure, but it does not want to die by itself, it still has a lot to do...

Why is it so long?

The blood fog found itself as if I had imagined it for a long time. It also found that this rift seems to lead to the depths of the earth. It seems that it has not been in the end for a long time...

‘Hey! ’

Just when it thinks so, it feels that it has hit something, this thing makes its thoughts... interrupted at this moment. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks~ I am not a hero~ 588~

Thanks ~ Thousand Miles Wine Country ~ Photon Reconstruction · Holy Light ~ 5547443~i have my ~ monthly ticket ~

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