4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1169: Enough to cause damage

"Injury... caused..."

The mouth of the beginning is talking about the low words. Its eyes are staring at the abdomen. There is no feeling in its words, but the blood fog feels that you can feel the beginning...

Being surprised. ☆→☆→,

It is amazed why blood fog can cause damage to it... it even feels fear.

The blood fog thought so, so it quickly jumped back to the tower and shouted out loudly: "All the dragons here are paying attention, you have to go to the nearest 'underground safe area' Dream weapons, we have the chance to shoot them all down!"

“Oh oh oh!” The soldiers in the city heard the sound, and they quickly ran to the nearest ‘underground safe zone’.

There are many such places in the city of Jade Dragon. This place is generally used for refuge, and there are also many dream equipment extraction areas.

These dream gears will be manufactured at critical times for use by Jade Dragon.

When the dragons ran quickly into the ground, the blood fog stood on the tower and looked at the beginning of the air and their crystallized spacecraft.


The blood mist suddenly heard the sound coming from the front, and saw the beginning of the previous injury quickly flying back.

The same movements were made in all the surrounding surroundings, and they flew back to the huge conical crystal, which merged one by one into the crystallized outer shell.

They don't seem to be able to go in without opening the door. At least it looks like this. Maybe it's the beginning of the day and feel that they may be injured when they stay outside. Because they are afraid of injury, they all hide in the crystal.

"Because you have always insisted on resisting, you have completely lost any chance to join us. We... will completely destroy you."

The huge crystals slowly rose to the sky, and the loud sound echoed over the entire city.

The tip of the crystal is aimed at the ground and slowly spreads like a flower, looking like it is ready to attack the ground. Moreover, the power of this time seems to be much larger than the previous ones...

"Do they want to bomb the ground? Wait a minute! And we!" The jade dragons gathered in the pits of the square shouted at the sky, but the crystals in the sky did not give them any response...

"Flee, stupid!" The blood screamed at the group of emerald dragons. Then looking at the sky, the huge crystals rose at a fairly slow rate, and finally stopped at a height of about two hundred meters.

"They want to..."

'boom! ! ! ’

The question of blood fog was answered, and a huge beam of light emerged from the crystallization, which instantly hit the ground. Then it spread like a tsunami.

The strong light drowned the whole city at this moment, and everything was wiped out in the glory.

But it soon came out again.

No one building was destroyed, and no dragon was killed. They were all solidified by...

After the light dissipated, the city has become a shining city.

Streets, buildings, trees, and soldiers who just took out their weapons and ran out of the basement, all covered with a layer of crystals, sparkling with brilliance in the sun.

The same is true of the blood fog that stands on the tower. Its shape has completely solidified, forming the highest shining landscape in the city.

"It's done, collect some of them back."

The beginnings reappeared again, flying out of the conical crystal shell and standing on a disc-shaped flying object flying towards the already crystallized city.

They flew to the emerald dragon statue on the ground, picked up the statues and flew back into the huge crystals.

Most of the beginnings were quite rapid. They quickly carried one crystal statue after another. There was only one beginning... Although the origin flew to a statue, it was delayed to move it back.

It seems to be because. It is a statue of blood fog, and it is the beginning of the blood fog.

"You can do more than I expected... Why can you do these things? We have done a lot of research and judgment on you, but those seem to be wrong, why..."

This beginning speaks to the statue of the blood fog. But it is also like talking to himself, and the surrounding people ignore it, but move it quickly.

"You are the most special...individual." It said as he reached out to the head of the **** fog: "I need your brain to do deeper research..."

'Snapped! ’

However, its hands are not in the head of the blood fog. Just caught.

"This is really a pity..." Countless crystal chips flew around the blood, the shape of the blood fog no longer solidified, and it gripped the hand of the beginning tightly... Under the sound of a broken bone, The hand of the beginning was screwed down by the blood.

"..." There was no expression on the face of the fish on the ground. It looked at the broken hand and the white 'blood' that continued to flow from the hand.

"You actually have blood and bones? This really surprised me!" The blood fog did not hesitate, it threw away the hand of the beginning, and then punched the beginning.

However, this punch was blocked at more than ten centimeters in front of the beginning.

"Really...very...surprised..." The beginning of the story said intermittent words, and the disc flying on it also carried it back.

The same action was taken at all the beginnings of the field, they stopped the current work, and the whole began to retreat in the crystal of the air.

"It is now, attack!" The blood screamed and screamed. Suddenly, on the ground, there was a crack in the ground.

"Oh ah! Kill them!" The emerald dragons, who had turned into statues on the ground, smashed their own crystals one by one, and gathered weapons to shoot at the nearest beginning.

At this moment, countless arrows are flying in the city. Many arrows are constantly hitting the beginning of the retreat. Most of the arrows are bounced off before hitting, but there are still some arrows. However, the vector passed through the protection and was directly tied to the beginning.

The origins that were shot were not screaming, nor painful expressions, but they all stared at the part being shot.

It seems that being shot is an incredible thing for them.

Under the continuous shooting of the Jade Dragon, some of the origins were too many arrows in the body, they fell directly from the boarding disc and fell to the ground.

"Hey, hahaha! These cockroaches are all shot down!" An emerald dragon stepped on the back of the ground and said: "This thing looks so ugly, you are a fish and gnome. Hybrid?"

‘Hey! ’

"Oh ah!" The call of the Emerald Dragon instantly became a scream, its legs blasted from the middle, and its body flew to the distance and crashed into a house.

"Those things are dangerous, don't just approach!" Bloody fog on the high tower: "Emallly destroy all the ground!"

'boom! ’

At the moment when the blood fog was finished, the tower and its figure that it was in disappeared into the brilliant light.

"A Master of Blood Mist?" A group of emerald dragons suddenly screamed and said: "The blood fog master is..."

Before the Jade Dragon thought that the blood fog was just an image to command them, but after the blood fog and the beginning of the battle, they thought that the blood fog was a physical body, so they suddenly began to panic after the blood fog was blown up.

"Don't worry! They can't kill me! Keep killing them!"

The blood fog suddenly appeared on the second tallest building. Its appearance made the emerald dragons cheer again. Under their attack, most of the origins fell to the ground, and only a few escaped the crystal. Among them.

At the same time, the blood fog also found that the building where he is located also...

'boom! ’

The building has also disappeared.

'boom! boom! boom! 'It's not just a building with blood fog. The huge conical crystal in the sky is like crazy. It shoots continuously against the whole city. One big hole is formed on the ground. The city is also in a continuous earthquake. Among them.

"All take off! Board the ship!" The figure of the blood fog reappeared, but this time it was in the street, it was not so high-profile, and the dress changed from gorgeous equipment to black leather.

"Oh oh oh!"

However, its voice can still command all the jade dragons. Under the sound of blood fog, a large number of jade dragons gather around the city.

'boom! And the crystal also pointed its sharp cone at these gathering points, and once again, the roar sounded.

But this is in the sky above the city, not on the surface of the city. The crystallized shelling is intercepted by something, so it blasts in the sky first.

"Good... so you can start all the ships."

The blood fog is now in an 'underground safe zone', with a huge image in front of it, and a large number of different small images in the picture.

There are a lot of small screens showing a row of rifles, which are distributed in every corner of the city and are constantly being launched against the sky.

'boom! ’

A large number of smashing arrows burst out at the same time, colliding with the crystallized artillery in the sky, and the beautiful fireworks also bloomed in the sky.

The jade dragons that gathered together did not suffer any harm. These jade dragons were gathered in the relatively empty position of the city. The ground under their feet changed rapidly. The ground of the original rock structure slowly disappeared, revealing the metal. The surface, while slowly rising into the air.

"Now, all ships start!"

The blood mist was gently poked on the screen, accompanied by a burst of bang, a huge metal ship slowly rising in the city... (to be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ happy ha ~ h~

Thanks ~ 俺 really not a hero ~ Guan Shu Zhixing ~ 幽 叹 sigh ~ the monthly ticket ~ sf0916

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