4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1171: Twirling


The smoke is tumbling. .... ...

Above the sky, a huge crystal is shaking, and on the glittering outer shell, several large arrows are being smashed.

Cracks spread out from these arrows, and wonderful gas like steam leaked out of these cracks. They converge in the air like smoke, and it looks like the crystal is leaking.

All the emerald dragons present at the scene will have the same idea, that is... this crystal is about to crash.

"Continue to attack! Shoot it down!"

The blood fog re-initiated the command in the underground safe zone, and the remaining five ships revolved around the crystal, and the raindrop-like arrows poured out and hit the crystal.

The sound of snoring continued to sound, and countless arrows were flew out, but some arrows passed through the defense and hit the crystal.

"Their protection is no longer fully operational..."

After about ten seconds, the crystals have been riddled with holes, the cracks and the shaking body have proved that it can not continue to hold for a long time, watching this scene, the blood fog reveals a triumphant smile.


‘Hey! ! ! 'The rifle fired again, and the huge smashing arrow penetrated deeply into the crystal shell. A lot of steam-like gas rose from the bursting shell, and the waterfall-like liquid also poured out from the crack. .

It seems that this piece of crystal is bleeding, it shakes in the air, and finally loses its balance and falls toward the city.

The whole city of 'Banglong' has been swaying, and the **** fog is still shaking around the ground. This crystal falls on the square in the center of the city, just in the big hole that it blasted before. .

"Hello, hahaha! We have won! Those who have already paid the price! It is the legendary Master of Blood Mist!"

The jade dragons burst into a boiling cheer on the boat, but the sound of the blood fog quickly stopped them.

"Very good, all the dragons are doing well!" The sound of blood fog echoed on every ship: "But we still have to support other cities. This group of monsters is called the beginning, they are likely to have attacked us. All the cities. We have to go there to solve this group of things!"

"Oh! That's right!" The Jade Dragons shouted again, and the **** fog followed and said: "But now everyone may be very tired, we have to fix it, then..."

'boom! ! ! ’

"Oh ah!" Suddenly. The scream of the Jade Dragon passed into the hearing of the blood fog. In the picture, he saw a boat carrying a thick smoke at the end of the ship, and the ship quickly rushed to the ground.

The sky's fire suddenly rose, and the ship, along with all the emerald dragons it carried on, crashed into the ground at the moment it hit the ground.

"They..." The blood fog was seen in the picture, next to the crystal of the square crash. There are four huge... crystals.

This is the kind of crystal that the blood fog has seen in the ground to open the way. It is like a huge four-legged spider. It is more than 30 meters long. On their abdomen, a dazzling light beam flies out. The sky flew.

"Is these troops also dispatched?"

The blood fog quickly poked the picture, and the sky's spacecraft slammed back and slammed back, and several emerald dragons on the deck were smashed out, but the ship escaped the light beam.

However, this is not over yet.

The four crystal giant spiders on the ground simultaneously fired a beam of light on the sky. The blood fog quickly controlled the vessel again.

"Attack them!"

The remaining four ships rose at a very fast speed while receding, and several openings were opened at the belly of the ship. The thick arrow snarled and slammed into the square on the ground.

'boom! ’

A violent crash sounded, and all the arrows were flew out at the moment before hitting the target, and the flying arrows hit the building next to them.

The powerful impact instantly smashed the stone houses, but the crystal giant spider in the square was not damaged at all. The blood fog immediately controlled the ship to spread, but when it was ready to do this action...

'boom! A ship suddenly turned into a dazzling brilliance and smoke, and numerous shining crystal fragments flew out of the smoke and scattered to the ground.

"What..." The **** fog looked at the ship that turned into a smoke. It immediately controlled the remaining three ships to fly in different directions. At the same time, the blood fog also noticed that the ship was not shot down by the crystal giant spider on the square. Instead, it was shot down by another ... local attack.

"Masters of Blood Fog, they have a lot of them!"

"This is their underground..." Looking at the scenery on the screen, the blood fog remembered the scenery that it had seen underground before.

There are many large holes in the city that have been crystallized before, and now there is a strong light in these big holes.

At the edge of the shiny cave, there are so many...the crystallization forces are constantly appearing from it. These crystallization units mix a large number of creatures, including crystallized marine crustaceans, and some blood fogs are not considered to be the world's creatures. These things are rushing out of the caves, and occasionally there is a foothold three. More than ten meters of crystal giant spiders, these newly added plus four of the starting squares, already have a full twenty appear in the city.

Coupled with countless crystallization units, watching the scene, the blood fog felt that there is no need to continue fighting.

"We must retreat... join other forces." The **** fog said as he controlled the ship to fly outside the city.

'boom! After a roar, the blood fog found that there were two ships left to control.

"You have achieved a lot of achievements, and you really surprised us."

The sound of the ground mirror rang in the sky, only under the clouds in the distance, there was a huge crystal.

There are two...three... ten, a total of ten crystal flying objects of more than 60 meters appear in the sky, they are different in shape and look like stones. The shape, and there are countless discs flying around them, each standing on top of each disc.

"But your actions have no real meaning. You are only destroying an aircraft for work. You still don't understand your weakness?"

"Oh! They are so much! What to do? Master of the blood fog? We can't beat them! Yes, it's difficult to escape..."

On the remaining ships, the jade dragons all cried in horror.

"There are still so many..." Looking at the troops that appeared in the sky, the blood fog felt that the remaining troops may have lost any chance, but it still adjusted its own volume to the highest, and then said: "You only It’s weak, and soon you will know... look at the power of our dreams!”

‘Hey! ’

The blood fog pressed a special position on the screen, and suddenly, the moment in front of it suddenly shook, and the surrounding ground began to slowly shake...

At the same time, the ground of the city swayed. In the streets, on the roofs of the houses, and even on the trees, there were thousands of locations that opened up a hole of different sizes, a smashing arrow or a huge cannon. It rose from the inside.

"That is... arrow? Is there so many weapons hidden under the city?"

The emerald dragon on the boat looked at the situation in surprise, and in fact it was also very surprised by the blood fog.

When it took over control, it knew that there were so many weapons hidden in the city. It looked at the manufacturing date and it seems to have been created recently.

It was prepared for this war. Before the blood fog started several sneak attacks, but this time it started them all at once.

At the moment the weapon was raised, the nearby crystallized creatures immediately moved, and they swooped on these raised weapons, tearing them with various attacks such as minions.

The blood fog ignores them, but lets all the weapons aim at the crystallized flying objects in the sky, and then...


At the moment of the decision to launch, it immediately slammed the control of the ship, and the two remaining ships in the air then turned to fly outside the city.

Numerous arrows hit the crystal flying object, and they all flew out, but these crystal flying objects did not attack the flying ship.

Protection and attack can not be both, this is the conclusion of the previous blood fog.

"You must meet other forces and tell the military commander all the information about our battle!"

Watching the weapons on the ground were destroyed one by one, the blood fog was giving the final order, and then it turned off the control panel, picked up a cylindrical weapon placed aside, and walked toward the entrance to the underground safe area. go with.

"You!" The blood fog came to the street. It jumped up to the top of a building next to it and shouted at the sky: "Do you think you won?"

"I have heard you say that your world is only at the top of you." The blood fog said: "This is your weakness..."

"What information do you try to express to us? No matter how many creatures in your world, they will be solidified."

A picture appeared next to the crystal flying object, which was a shiny crystal forest. The blood fog recognized it, it was the forest of the dragon.

"They also made a lot of resistance, but..."

'boom! ! ! ’

The picture that was played suddenly disappeared, as if it was caused by a violent explosion, and the words of the beginning were also interrupted. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thank you ~ smooth unlimited ~ every day good mood ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~z474414~ wave y200_07man~ six forced ~ monthly ticket ~sf0916

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