‘Hey! ’

A prismatic crystal of up to ten meters swept through the air at high speed. It whirls rapidly in the air. Every time it is rotated, a large number of **** are emitted to the surroundings. These **** blast at the moment of the ground and are blasted. The ground is suddenly covered by large crystals.

'boom! ‘But, this crystallization did not fly far, a dazzling explosion lit up beside it, and it slammed into the ground.

‘Hey! Then, there were several prismatic crystals flying through the sky, but they soon suffered the same ending and fell to the ground under a blast of explosion.

The ground is a low-lying woodland. These falling objects ignited a raging fire in the jungle, but under the moisture of the jungle, the flame could not spread far.

"Oh... the battle here seems to be fierce."

The blood mist is moving rapidly in this jungle. It looks from time to time and can see the crystallization of high-speed flight passing through the air.

However, when they fly to a certain position, they will be shot down and fall into the jungle.

‘Boom! 'When the blood fog is thinking, it has a violent explosion in front of it. The thick smoke is spreading with the smell of botanical burning. The blood mist is also knocked to the ground by the impact of the explosion. When it is again When standing up... it found that everything near the explosion was covered with a layer of crystals.

The blood fog circumvented the explosion point and quickly rushed forward. After it passed through the shrub, the field of vision suddenly became much wider.

"It’s finally... this city."

Not far from its front, there are countless buildings, and many tall buildings can be seen with multiple or single guns. In the street between the buildings. A large number of emerald dragon soldiers armed with weapons. Alertly patrolling.

In the sky above the city, you can see that there are a total of twenty huge flying ships flying around the city, and there are a large number of pterosaurs flying around each ship.

The city has apparently entered a state of complete war, and the blood fog is happy... there is no land to be captured.

The blood mist quickly ran forward. When it ran outside the city, several guards immediately rushed over. They raised their weapons: "What dragon are you? Why are you outside..."

When the blood fog is trying to say something. Suddenly a guard called: "Hey! This is the master of blood fog! Hurry up and let it in!"

"Oh? Sorry, I didn't recognize it at the beginning, come in quickly, our commander is now commanding the battle..."

Several guards quickly went to the city with **** fog and quickly moved toward the largest building on the street.

Every household in the city has closed the doors and windows tightly. Only the guards are operating in the city. The roar of the guns will be uploaded at the top of the building. The blood fog notices that many crystals will fly to the city, but upon arrival. Before the city was over, they would shoot down the guns.

"Captain. We brought the Master of Blood Mist!" Before the blood fog reached a square building, the soldiers yelled and quickly opened the door.

After opening the door. The blood fog saw a group of emerald dragons around the building. A jade dragon turned his head and looked at it. He immediately showed an excited expression: "You are the master of blood fog! I have heard of you in Nei Lin. Battle of the city!"

"Is it?" The blood fog said: "It seems that the two ships managed to escape..."

"Yes, they went to other cities. They said that you may not be able to survive the master. But you can actually get here without any damage. I am really surprised. Please come and command the battle here!"

"How is the situation now?" The blood fog went straight to the table and said: "This is..."

"This is the current situation." Jade Dragon pointed at the table, which showed a map...

The map is ‘three-dimensional’ and has many small statues on it, all of which are self-acting, indicating that the environment of the map changes at all times.

"The group of crystal monsters attacked a total of 20 cities, most of which are located on the border of the dragon, but there are also quite a long distances, such as ... ports, now eleven cities have fallen, the lost city is treated as According to the land, there is a constant stream of crystallization coming out, attacking nearby cities..."

There are many crystal figurines on the map that represent the occupied area, but there are many that are not occupied.

"Now all cities are fully guarded, and the weapons of the dream are activated to resist the attack of crystallized creatures." Jade Dragon said: "It is like the city, but we can have enough time to reflect it because they..."

Said, it points to a statue of a bug in the shape of the map.

"The Inca group appeared on a large scale at the border of our country with the dragons. They attacked many of the enemy's forces and are now in the middle of the battle, so we have the opportunity to start the dream weapon and... counterattack! Master of the blood fog, I am the commander here, now I decided to give the command to you..."

'boom! ! ! ’

The ground suddenly vibrated and the whole table was almost shaken into the air, and the figurine on it was so over.

"Hey! We were attacked!" As the statuettes struggled to prop up the body, the nervous voice of an emerald dragon echoed throughout the room.

"I want to go to the dream connection room in the ground!" The blood fog immediately said: "The connection room here is... dangerous!"

The blood mist suddenly slammed back, knocked open the door and jumped out of the room. At the moment it left the room, a huge crystal fell from the sky.

‘Boom! The command room was directly hit by this piece of crystal. It instantly pressed the whole building into a powder together with the jade dragon that did not escape.

The blood fog is because of this body-enhanced sense that it feels something close in advance, but other jade dragons can't escape immediately.

‘Hey! The **** fog slammed on the ground, and it flew high into the sky, and when it flew, it quickly looked around.

The entire city is now in the midst of a war.

The huge crystals are like meteorites falling from the sky. The smaller crystals fly like high flying objects from far away. The dense crystal creatures appear in the jungle around the city. They are strange on one side. The screams rushed toward the city, and many crystal spiders of several tens of meters in size were walking among the crystallized creatures.

Although the blood fog does not see those large crystal flying objects, the city is now surrounded by dense enemy forces. The ships flying around the city, the guns and arrows on the roof, and the guards in the city are crazy. The ground pours its own ammunition to the enemy.

But even if they destroyed most of the targets, some crystals rushed into the city.

The blood fog is now seen, a huge crystal is flying towards it, and it immediately recedes. The huge crystals fly by the wind in front of the blood fog, and then hit the ground and hit it. A building was instantly turned into a powder.

The blood fog stabilized in the air, and it quickly flew to the nearest ship. It decided not to command this time, but in the sky.

"Hey! Shoot! Shoot!"

Flying over a metal vessel more than 30 meters long, the emerald dragons on the deck are working hard to operate the cannons on both sides of the deck, constantly bombarding any crystallized shots into the city.

The blood fog fell on the deck and quickly ran towards the cabin...

'boom! ’

The bursting radiance suddenly illuminates, and the deck in front of the blood fog and all the emerald dragons on it are suddenly swallowed up by the dazzling light, leaving only half of the boats in the air for a short while, then they fall down. .

"Oh, ah!" The **** fog felt filled with squalls and screams. It flew into the air with a slap in the air. It did not pay attention to the half-falling ship, but looked at the other side.

On the ground, there is a huge crystal giant spider that walks on top of countless crystal creatures, but it does not have the Emerald Dragon Guard who is fighting the crystallized creatures, but the vessel that lifts its abdomen and aligns with the sky.

The ship was just crashed by the crystal giant spider.

"Pay attention to spider-like things on the ground! Attack them!"

The blood mist slammed in the communication device while flying to the nearest other ship, and the crystal spider on the ground once again lifted the abdomen, which was aimed at the ship where the blood fog went.

‘Hey! ’

However, the ship first responded to the command of the blood fog. A huge smashing arrow was shot from the side of the ship's side, almost fluttering through the **** body, and shot at the ground spider.

‘Hey! The arrow slammed into the position one meter away from the giant spider's outer shell. The spattered spatter shattered a large number of crystal creatures around the giant spider, but did not injure the giant spider.

The light column of the abdomen of the giant spider was shot at this moment. The light column went to the ship in the sky, and the ship did not evade... nor did it carry out any protection. The emerald dragon on the ship saw that nothing could be done except for panic.

'boom! ’

However, the light column exploded before hitting the ship. In the glory of the explosion, a skull flew from the ship to the ship, and then slammed on the deck.

"Hey...? What's going on?" The emerald dragon on the deck looked at the head with amazement. Many of the emerald dragons thought they were dead, but they survived. What is even more strange is that after the explosion, they actually There is a head flying out, this is... too weird.

"Come take me to the cabin!" The head suddenly yelled at the emerald dragons: "Only when I operate the movement of these ships is it possible to guarantee victory!" (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ book friend 1603290...~ rewards~

Thanks ~ paper decoration ~ big baby ~ monthly ticket ~

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