4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1895: Search forward

‘Boom! ’

Along with the roar of the explosion, objects of crystal structure collapsed to the ground, and countless insect communities were on the ruins, proclaiming the end of the battle. .... ...

... at the same time, in another place...

"The next...debut."

Scholars are still in the vast space of dreams. Although they don't see the sky in this place, they can know a lot of things outside.

For example, it knows... The Inca group has destroyed five species, and the five species, including the previous two, have three new ones, as it was previously known, each of the Inca swarms destroyed. The species will be replaced by another debut, and the process will be repeated.

Now the fifth has been destroyed, the sixth is on the scene, and the sixth creature is a little special compared to the previous one.

Scholars are now looking at the relevant situation...

It is next to a square filled with holes, through the small hole outside the box, it looks inside the box, and now a three-dimensional map is displayed in the box.

This is the world map of this crystal world, which was created by the Inca worms. It adjusted the program... and made such a map when it was doing other things at the beginning.

Scholars did not participate, so I don't know how to get it, but it at least understands the map. Every time a species is destroyed, when a new species appears, there will be a hint on the map.

The number of species in the past is not much. The area they occupy is at most a city of tens of millions of people. Therefore, only one point appears on the map as a reminder.

However, after the sixth time, there appeared to be a lot of species. Scholars found that the map was full of points, as if the whole world were such creatures.

This is true in reality.

The emptiness of the Inca worms occasionally tells the scholars about the reality, which allows it to know the actual situation of the war. The emptiness indicates that there are quite a few enemy forces in reality. This time, perhaps the beginning uses a more powerful species. Come against.

And it also tells scholars that the origin seems to interfere with the transmission of this place, causing transmission errors, causing several of the robbers to return to disappear.

The scholar felt a little... worried, perhaps because it felt that the robbers were the best to speak, and when the scholars asked, the Void also answered.

"There are already clues to their disappearance."

The emptiness of the emptiness and the scholars squatted on the square, and the emptiness of the emptiness did not dig into the inside of the square, but only some traces were bitten on the surface, but it was already able to control some of the procedures...

‘嘀嘀嘀’ While the emptiness 蠊 ‘talk’, scholars also noticed that the map in the box showed some changes, and it slowly rolled up and shrank into a sphere.

"This is this world." The emptiness said: "And next to it, there is another tumbling thing, maybe... those missing are there."

........................ This time, on the other side..................

‘Booming! ’

Under the dark red sky, a metal vessel descended from the sky and slammed on the ground.

At the time of the booming sound, the surrounding waste hills collapsed, and many creatures fled in horror, including the worms and the ‘friends’ that the blood fog just met.

But the robbers and the blood halves themselves did not escape. They just controlled the mechanical leeches to move slightly backwards, avoiding the vessels under their arm.

"Why is it going to kneel down?" Looking at the ship that fell on the ground, the blood fog was quite doubtful, but there were some... happy, because the ship seemed to be quite strong, even if there was a lot of cracks in the ground, it did not The way they are damaged, so they are likely to go back.

"Because there are idiots inside." The robbers said: "Let's go and see."

After that, it controlled the mechanical water to climb up, the blood fog followed, and wondered who the word "stupid" refers to.

"This useless thing doesn't move! Hurry up! You are this incompetent idiot! You can't move if you fall!"

After arriving at the cockpit, the blood fog saw the idiot, a scorpion wearing a protective suit, which was constantly tapping on the control panel with his forelegs.

"Oh... actually still alive..."

When the blood smog was dissatisfied, the scorpion noticed this side. It immediately shouted: "Are you coming? Very good! Hurry up and let this thing fly. I just let it fly for a while, it will send out The complaint of dissatisfaction then fell down!"

"How did you let it fly?" the robbers questioned as they walked over.

"I have seen the operation of those stupid little green dragons!" said the blind man: "As a normal scorpion that is many times better than them, I can certainly operate!"

"So you let it fall, you are likely to ruin our chance to go back!" The blood fog controlled the otter machinery and went to the scorpion: "So you should die, don't you?"

"Do you want to force me? But this doesn't make sense!" The scorpion stepped back a few steps: "I found the self-detonation function when I was operating here! I am going to start now..."

"Don't call, this ship won't blew itself." The robbers said: "And you... the little dinosaur head, don't kill it now."

"Little dinosaur head?" The blood smog stunned, only to react to the worm, saying it, it immediately said: "Hey! I have a name..."

"Calling the name is not so funny." The robber worm pokes the operation panel and says: "It seems that I just hit an emergency stop switch, so the boat will fall down, but the main part is not broken, so you can Continue to fly."

‘Hey! ’

In the next second, the whole ship suddenly began to shake, and several pictures popped up in the cockpit, showing the outside situation. Now the ground is getting farther and farther away from them, indicating that they are slowly rising to the sky.

"Oh...so we can finally go back." Looking at the rising vessel, the **** fog sighed: "I have encountered so many problems, finally..."

"This is not necessarily the case." The robbers said: "There is no way to transfer back to the original place in this place... I can't search for the original delivery location."

"Oh?" The **** fog said: "Is that device broken?"

"Not bad... However, the transfer must first search for the target location before it can be transmitted." The robber said: "The target location cannot be confirmed now. If you transfer in this case, you will not know where it is."

"Is it..." The blood fog said: "Although not very clear, but..."

"Hey! There are a lot of stupid things to catch up!"

The voice of the scorpion suddenly interrupted the blood fog, and in the picture showing the scenery under the boat, a large group of crystal creatures were chasing the ship, which also included ‘咕咕噶’.

They screamed while chasing each other, but the ship was getting higher and higher, and their figures and sounds became smaller and smaller.

"Right, and they..." The blood fog said: "No matter?"

"Don't worry about them." The robbers didn't stop the boat. As the ship continued to fly, these crystallized creatures quickly disappeared into view.

"They seem to be very tragic..." The **** fog said: "If we can take them away..."

"It doesn't make sense." The robbers said: "We are going to find a place that is likely to be transmitted, I think it is there."

The ship quickly flew far away, and countless waste hills swept through the eyes of the blood and the scorpion, and soon they found that...the things below began to change.

The otherwise neat waste hills began to become scattered, and the aisles between them were no longer clean, but were filled with various objects.

Soon I couldn't see the hills, but a lot of things were covered... ‘Ocean’ became the scenery on the surface.

"This feeling is normal..."

Looking at the waste ocean below, the blood fog reminds me of the hills that are really strange. Every hill is piled up neatly, and the aisles between the hills are clean and completely deliberately cleaned up.

It is normal to cover the ground like this.

Moreover, the deposits here are not exactly those of metal blocks and stones, but also some big things.

"Hey! What is that!"

The blood fog saw a fairly large silver object among the deposits below. It was more than thirty meters in total and was triangular.

"It seems to be some kind of aircraft, there is value for attention."

The ship stopped in the sky and landed slowly near this large triangular structure.

"You go and investigate," said the robber.

"I?" When the blood fog questioned, the robbers said: "Yes."

The blind man shouted: "Yes! Hurry up and go back and forget it!"

"..." The blood fog didn't say anything. It controlled the mechanical water ripples and quickly climbed out and jumped off the deck and walked over to the silvery object.

This thing looks a lot like metal. It looks like a flat triangle. It is placed on a pile of waste. The blood mist is knocked first and then detected by a detector on the water.

"There is a result." The robbers looked at the information in the cabin and said: "This is a highly technical structure."

"What?" The blind man said next to him: "Is it? That's great, let's go! Let's take off now!"

"You cut a small piece and get it back and study." The robbers said to the blood.

"Cut is...this...hey?" When the blood mist was about to be cut, it suddenly found a root...bug's leg in front of it. (To be continued.)

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