4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1906: Face to face

"Can't you completely disguise... maybe it is."

Here, it is deep in the ground.

Inside a room surrounded by a metal wall, there are many... amoeba.

They crawled on the ground, some dragged hollow cans, some dragged metal pieces, and one did not move, and constantly made a variety of sounds.

"You, oh, ah, stupid, oh." The amoeba emits the language of the jade dragon, and in the presence of the amoeba it is pronounced... a jar.

Accurately speaking, the creature in the jar, which is completely immersed in the liquid in the jar, looks like a creature belonging to the '咕咕噶' population, but only the shoulders and neck have a small number of shoulders. There are no limbs and any part of the body.

It looks like a broken body, but the remaining parts of it, especially the facial expressions, are still active, seemingly... it is alive.

It now shows a 'distressed' expression, looking at the amoeba that emits various syllables in front of the eyes, and seems to say to himself: "No, this is not possible... the camouflage ability is too bad, even the basic sound is not The method is completely imitated, only one can choose another, but there are not many types of camouflage left here."

Its voice did not come out of the jar, but echoed throughout the room, which made the scorpion at the entrance sound quite clear.

But Xunzi also has a question: "Why does this idiot captain use the language of Emerald Dragon when talking to his own creatures?"

However, while getting doubts, Xunzi also got the answer, that is, it is indeed the base of the captain, and the captain now has only a little body in the jar, and also directs a group of amoeba, Let these amoeba go to be spies.

The captain should have used a migratory worm to make a flying, ordinary scorpion without a tail to be a spy, but it was discovered.

Now it seems to want to make a new spy, but it seems to be less satisfied with the new spy captain.

Then, the scorpion saw that the amoeba had climbed open, and then another amoeba climbed to the jar, and the amoeba also made a continuous sound: "stupid, sly, small, weak, sad."

It seems that this amoeba can say a relatively complete vocabulary, but the captain in the jar still seems to be dissatisfied and said: "This is not very good... Is it that their ability in this area is weakened? That was before..."

"Oh... this is a stupid, sorrowful and weak, Captain, it seems that it is worrying about something stupid..." The nephew said softly: "Let me end it." Stupid distress..."

Saying, it looked around, but the blind man found that there was nothing to be used besides the grass, and it is now unlikely to affect the captain.

Unless the jar is very fragile and fragile, the scorpion thinks that the tank the captain is waiting for is not the same as the other jar, and it must be strong.

"Well, it can still be annoying for a while." When the blind man found that there was no way, he planned to quiet down and continue to observe.

‘咔’ At this moment, it suddenly heard a sound, and the door that had been open all the time was now rolling back, seemingly ready to close.

"This idiot is actually going to close the door!" The scorpion was shocked. It hurried back. Although he still wanted to see it, he didn't want to go to the room. Although there were shelters everywhere, it was also full of amoeba. Easy to find.

However, just as the scorpion stepped back, it suddenly found that the door of the room had stopped, and a group of amoeba in the room had stopped the previous movements and looked in this direction.

Although they have no eyes, the scorpion feels that they have noticed themselves when they look over here.

The captain’s voice also fulfilled the idea of ​​the blind man.

"You are here... you really surprised me, how did you find it here? And I have never found it... because the tracking system is not..." The captain said: "It turns out that you take off your protective suit." I have been tracking your protective clothing before, and later found it broken, I thought you were dead, but you are still alive... are you hiding from my tracking here?"

"What are you talking about? Idiot!" said the blind man: "I came here when I ran casually. Your sad base has no hiddenness at all. Everything can be drilled in and found you!"

"I didn't find out that you are indeed my negligence. The recent surveillance equipment often appears... malfunction." The captain said: "But I found you now, and there aren't any big problems. What are you going to do?"

"Of course, I will leave here first." The nephew said as he stepped back: "Then I will let you regret soon..."

‘咕噜噜. ’

The pace of the scorpion's retreat stopped because it found that the amoeba rushed over at a fairly fast rate and surrounded the scorpion.

"You can't leave." The captain said: "You have a lot of uses here, I have already said it before... So, start with you first."

All the amoeba rushed at this moment, and they stuck all the limbs of the scorpion so that it could not escape.

"What the **** are you doing!" The scorpion struggled and cried: "Do you want me to be a peak species? I have already said..."

"No..." the captain said: "It is true that my goal is to become a peak species, but in fact only I will become a peak species, you will not become, the requirements of the peak species are very ... strict."

"What?" the scorpion cried. "Have you been cheating the little dinosaur head before?"

"Yes." The captain said: "A peak species can only be a kind of creature. Although I look like this now, it is possible that the beginnings will make me think that they are the same creatures, that is, these soft Small creature."

"As long as the beginnings treat me as if they are together, we will all be recognized and then recorded as peak species, and you are the material used to help us." The captain said: "I told you before. So many, just want to capture you safely, although the two are still somewhat difficult, but it seems very easy to capture you now."

"You will take the first step as my material..."


The captain had not finished, and its words stopped because it found cracks in its jar... (To be continued.)

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