4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1209: Don't want to be wild

"So, it doesn't even know what to leave the world..."

"Yes, it is also a part of the world, working hard, struggling to live..."


The 'courage system' inside the battleship killed the captain after being restarted by the captain, and then it lived in this world as a new creature. ●⌒,.

It used some of the machinery he made last to carry himself out of the battleship, dug an underground cave in a special place, built an underground base there, and then lived there.

In a long period of time, the courage system is fighting against 'wildness'. It finds that this weird force is affecting its thinking all the time, making its thoughts become more and more unconscious. It is ambiguous, and it also gives it the desire to make... wild machinery.

As long as it makes a new machine, it will be extremely eager to give the machine the ability to eat and reproduce.

In order to prevent yourself from having these ideas, the courage system stopped making machinery and even anything.

But even so, it found that its consciousness is slowly disappearing, and it is becoming a 'wild animal' belonging to it.

The courage system therefore came up with a way to find something special in the battleship, which can be called ... 'smart start nuclear'.

This kind of thing is to restart the intelligent system, which stores the memory and knowledge of a certain creature. Generally, when you restart or build a new intelligent system, you can use this to input knowledge.

But the captain did not use this kind of thing at first, but used his own memory and knowledge. Maybe it was that he wanted the system character to be the same as himself, but he did not expect it to be the case.

The courage system wants to use this boot kernel to add new memories and knowledge to itself, so it may be possible to avoid...wildification.

However, the courage system has failed.

When it commanded a small group of machinery to return to the battleship, it found that the boot kernel could not be found... because the room where the boot kernel was placed seemed to have been looted by something, there was nothing there.

And the courage system has no way to continue looking for it, because it can't continue to control the machinery, or it will soon be completely wild, it can only stop controlling the machinery and almost anything, but then it has no way to do it, and also Will slowly become wild.

This seems to be quite desperate for it, but before its consciousness completely disappears... the courage system has encountered some creatures.

They are... amoeba.

But in fact, they have nothing to do with real amoeba, a 'crystal-morphing organism', made up of countless tiny particles that can change the whole body of the particles at any time, changing into any shape, even Imitate the organs of other species.

When they met the courage system, this group of creatures just disguised as a sly race.

When the system saw them, they thought they were outside the cockroach population and came in. They later discovered that they were an amoeba-like creature, but most importantly, the group of amoeba responded to its signals.

They can communicate with the courage system, but it is communication... it is better to say that the courage system is unilaterally commanding them, and the system will send a signal to them, they will respond to the signals required.

Moreover, the system also found that it was this group of amoeba that ransacked some rooms of the battleship. They might have ran into the battleship after disguised as a scorpion population, and moved around in it, taking away some of the things inside.

Includes the smart boot kernel.

So, the courage system quickly let them hand over the boot kernel and install the core on itself.

The courage system then obtained the information in the core, and its vague will is clear, and this can indeed offset the effects of wilderness.

However, the courage system found that this offset is temporary, it will slowly become wild, and a startup core can only be used once.

Although the data in the kernel is still used after use, the same data can only be used once. Even if the system modifies the data in the core, it is useless. As long as one startup core is used once, there is no way to eliminate it again. Wilded.

why? It doesn't know, just like not knowing where the mysterious power of wildlife comes from.

The system must use a brand new boot kernel to read the data inside, that is, the knowledge and memory of the store, to be able to offset the wild and restore a clear sense of consciousness.

However, there are not many startup cores, only three at first, so the system needs to create more boot cores.

The manufacturing method is very simple. It is to find a creature and then extract its brain memory knowledge. The system first catches the wild cockroach population and then extracts their memories, but it finds the core comparison made in this way... ...inferior quality.

The wilderness effect that it can offset is not high, sometimes it is completely ineffective. Later, the system grabbed many other creatures to test. It found that a creature itself has almost no wilderness, so it can produce the best. Start the core and be able to completely restore itself.

After that, the system continues to look for creatures that have just entered the ‘abandoned world’ and are almost unaffected by wildlife to create a starting core to maintain their awareness.

In this way, it has been a long time...

Because it does not manufacture machinery or manufacture weapons, it has always directed a group of amoeba actions, so there is no special development in itself. As for the way to leave the world, it is not known.

Although the system knows about the species of the peak, how it is to become a peak species is not clear in itself. It has only been working hard in this world... alive.


"In the end, there is almost no difference between it and its wildlife..."

In the base of the underground, the mechanical water rafts of the blood fog are standing with the robbers. In front of them, there is a thing like a metal stick tied to the ground.

"Yes..." The robber went to the metal bar and said: "It thought it was keeping its own consciousness, but it was still a part of this world's wildlife."

"It turned out that it was just looking for us to extract our memories and knowledge and make it a starting core to keep ourselves from being wild..." The **** fog also stepped forward and said: "I thought it really knew that I could leave." method."

"It doesn't even know this." The robbers extended their forelimbs and pulled out the metal stick on the ground: "The captain, stuffed the courage system completely into the engine, and used it. All relevant information is placed inside, and the information is not input to the courage system."

"It definitely wants to... keep a hand and prevent the system from having any problems and immediately turn it off." The blood fog said: "But why is the captain killed? And it is still in the engine."

"That must be because it is as stupid and unresponsive to you!" The voice of the scorpion rang in the mechanical leeches.

"The exact situation is not clear..." The robber said: "But because the captain left the stick in the engine, we can close the courage system and see its memory all the time... also know This system has been grasping various biological extraction knowledge and memory during this period. Without doing anything special, we should almost leave from here, and it may collapse at any time."


In this way, after the blood fog and the robbers took some of the things here and an amoeba, they left the underground space and returned to the ship.

“This is some of the biological data that it has recently captured.”

On the boat, the robbers, the blood fog and the nephew wearing protective clothing are looking at a picture in front of them.

In this picture, there are many creatures, and one of the three creatures that are present is very familiar.

"Hey... it caught an emerald dragon."

The blood fog looked at a creature on the screen and said, "Why can it catch the jade dragon?"

"It may be that some reason has been transmitted." The robber said: "This is why it understands your language."

"It therefore understands the language of idiots." The blind man said: "Oh, it is pathetic."

"But there is a problem..." The robbers continued: "This jade dragon does not seem to be here during the war, but earlier."

"The main thing is these...the amoeba." The robbers looked into the corner of the room, where there was a transparent jar and a few of the amoeba they brought back.

Originally they were left by the blood fog, but there are a lot of broken bodies that have been recombined and restored again, so these creatures are almost alive, and they bring a part back.

"They are good at camouflage." The robbers said: "They once imitated the appearance of an emerald dragon. You also saw a lot of plants outside the base, which is also related to the jade dragon."

"The camouflage of these amoeba is more comprehensive. They can mimic internal changes, such as organs in the body, etc., and they will behave similarly to the original species after imitation. For example, if you want to breathe oxygen, of course, they cannot be used. Oxygen is just a similar act..." The robbers said: "Like they pretend to be squatting, they will run into the battleship."

“These amoeba have specifically looked for oxygen after disguised as an emerald dragon. They found many plants and planted them in underground caves...” (To be continued.)

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