4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1215: Peak gathering

Here is a dark place.

Most of the creatures that come here can only face death, and they will come to the end of their lives here, crashing into the ground and being broken down by the ‘蛞蝓’ here.

Although they are called the peak after this, it is meaningless to dead creatures.

However, sometimes there are special creatures that can become peaks without having to go through the death step.

Now, they are such special creatures... worms, blood fog, and scorpions, at this time, they are somewhere.

This place also has a large bunker that I have seen before. The green fluorescence in the bunker shows the appearance of three creatures, and this time it is somewhat different from the previous one. Reflection 'only.

Instead, the green fluorescent sand grains form the same shape as the three creatures. That is two insects and one head. The mechanical water rafts are not composed of them.

These three things gathered by the sand will not move, at least not yet, and will not speak, but will send information like brain waves.

Standing in the center of the bunker, the sand that formed the robbers was sending the message to the three creatures on the edge of the bunker: "You have already been recognized, so it is already a peak species, you don't have to go through The process of death and reconstruction."

“Why are we recognized?” The robbers asked the sand directly with a voice: “What happened?”

"Now, ready to enter the peak species delivery, please do not do any extra action in the process, stop all activities including breathing, and minimize the probability of abnormal state."

The sand did not answer the robbers, but said from the self-satisfaction: "Now start counting down, 100% ... 99% ... 1% ... start."

"Wait..." The countdown was only about three seconds in total, so the three creatures hadn't had time to do anything, and they felt a strong radiance surrounding them.

This radiance is illuminated from the bunker, which blasts the worms, blood mist and scorpions, and the ships behind them.

"They sent us directly..."

When the horizons of the three creatures became wider again, they saw a completely different view from the previous, which was a bright and vast place.

The earth covered by crystals covers the earth's surface, and there are countless stars shining in the sky. There are huge buildings with different shapes everywhere.

Among these buildings, there are also various creatures of various shapes, and because of the sudden appearance, these creatures look at it.

"Here... are we back in the crystal world?" The blood fog looked at the creatures around and whispered to the robbers: "And why are we considered to be the peak species?"

"I don't know." The robber said: "It's weird here, it's not quite sure where it is, because it's indoors."

"... indoor?" The blood fog heard the words and looked at the sky. It only found that there were some stars in the sky... fake, just an image, not a real starry sky.

The creatures around them seem to be not very interested in them. They just dissipated after watching it for a while.

In addition to a creature, the creature quickly ran to the front of the **** fog and robbers. It was covered with crystals and looked like a starfish standing up and walking, only about a metre tall.

"Welcome to come here." This creature uses the standard... Emerald Dragon language to say to the blood fog and the robbers: "You have been recognized as a peak species, and you can live a life unrelated to it afterwards."

"What the **** are you..." The blood fog wanted to ask if it was the beginning, but it did not say it.

"You can call me a 'guide", you bring this first." Saying, the starfish squeezed out a crystal starfish exactly like himself from the tentacles of the head, but only three centimeters in size.

“This is a translation device that records how all the species here communicate. If you need to communicate with other species, use this.”

"Where is this?" The robbers smashed the thing and observed it carefully. Then he asked the crystal starfish: "And... who are you?"

“Here is the place where the “Abandoned World” was chosen as the life of the peak species.” Crystallized starfish said: “Every species that comes here will be assigned a aesthetic that suits them, similar in character, and understand their language. Guide ', to explain all the creatures that have arrived here, I am your guide."

"Then you can explain why we are the peak species?" asked the blood fog.

“The reason and reason for being selected as a peak species is to be able to enter the record point of abandoning the world.” Crystallized starfish said: “I just got the initial qualification through that door, and then decided to die depending on other qualifications. Come alive."

"You see a lot of creatures here, they are all alive." Crystal Starfish uses one of the tentacles to point to a variety of creatures around. These creatures are very diverse in shape, and some look like cell bodies. It seems to be rock formation, some are metal machinery, and of course there are crystals, but only a few.

"That is, they have lived here since they came here?" said the robber.

"Yes, you can ask me for various requirements. Here will meet the requirements of any creatures coming here." Crystal Starfish said: "There is no need to worry about food and various needs here, they..."

The crystal starfish had not been finished yet, and there was a commotion suddenly around, and all the creatures began to move quickly in one direction.

"Where are they going?" The blood fog asked: "It seems to be very anxious..."

Crystallized starfish said: "I want to take the next development race, I can take you to see."

"Let's see." The robbers and blood fog ran in one direction along with the crystallized starfish and the surrounding species. After passing through many buildings, they came to a big... picture.

This huge picture stands in the sky, and all the creatures are gathered under the picture, they all look at the content on the screen.

"What the **** is this?" The blood fog found that the picture was a strange color that changed and could not be understood at all.

"You have to put the translator I just gave it on the head." Crystal Starfish said: "Because of the different creatures, it does not play a picture that can be understood by a particular creature. It needs to be translated to understand."

"Do you want to put it on?" The blood fog saw the worm, and it found that the worm had been brought, and then the blood mist sent the 'translator' into the cockpit of the mechanical raft, posing itself. On the head.

"Oh... this is..."

At the moment of the pendulum, the blood fog found the picture to become a form that it can understand. It can be seen that there are several creatures with different appearances on the picture.

Two of them are known for blood fog, one is a divisional crystalline species, and the other is a huge horse-shaped creature.

Both of these should have been destroyed by the Inca swarm, so they all show a skull underneath.

There are also two kinds of skulls under the species that have not been seen in the blood fog, indicating that they also seem to have perished.

There is only one species in the picture, and its figure is particularly large, almost occupying the picture on the right side. The blood fog notices that the creature looks like an ancient scorpion, but it is composed of crystals.

And there is no skull under the enamel, which seems to indicate that it is still very good.

"Their developmental life has failed." Crystallized starfish said: "The four creatures on the left are dead."

“What is the failure of development and life?” The **** fog asked: “They are...”

“The ones shown in the picture are the peak species that live here.” Crystal Starfish said: “In recent times, they have been selected and become developers.”

"The creatures living here must be kept in a certain amount and cannot proliferate." Crystallized starfish said: "But if they are selected as developers, they will be eligible for development and go to the world to build their own population and The community, free to develop their own ethnicity and ... technology or anything, and then come back here after a while."

“After returning, the developed biological population will get an area suitable for their community size and let them build their own city there. Although they cannot continue to develop, there are more opportunities to be selected as developers again. And go to the world to continue to develop and grow your own civilization." Crystal Starfish said.

"Is this selected..." The **** fog said with amazement: "Is the living creature of the world, the peak of the world, chosen to go there?"

"Wildlife is not, civilized creatures are." Crystal Starfish said: "Every time I will choose... Of course, you can not participate in the choice, have been living here, so although carefree, but can not proliferate or develop There are many creatures to choose from here, but there are also many creatures eager to develop a population of civilizations to compete for the right to be chosen."

"The one shown on the screen is the race that was recently selected for development, but the four on the left are in the process of development... but they are extinct." Crystal Starfish said: "Occasionally there will be such a thing, because the table The development of the world is not easy."

"But this... crystal." Crystallized starfish pointed to the crystal carp that took half of the picture on the right side. "They are the races that have been chosen many times to develop in the world. They have developed very high technology and huge The number of populations, they are not so easy to be..."

‘Hey! ’

A skull popped up below the crystal. (~^~)

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