4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1217: Third world

In fact, their world...not only two.

The world of the world and the abandonment of the world are a world of constant 'reincarnation'. The materials on the two worlds are constantly exchanged. The material of the world continues to abandon the world, and the material that abandons the world is also The way back to the table world.

The same is true of the creatures in both worlds.

Occasionally, the creatures of the world will abandon the world, live there, and then grow and evolve there... Finally, become extinct or peak species.

To become a peak species, there are more complicated conditions... although it does not need to be the strongest person to abandon the world, but to find a way to enter the door.

At the same time, you should find the way to become a peak species in the strange cave space inside the door. There are many things to do here. If you don't find it, you will be broken down.

After successfully becoming a peak species, this creature will travel to the third world. The creatures that usually abandon the world do not know that there is such a world.

"This is where we are now."

In the cabin, the robbers and blood fog are looking at a three-dimensional picture in front of them. This three-dimensional picture is from a small square given to them by the crystal starfish, which is played from the square.

It can display a variety of information, including species that have recently been chosen to develop civilization, as well as nearby maps.

“We are now in this area and can be called a 'mixed area'.” The robbers pokeed the picture and now they can see a sphere of crystals on the screen.

Around the sphere, there are a large number of disc-shaped bodies, and the limbs of the robbers are poked on a disc: "There is mainly a tumbling person plus a large number of such 'disc platforms'. We are now on this platform."

The worm also poked again, and a lot of information popped up on the screen. The information is detailed. The most concentrated species on this platform are species that have just become peaks, or have never developed civilizations. Is a mixed area.

The creatures that have just become the peak species usually have only one or a few individuals, and they do not require much food and accommodation, so they can gather here to live.

"And those successful creatures..." The robbers recalled the picture just now, and then poked a circular disc that floated around the sphere: "They can develop independently in the world of the watch, and after a certain amount, they can be alone. Have a part of the platform, or a half or even a whole platform as a living area."

"It’s just that during this period of life, they can’t develop civilizations and can’t grow their numbers. They need to be selected after the world.” The robbers said: “This is the place...the specific situation.”

"It turns out that..." The blood fog said: "So, let's all of us 'peak species' live on this floating platform around the world, but what about the world?"

"There can be called the 'mirror world'." The robbers poked the tumbling of all the platform centers: "That is the base camp of the beginning, where they control the operation of all situations, according to the current understanding, it should be In this way, and I think... these three worlds are all in different galaxies, and the transmission perception between each other is closed, and only the origin can be transmitted between each other through some special methods."

“It seems complicated...” The blood fog said: “Why do they have to make so many worlds?”

"I don't know." The robbers said: "They must have their own reasons, but..."


Suddenly, the robbers saw the picture flash, and a message popped up at the bottom of the screen, which read: ‘The new civilization development species have been selected. For more information, please poke here. ’

The robbers pokeed the news, which showed a species...

This species looks like a creature made of metal. Some of them are creatures called 'rats', but they are covered with shiny metal armor and are more than six meters tall.

This species is also a developed 'old peak species' that specifically occupy a portion of the area on a disc platform.

Each disc platform varies in size. The area occupied by this group of species is 100 kilometers in diameter, which indicates the number of them...

"There is no more crystals." The robbers said: "Those crystal scorpions already have several platforms as living areas, and they were sent to the world of the world in one go, but now they should have been infected by the swarm. Destroyed."

"Is it still necessary to continue to consume animal species to consume Inca insects?" The blood fog said: "They should know that this does not make sense."

"There is still some significance..." The robbers said: "The creatures that die in the world of the world will be sent to the world, and the swarms will not be able to recover the bodies. The parasites that abandon the world will be because of 'wildness'. Unable to move, causing the war to become a constant consumption, even if they are more numerous, they will be consumed very seriously."

"If the Inca group unwinds their closure method, it is possible to invade and abandon the world and even here." The robbers said: "This should be the most worrying thing in the beginning..."


"Are you here?" There was a sound outside the hatch, which was obviously a crystal starfish. It said: "Do you want to visit a place?"

"What are you visiting?" The **** fog asked.

"I think you have already understood the environment in which we live." Crystal Starfish said: "So I can take you to see the place outside the ‘outside’.”

"Then... go see it." The robbers said, and they went over, and the blood and fog saw it. The three creatures left the cabin together and walked outside.

Walking on the street outside, you can see that there are almost no creatures around, and the starfish explained the situation: "Because there is just a new news, this time I will choose multiple species to go to the world for development, so many creatures They are very excited, they are waiting for news in the place or in the residence."

“Hey?” The **** fog asked: “Is this going to be?”

"Yes, and this is not the first time." Starfish said: "Occasionally this happens. In fact, this situation is not too good for new peak species... friendly because they are allowed in the world of the table." In the case of wars with each other, there is often a situation in which a strong party destroys the weak."

"I want to ask." The robbers suddenly said: "You knew that we were coming here as a peak species before we arrived?"

“Yes.” Crystal Starfish said: “Our 'guides' are mostly idle. Whenever there are peak species coming here, we will receive their information in advance and then transform ourselves into the aesthetics of the other side. Look at the shape of the character and go to meet."

"You have received the information of both of us in advance?" the robbers continued to ask.

"No, there were three materials at first." Crystallized starfish said: "But there is a species that is lost when it comes here. Occasionally this happens. There is always an accident in the transmission, and the loser we have made it special. The person in charge went looking for it."

“Can you tell us more about it?” The robbers continued to ask: “Is there something about you, are you a peak species?”

"No, we are the management species here." Starfish said: "Responsible for guiding new species and dealing with many things here, such as the occasional disputes in the creatures here."

“You have been here?” Blood Mist asked. “Just working all the time? Don’t you want to develop anything?”

"Yes, we have never left." Starfish said: "We don't want to do that because the task of our lives is like this."

Starfish said: "If you continue to ask me questions about ‘ideal’, I may answer some words that do not meet... your racial character, please forgive me.”

"Oh... then I will ask..." The **** fog looked at the worm and said: "Are you speaking according to my character or its character?"

"Between you, you are more inclined to you." Starfish said to the blood fog: "But it is not complete. If it is only you, now my appearance should be the opposite **** you like, but in any case, my personality is It is biased towards an 'excellent waiter'."

"Oh... this is it..."

The journey slowly shortened with the chat of these creatures, and soon they arrived where the starfish had said.

This place looks like a tall tower. The tower leads straight to the false starry sky. Under the leadership of the starfish, they come to the entrance of the tower and rise rapidly in the tower.

When you reach the top, it is a vast area that appears in front of the robbers and blood fog.

The ground is still made up of crystals, but there are no buildings of different shapes that look like a huge square.

When I look at the sky here, I see... the real starry sky.

And, a lot of discs floating under the stars, you can see that these discs are far apart, but each one is quite huge.

And between all the floating discs, a huge, gem-like world is there.

"here is……"

"This is outside." The question of blood fog was crystallized by the starfish. It said: "The details of the outside can be seen here. All the peak species live on the 'disc', you should know."

"And the rulers of all the discs that make the peak species live in that world." The crystallized starfish touches the finger to the jewel-like world: "It maps all the creatures of the Three Realms." (To be continued.) )

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