4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1241: a little further

'boom! ’

The weapon was activated.

Nine warships occupied by insects are still being subjected to siege by the crystallization unit.

When the body of the amoeba cannon was piled up more and more, an unexpected thing happened.

The crystallization of the warship, cracked for some reason... did not completely split, but revealed some muzzles or missile silos.

At the moment of exposure, these muzzles and silos began to align with the various weapons and ammunition that had not been poured before it was launched.

Most of the weapons are aimed at those crystallized aircraft around the battleship. When they burst into the radiance of the explosion, one missile flies in the other direction.

That direction is... a disc platform called a prison near the battleship.

The crystallization unit at the beginning did not stop.

In fact, they hardly prevent the interception of any missiles that are flying out. The aircrafts all use the method of avoidance. Although their agile dodging can hide most of the attacks, it also causes some missiles to fly until they hit. What can't be avoided.

For example, prison.

'boom! ! ! At the moment of the missile explosion, the entire prison also swayed. Although the length of the missile was only over ten meters, the explosive energy generated by it caused the prisons of more than ten kilometers to tremble.

The perpetrators in the prison are full of horror at this moment, but a few creatures have seen the opportunity to escape from the walls or entrances that have been shattered by tremors and rush to the prison exit. .

And these creatures will soon remember that they are in the void, where they can't go anywhere, and only a few creatures can successfully escape the prison.

Accurately speaking, it is three creatures.

"...they don't seem to find it."

A beetle is flying rapidly in the void. It covers the entire shell with the same color and void. It is also very small... only more than 30 meters.

At least compared to other transport beetles, it is very small.

Within its abdomen there are three creatures, robbers, scorpions, and blood fog, and a ... intelligent system.

At the moment the missile was launched, the special beetle flew to the prison along with the missile. After the missile blew a large hole in the prison, it took the three creatures from the inside and flew to the distance.

Why are you going to blow up the prison? In fact, it was not just prisons that were bombed. There were also several disc platforms nearby. These platforms were also hit by missiles that were shot. The origins did not stop those missiles at all, although they did not know what they were thinking... ...but this also gives the worms the opportunity to pick up the three creatures.

"Yes, this beetle is said to have an anti-initial material." The robber said: "It can hide the detection system at the beginning."

"This is really amazing!" The scorpion groaned as he used his forelegs to touch the ground like a shell of insects: "I can make such a powerful unit, and I will become so powerful in the future!"

"But where are we going?" The blood mist glanced around: "There is no outside situation here..."

"We have to go farther away." The robbers said: "The main thing is to set up a new transmission location..."

"Even if it is transmitted to the platform farthest from the world of mirrors...that is, near the prison, it is still too close. It will be immediately attacked by the insects when it is sent in. It can be said that it is how much to kill. "The robbers said: "The troops sent have no time to prepare and counterattack."

"The beginnings are also like this. They use a lot of aircraft to surround the warships and put them into the army. They are the battle plan to learn the insects. They first put in the small forces to attack, but they also have other ideas... they also have I want to use these small and small aircraft that seem to be only put into the army to attract the insects to attack. They continue to use the amoeba cannon ash to force the insects to send more powerful troops."

"Once the swarms send more troops, the crystallized aircraft with more firepower in the rear will attack immediately, and all the insects and warships will be wiped out. The beginning is to hold this idea before letting us relax. Transmission.” The worm said: “So we have to go further to transmit troops. If we are far enough, we will not be attacked by the origin when we come out.”

"This is the tactic that the Inca group just told me..." said the robber.

"Where is the far enough place? Fly to the far-flung void?" The blood fog asked: "In this case, why don't we send it directly?"

"We can't freely transfer things here, we can only transfer things on the 'points' that are abandoning the world to the 'points' here." The robbers said: "The swarms have established a point in the abandonment of the world, and The point we have here is this courage system, and it must be placed far away by means of transportation."

"As far as that far away is not in the void, but a tumbling person nearby, and the only one."

... The world of the beginning is very rare.

Among the galaxies in the mirror world, there are only three tumbling people, one is the mirror world and its satellite.

At some point, the satellite was decomposed by the origin. Its material was made into a large number of disc platforms around the mirror world, raising resources such as peak species and foods for these peak species.

There is also a tumbling person... that is the world, it seems to have been ignored by the beginning.

Under the twinkling stars, the beetles carrying three creatures are flying towards a large, dark sphere, and as the target approaches, its appearance becomes clearer.

The ground was covered with complex terrain, mountains and canyons, potholes and plains, and the beetles carrying three creatures descended from the sky at high speed, and quickly stopped on the ground.

The passage to the outside of the body opens in the abdominal cavity, and the three creatures inside walk out of it and stand on the ground.

"It's still... it's big and desolate..." Looking at the scenery in front of him, the **** fog made a sigh.

Looking out, you can see the vast scenery. There is a vast rocky wasteland under the dark sky. The white stones and many canyons and cracks are the main landforms of the world, and the creatures that come here are special. For the robbers, this place is more worthy of care about why the beginning does not care about it.

Although its environment is not suitable for cell-like organisms, and there is no cold in the gap between the void and the air, there is still a lot of resources to extract, and there is no such thing as the establishment of any base in the world.

While thinking about it, the robbers also took out the courage system and placed it on the ground.

When it pokes off the display screen of the courage system, the dark picture also opens up to show a series of flashes, as these light speeds get faster and faster...


A more dazzling flash appeared on the platform in front, and when the light dissipated, a beetle that was hundreds of meters long appeared in the glory.

"That's the swarm..."

The blood fog seems to see this huge beetle for the first time, so it is stunned, and the scorpion is the same emotion, but it is a sense of awe of a powerful kind.

A large number of small holes were opened under the huge abdomen of the beetle, and a large number of insects dominated by the emptiness of the worms were drilled from them, and they began to dig as soon as they came to the ground.

"Do they want to build a base in the ground?" The blood fog looked at the bugs and asked.

"Of course, you must establish complete defense before the arrival of the beginning." The robbers look into the sky and can see a dazzling sphere hanging high.

But that is not a star, but a mirror world.

It reflects the radiance of the star, completely covered by crystals. It makes it look quite bright. Now the origin may have noticed the problem, they may soon be sent out by the troops, so the swarm needs to be prepared.

'Snapped! ’

More beetles appeared on the plains, and they flashed out one by one and released countless units on the ground.

The type of Void 挖掘 began to dig deep underground, in addition to many other arms, such as some large worm-type arms, they buried half of the body underground, the other half looked at the sky.


When the giant beetle appeared to the tenth, the robbers suddenly found the screen of the courage system uploaded a weird reaction.

"This is their letter?"

A message is displayed on the screen, and this message is... from the beginning.

"Oh oh? Their letters?" The **** fog and the scorpion next to them also came over and looked at it. In the letter, the beginnings are said in the language of the Emerald Dragon:

"We can try to avoid this war. This war is meaningless. We can find a new way out in a peaceful plan."

"Does this mean that this group of mirrors is scared?" The blind man looked at this short letter.

"The letter was sent from our ship, indicating that the origin has already controlled the ship." The robber said: "But it did not destroy it, but let us continue to transmit..."

"We know everything you do." At this time, the next letter came again: "You have come to try to establish a transmission channel after we close the transmission. We have not stopped you because we already know Everything about you, and you can interrupt it at any time."

"This war will surely lead to a terrible end, so we are here to seek peace. If we expect peace, we will respond to this news quickly. If you do not reply, you will be considered as not expecting peace and the attack will continue."

"...Do you want to reply?" (To be continued.)

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