4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1245: Defense is the best offense

They built a fortress in the void.

The stones excavated from the surface of the world make up the walls, the dissolved voids form the castle behind the wall, and the castle continues to produce countless troops.

The swarms have not been produced here, they have adopted some ... test-like offense.

The huge meteorite floated in the void, gaining enough power under the beetles' dragging and propelling arms, and the beetle released the stone and let it fly toward the distant target.

The mirror world is as beautiful as a gem.

"Ah! They are attacking here! Who are they? Why is there a war here?"

Around the mirror world, the peak species on the disc platforms saw that there were many huge objects flying in the distant void. It was more than a dozen meteorites with a diameter of several hundred meters. They slammed at high speed. this place.

Although the difference between the meteorite and the platform is very large, each species feels that once it hits, the entire platform will be destroyed, so they begin to express their fears in all ways, such as yelling, running around, hitting the wall, shrinking in the nest. Wait, these are relatively mild, while the more intense ones threaten the guide, or go to the dock to capture the aircraft to escape from here, and some species form a protest team, asking the origin to transfer them to a safe place.

The beginnings have no response to these species.

They didn't appease them, they didn't force them, they didn't do anything, they let them go crazy in their own platforms, and doing nothing about the beginnings would only make these species more fearful.

Until a species sees... the brilliance of the explosion illuminates in the void.

Although there is no sound in the 'Rumble,' most of the creatures who see this scene will imagine a similar roar. I saw a piece of the nearest meteorite being torn apart in a radiance, turning into countless small pieces of small stones. .

And the finely divided stones are all disintegrated under the light of the road, and finally all disappear, and no piece of debris can approach even the disc platform at the extreme edge.

The same is true of the next meteorites. When they fly to a certain position, they will smash in a blast of explosions. The crystallized aircraft will make another ray of light and smash the scattered pieces into powder.

When the last meteorite was blown up, the mood of the peak species on the platform temporarily stabilized, and at least they can live for a while now.


What should I do next? The war has apparently not stopped, so they continue to protest against the beginning, and those who are more impulsive are going to take the boat directly, and they will leave here anyway.

... at the same time, on the side of the Inca worm...

“The beginnings have deployed a lot of things like mines around them.”

Among the castles made up of emptiness, three of the robbers are standing on the ground like insect carapace, and their 'laboratory' has been transferred from the bottom of the tumbling man to the void, which is the space station of the emptiness. As usual, they are still staring at the display screen of the courage system to see the state of the war.

The meteorites that flew past were not blown up by anything, but they ran into something and exploded. According to the judgment of the robbers, the beginning of the scene placed a lot of 'mines in the space around the disc platform area. '.

The area covered by the minefield is about ten kilometers. They are in an invisible state. I don't know when the origin is put on. Although it can't be seen with the eyes, it can be known by some other means of detection.

There are now a number of arms called 'Inca's Eyes' near that area, which are in contact with the display screen of the courage system, which now detects the state of the mine at the edge of the minefield.

Those mines are a few meters in shape, shaped like a prismatic thing, and the outer shell is like a mirror, so it can't be seen in the void. It seems to be called Mirror Reed.

They only respond to something big enough. As long as there are large objects passing by, they will fly a lot and stick to the surface to start the self-explosion. The fragments of stones that are sputtered after the meteorite explosion will not cause them to explode. The stone is destroyed by the light of the crystallized aircraft.

"It seems that they are going to shrink to the end..." The robbers said: "There are so many 'mirror thunders' arranged, which means they don't want to attack at all."

"Can we go behind them?" The blood fog looked at the picture on the display screen, which shows the general situation of the battle.

At the bottom of the map is the mirror world of the beginning, and then around the mirror world is the disc platform area. There are many platforms in this area, and the range is about 50,000 kilometers. The inside is full of crystallized aircraft at the beginning, and the platform area is There is also a layer of mines with a range of ten kilometers.

However, the mines and the forces at the beginning are only in one direction, facing the world where the Inca swarm is located, and there are few troops in other directions.

The blood fog refers to the world of the mirror: "The troops in the beginning are only in the direction of us... Can we go around in the other direction from the back... or above and directly into the mirror world?"

"You are stupid!" cried the scorpion. "They see you around, and they will follow you. You are going around such a big circle. Are they going around such a small circle?"

"Hey! You are an idiot!" The **** fog suddenly angered: "Why do you want to be so obvious around! Send some troops with hidden power to the mirror world to sneak up, and blow up those factories." !"

"This is also a method." The robbers said: "But even if you go to the ground, you don't know what will happen. It seems that there are no troops on the surface, but this is only a superficial situation..."

"We still don't know what they are thinking, why not directly attack the troops, and now their troops should have considerable quantitative advantages, but they are waiting..." The robber said: "We must solve this problem." The mystery is right. At this time, the swarm does not make much action, just a test attack."

The robbers clicked on the screen, and the screen suddenly showed a message, which was from a scholar.


“The location of a twisting device was detected here and it has been recorded...”

At this time, scholars are still in the dense crystalline jungle. It has just recorded a huge building. The building is the legendary...the body of the life twisting device.

But it's just a part of the ground, its overall size is quite large, much larger than the previous 'output points'.

Using a new detection method... A method of detecting the energy of the dream, the scholar can detect the general appearance of the twisting device on the ground.

This is a thing that is more than a hundred meters in diameter and looks like a 'garlic', but it doesn't know what its internal structure is.

Scholars have been here to keep in touch with the encrypted information sent by the robbers. When discovering the shape of the body of the distorting device, the scholars also contacted the other side.

The robbers also told the scholars... Inca in the process of excavating stones to make meteorites, they found some traces in the ground.

And those traces exactly match the shape of the twisting device that the scholars say, which means that... the twisting device of the beginning is indeed likely to be excavated from there.

And there may be something special in that world, so that the beginning does not develop there...

Although the body of the twisting device is quite large, the 'energy' it releases is not as strong as the output point, even if the scholar is so close to it.

Maybe it is in a state of no startup?

But after all, now in the world of the beginning, so scholars do not do anything special about the twisting device, just after recording the position, it leaves and continues to move in the other direction.

It intends to record the location of all the twisting devices, and it is also possible to encounter the ... military factory at the beginning.

Although scholars believe that the beginnings are hidden under the surface of the world, they must send their troops to the void, and they must have bases on the ground. If they are recorded, the swarms can find ways to sneak into these places.

However, it seems that it is still far away from the next location. Although the scholar can fly, but he does not dare to fly, so walk slowly.

While advancing through a large number of crystallized plants, scholars can occasionally see some small creatures that jump out. These creatures are quite delicate, just like the surrounding plants, which are carved by the masters of carving.

And they are living things, which makes scholars want to catch one back to study.

These creatures have almost no interest in scholars, and perhaps the machinery does not meet their appetite, which makes it easy for scholars to reach the edge of the forest.

"Is that civilization?"

At the edge of the jungle, there is a huge...pothole in front of the scholar.

In the potholes, there are a large number of buildings standing, but these buildings are ruined, which is obviously a ruin.

Scholars know the city because it has not seen the form of ruins in the dreams of the beginning. Scholars feel that the city does not have to look down. It intends to go around.

However, after a while, it is going to go down.

Because it found some creatures in the ruins of the city... walking around.

These creatures are the civilizations they have seen in their dreams. They are truthfully extinct in reality, but why are they here? And these creatures are still dragging things that scholars care about.

It seems to be... the arms of the Inca worm. (To be continued.)

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