4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 150: New age creatures

In five days and nights, the sea has flooded the border of the underground world, the place where the wall of death is sharp.

Of course, there are no death spikes now, they are all pulled up by Lin, and Lin found that they can be regenerated in a short period of time, so they are cut into small pieces and taken out.

Now, only the rocky land is not drowned.

Because the whole terrain is slowly getting higher, the sea water needs to keep rising and continue to drown. Especially in the place where the wall of death spikes is particularly high, it may take a while to flood.

In areas where the waters have been completely covered by seawater, the water level is already tens of meters high. These influxes of seawater can be said to turn the underground world into a sea.

But it is a rather weird ocean...

At the moment when the sea water rushed in, the glowing creature at the top of the cave stopped emitting light. Although the underground world has some holes that are directly connected to the ground, it is still dark overall. After they stop emitting light, the whole area is in the dark forever. Among them.

In the darkness of the underground world, there are plant wrecks, stones, wood chips from home trees and a large number of biological corpses. In the original territory of the Inca worms, sharks, helmets, etc. Fish creatures, they swim in the world that used to be the jungle. When they are tired, they eat some drowning creatures and live a comfortable life.

The sea water also brings some ancient cockroaches. These creatures are more cautious, but they also have the spirit of exploration. They like to hold together. Lin found that they will also gather some glowing fungi and then secrete a mucous membrane to wrap them. , make a small lantern. Explore slowly in a dark environment.

The ancient way of activities is strange. Jean Lin couldn't help but watch for a while. They let the lanterns swim in the middle, and then there is a circle of guards with sharp branches, and several ancient dragonflies each hold a round stone, I don't know what to do.

Lin uses sound to understand their whereabouts. They swim in the direction of... the water surface, and there is exactly one giant in the water.

The collapsed home tree is hollow because the inside of the wooden structure is filled with voids due to fungal infections, so it can float in the water. It has become a place where creatures that have not yet drowned have gathered, whether they are carnivorous or herbivorous, gather together and sway their bodies.

This is a special ability to generate a lot of heat through constant movement, but it consumes a lot of energy, which is usually used when it is a last resort, which means that these creatures may not live for a long time.

There are also some creatures that are not afraid of water and cold, and they may survive. For example, a creature called the Span, which is more evolved than the same class. The average reptile is unable to produce body temperature, but they have evolved the ability to generate heat, they have a stable body temperature.

Spans also have different ways of spawning. They don't give birth to eggs, but let them hatch directly in the body. This allows the eggs to be protected from predators before hatching, and most reptiles don't give birth to offspring. I will pay attention to it, just prepare them for the nest, but the Span will take care of the offspring and feed the offspring to grow.

Now, on the edge of the home tree floating on the water, there are a group of Spaghetti cubs who are only ten centimeters long. They are called by the females who are one meter long and they are very hungry.

Spara lizards listened to their calls and had to jump into the water to find food. The water was floating around with the wreckage of the creatures. It was easy to get food. The Span lizard also swims, so there will probably be nothing. problem.

The female Spanula swims to a cockroach that floats more than ten meters. Now, Lin found that most of them began to like to secrete some very viscous scent liquids to make the creatures have a 'disgusting' mood. This 'disgusting' feels to the utmost, but that is the most recent food, so the Spaghia don't want to swim too far.

But just as it was halfway through, suddenly a sharp piece of wood flew out of the water, momentarily between the scales of the right neck of the Span, and a few drops of blood spilled.

"Hey!" The Spah immediately turned and rushed toward the right-handed spike. The lizard also had some intelligence. Many creatures would shoot with spikes and the like, so the Span can be sharpened. The size determines the size of the attacker and knows if he can beat the opponent.

However, this time it is facing a creature that has never been seen before...

The Spanula rushed into the water. Under the dark water, it only saw a little light in the distance. It suddenly rushed toward this point without thinking, but at the moment it decided to charge, suddenly on both sides of its body. There were a few ancient cockroaches that grabbed sharp wood chips and smashed them into the gaps between the sides of the body. Some of these pieces did not have a stab position, but some of them plunged into the flesh of the Span...

Sudden pain made Spapas understand that there was more than one opponent, and then turned and fled. When it rushed out of the water, a wooden thorn suddenly flew out from the front and plunged directly into its eyes.

The Span Lama suddenly made a painful embarrassment, when the surrounding water again shot a lot of wood thorns, which caused a lot of wounds on it, and also pierced the other eye. Finally, an ancient cockroach Spurs the neck scales of the Span Liz with a spike, completely ending the creature.

The Span's cubs also cried on the trees in their homes, but the food they expected and the protectors would never return.

On the other hand, the ancient monks are surrounded by the bodies of the Span Lizars. They are constantly changing their bright colors, full of excitement, and holding up the wood chips in their hands. It seems to be cheering for victory...

These creatures are really strange. This is Lin's first thought after watching this battle. At first, Lin thought that the ancient cockroaches were only small creatures excavating the bodies under the sea floor, but after they arrived here, they were very unusually flooded with a lot of floods. The dead body will ignore it and go to the living to eat.

The ancient crickets rely on the water spray holes on their bodies, and they also squirt the wooden thorns into their spouts to reach a long-range attack. As a matter of fact, their intelligence is very unusual. The brain specific gravity is 0.17% higher than the individual arms of the Inca group.

However, it does not include shadow monsters. The brain of the shadow monster is more specific than the brain of the general service.

However, unlike the Inca insect group, the ancient scorpion can connect the brain thoughts and achieve the unified activities of the entire ethnic group. Now there are two ancient crickets fighting for the eyes, and then the third ancient cockroach appears open. These two ancient cockroaches, then it monopolizes its own eyes to eat.

It can be seen that the third is the role of the 'chief'. Although they are highly intellectual, they will argue with each other. The general leader can enjoy the priority of eating, but it cannot always be in this position.

There was a fourth ancient tour, which directly hit the leader, and after some hard work, lost to the leader.

The leader finally retained its eating priority, but like this, it could be beaten stronger than it can at any time, but they would not use any thorns in the fight, but directly strangled each other with tentacles or Hit the opponent, the weaker party will quickly stop the water to express the loss to avoid more damage.

However, Lynn has observed some ancient baboons in the sea. If they have less food, they will not rob them. Instead, they will unite and quickly eat all the things that can be eaten.

Observing these creatures is really interesting, and the ancient cockroaches will use some sharp wood chips to try to cut the scales of the lizards, and they will take advantage of these gadgets.

But they couldn’t take up the corpse for too long, when another creature jumped from the tree at home. It was three meters long, wearing a armor and craving meat. It was called 'Giant', when the giant python arrived. The ancients can only escape into the deep water.

Lin believes that these creatures may evolve into a very special race in the future. Their adventurous thoughts make intelligence increase faster, but they also bring them closer to danger. It is hard to say whether they will survive in the future, but At least an evolutionary... prototype.

The underground world flooded by water can still maintain a state of non-collapse because they rely almost entirely on one kind of creature...

The sea destroyed a lot of creatures, but it created a new environment, and the only plants that stand in the water are... home trees.

Some of the homes are not infected, and their sturdy bodies are still intact, even under the impact of the sea. They are like pillars standing in the sea, supporting the world.

Of course, there is also a relationship with the stone. Because the rock formations at the top of the cave have a large number of sapphire components, they also keep the entire rock formation from collapsing immediately.

But this is only temporary. The top of the cave is covered with many cracks. Under the tearing of the two forces going up and down, the whole cave will collapse sooner or later, and the sea will be squeezed by the collapsed rock formation. On the land, it has an impact on the jungle.

If it doesn't collapse... maybe there will be no problem. If you use spider silk to stick to the crack on the top of the hole, you may be able to stop the crash.

But that's not very likely, the whole area is too big, and the time is not enough.

So Lin decided to do nothing. Observing that all of this has slowly developed, of course, it is necessary to remove some of the more special species. Now Lin’s only problem is the lava spider in the rock rift.

These spiders are large, and even if they stun them with a paralyzed toxin, it is difficult to drag them up, so Lynn uses a new way to pull them directly out of the crack at the top of the hole.

After Lin has almost dealt with these things, the sea is almost faster than the 'frontier' and rushes to the last area of ​​the underground world... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks~ Ah ah~ 588~

Thanks ~ Nanhao Tianlong ~ttazn~'s reward~

Thanks to ~ttazn's monthly ticket~

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