4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1269: underground

"We have received the order..."

"Good, most of them are gathered in that position..."

Here is the void.

Although it is a void, it is not dark, because in addition to the shining stars, there is a world of jewel-like reflections that are not far away.

This beautiful world is their goal.

They are a group of copepods belonging to the genus of insects in the form of deep seas. Each age is only a pompon day and night, about ten meters in length, and there are 10,000.

So young they have to perform a special task, that is to land in that shining world.

The war is still continuing. On the ridiculous tumbling man in the distance, the army at the beginning is still bombing the scattered swarms.

And most of the starting army went to that place, which also means that their own world defense will become... more weak.

This unit is secretly entering the mirror world to do something special when it is weak.

They have already circled the back of the mirror world...

Looking at the ground with the sparkling crystals, the insects did not fly immediately, but sent some signals to the two creatures on the ground.


"Come on! Go away from here!"

Scholars and nephews are currently rushing fast.

They are now in a dark underground passage, the tunnels are intricate, but they have a clear route.

Behind them, the sound of running continued to reverberate, and the beginning of the golden body was chasing after the scholars and the rear of the scorpion. When a group of beginnings approached, scholars and scorpions quickly hid in a cave next to them. This group of golden beginnings all ran straight, no one turned to find them.

"The idiots didn't find us!"

The blind man seemed to be very excited to say that in fact the scholars did not expect this situation, they ... actually ran out.

They were interrogated by a group of golden beginnings, and these golden beginnings required scholars to show the weapons that made them crazy.

After catching the enemy's spy, instead of confiscating its weapons, let the other party show it themselves. Scholars think that this idea is very special...special.

So scholars showed them weapons.

Then, the golden beginnings went crazy, they fought each other, and the scholars and nephews took the opportunity to flee outside.

However, it is not so easy to escape, because they are now located in an underground environment. There are channels of about five meters in diameter. I don’t know what to do. Although it is convenient to avoid chasing, it is difficult. Find the way out.

“It’s a problem to find a way out.” Scholars look at the path in front of them, and one or more ramps appear every other way, making it difficult to tell where to go.

"Nothing, they can't find us with the help of a new program, we just ran on it!" The blind man didn't seem to care about getting lost, it just launched a 'new covert program'.

This program is on its armor, but according to Xunzi, it can also activate the same function of scholars, and scholars have found this feature to be really useful.

Its effect is just the same as that of the group. The golden beginnings of the group ran directly and did not notice them at all.

"Okay, we have a mission next!" said the blind man: "The sneak troops of the Inca group have reached the vicinity of the mirror world, and we must cooperate with them to fight!"

"But it's hard to get here, and you don't call it so loud..."

Scholars know what this is, and in fact it is a kind of ... 'mirror off the star' battle, now a large number of troops in the beginning are attacking the insects on the nearby ridiculous tumbling, the insects attract them There, there is a run around, and a war of attrition with the beginning.

At this time, a special unit ran around the beginning of the world and then made a transfer point here.

This transfer point can take over the insects and then attack the original world of the original world, destroying most of the important areas of the mirror world and then retreating.

The specific situation of the tactics is like this, except that the transfer point cannot be manufactured casually. The Indy insects' troops do not carry anything that can be transmitted. Otherwise, there is no way to hide them. By detecting the transmitted energy, when approaching the mirror world, It is easy to find them.

Therefore, if you want to transmit in the mirror world, you must use the mirror world...that is, the transmitter of the origin.

This is also the task of scholars and nephews here.

The main content of the mission is to cause a lot of ... panic here, and to find the location of the origin transmitter, and record the location, let the incoming swarm quickly occupy it and use it to transmit.

And now they are in this position... It's not easy to do this thing. If they don't find a position for a long time, then the swarm's forces will log in and try to find it.

"I think we should leave here soon." The scholar said to the nephew: "There is not much time now..."

"So we have to go in one direction! Just go there!" The scream yelled and rushed out, and the scholar had not had time to stop it, it disappeared into the depths of the dark passage.

Scholars now have to keep up, so that they can show each other's position with each other so they won't get lost, but... they will still get lost.

"Why are there so many roads here..." After more than a hundred seconds, the scholars discovered that they have passed through several martyrdoms. These martyrdoms do not see where they are going. Scholars can only follow the scorpion straight line. However, walking along with scholars feels that this is the wrong route.

Because the road ahead is starting to go down, scholars feel that this will go deeper than to the surface.

And the strange thing is that they ran for so long, and there was no starting point to catch them except at the beginning. It seems that something is not normal. Is it really impossible for them to detect it? Or……

"Let's wait a moment." The scholar said to the blind man: "Now should confirm..."

"No need to confirm, there must be a transmitter in front of this!" said the blind man: "I detected that energy!"

“Is it?” the scholar wondered: “But my detector did not respond...”

"That's your version is old! It's in this place!" The scorpion's footsteps suddenly stopped because there was a wall in front of it.

"This is nowhere...not right." The scholar looked closer and found that there was a lot of text written on the wall, mainly written in the language of the beginning.

"This is a long time ago, the underground labyrinth left by the legendary 'Lagu civilization', which contains all the history, technology and other secrets of the civilization. Only those who explored the deepest part of the maze can get it. Position opens the maze..."

'Snapped. When the scholar just finished, the scorpion took a picture of the wall, and suddenly the sound of the thunder rose from the wall, and a very broad space appeared behind the wall.

The space is more than sixty meters wide, the ground and walls are stone, and there are support columns everywhere. The cracks and patterns on it make it seem like an ancient civilization.

“This is a labyrinth left by civilization.” The scholar said: “We...get away!”

Scholars and nephews quickly ran to the back of a support column, and when they ran over, there was a large group of golden beginnings in their original position.

These golden beginnings seem to have been attracted by the sound of the wall rising, which once again makes scholars wonder.

Because the beginnings seem to be catching them, but they have not appeared until they open the wall...

The golden beginnings also entered this vast place, and it seemed to want to search for scholars and nephews.

The scholars are so motionless in this place. This kind of scheme seems to be very effective, because this place is very big, and there are only 20 golden beginnings. After they are scattered here, no origin is close to them, but they are scattered around. Under the wall.

"Where are you talking about the conveyors you detected?" When the beginning of the exhibition was scattered, the scholar asked the nephew: "We are going to squat now, or there may be more beginnings." Here……"

"Just in this position!" The scorpion knocked on the ground: "It was buried underneath."

"So close? Why didn't I respond? Forget it, since it is recorded here."

Thinking, the scholar squatted down and took a pen-like thing from the waist and poked it on the ground.

'Boom! When the scholar did this, a golden light suddenly shone on its face. It turned around and saw that there was a golden beginning coming towards it. Its head was shining and concentrated on the scholar. Face.

"It doesn't make sense to escape." At the same time, it also said such a sentence in its mouth. At the moment when it made a sound, the golden beginnings scattered around it quickly gathered.

They seem to suddenly find out, is it because of the relationship of the pen used in this record? Scholars suddenly have such an idea... It seems that taking something out will lead to their being discovered.

"No matter how you escape, no matter what you do, we will find you sooner or later, because this is our world..." said the beginning of the scholar's coming: "So..."

"So I still have to escape." The scholar used the forelimbs to aim at the beginning of the road: "You will continue to go crazy."

'boom! ’

After the sound of an explosion, scholars suddenly discovered...

Your own transmission energy detector responded. (To be continued.)

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