4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1273: Total aggression


After the dazzling brilliance flashed, a huge creature appeared in the flash.

This is a huge beetle that falls on a piece of crystallized land, and at the moment it appears, the densely packed crystals around it are aimed at it.

'Snapped! ’

However, before they fired, the radiance of the transmission flashed again, and a large number of insects appeared between these crystallized armies, aiming at the nearest crystallization unit.

'boom! ’

Suddenly, the sound of the explosion rang in this world. When the smoke of the explosion covered everything, a similar thing happened thousands of kilometers away.

'Snapped! The worms appeared in the crystallized world with the radiance of transmission, and at the moment they appeared, they were ready to attack.

If there are no enemy troops around, they will quickly fly to the nearest companion.

A similar situation is taking place everywhere in the world of mirrors. A large number of insect swarms are accompanied by the transmission of light, and they begin a massive invasion of the mirror world.

The reason for this situation is mainly because...


"Can't the transmitter adjust?"

Here is a certain position in the mirror world, robbers and scorpions, and scholars are staying with a large group of swarms on the silvery swamp.

They looked at a large disc-shaped object surrounded by a large group of worms. According to the Inca group, this is the transmitter of the origin.

And it can't be adjusted, because the swarm found that the transmitter structure is different from what was found in the two worlds before, and in no way can it be simply used for its own purposes.

However, it can also be transmitted, that is, the use of small protectors.

I don't know how the Little Protector did it, but it has completely controlled the transmitter and thought it was a very guardian thing, so it won't come out easily.

So just give it some stimuli... like 骂 it's something that can't be guarded, it will start the transfer.

If you want this little nucleus to transfer something, send it to it when you lick it, and it will send it.

As long as it is within the transmission range.

However, the transmission range is relatively...but not very random. The current location that can be confirmed is transmitted to the world of the mirror world.

It also includes some areas of the mirror world underground, such as the underground area where the origin and the religious group communicate.

The less the creatures are transmitted, the more likely they are to reach underground and the like, and the more troops they transmit, the more likely they are to reach the ground. After many trials, the swarms are found to be able to transmit the troops of the distant tumbling Can't send it back.

The position that appears after transmission can only be in the mirror world.

Therefore, when the swarm spurs the small nucleus to send the troops, most of them appear on the ground. When these troops are transmitted one after another, in the ridiculous world in the void... those bombed The worms that fled everywhere also disappeared one by one.

Although the swarms lost a lot in the previous battles, when they reached the mirror world one after another, it was difficult for the original forces to stop them.

Because... there are not many troops left here.

Most of the troops at the beginning of the flight flew out. There were only a few troops on standby in the mirror world, and with the sudden appearance of the swarm, they had little protection.

As a result, these troops were easily destroyed by the swarm.

"It seems that the result is better." The screen of the courage system seen by the robbers shows that a large number of insects are standing on the crystal fragments of the ground, which is a battle they have just won.

The situation is similar in other places. In some places, the swarms are still fighting the troops at the beginning, but the advantages are already obvious.

Because there are not only troops that are fleeing there, but also a group of troops that are awaiting the world, but the battle with the starting forces here is only secondary. Many insect units are moving around, their missions. Mainly to destroy the main facilities here...

The main units at the beginning of the situation will come back to defense, or any other situation will be destroyed as much as possible before the main facilities.

The same is true of the group of swarms in which the robbers are located. Now a part of the swarms surrounds the transporting discs. They bring the discs and take them to the void. The swarm thinks that it is placed first. It is safer to fight everywhere in the void rather than on the ground.

But in fact they are all similar, so it is necessary to carry out this battle quickly.

The robbers rode on a small transport worm, and as the transport worms slowly flew into the air, a large number of swarms followed.

Then, the swarm force is divided into two, one with a disc flying to the sky, and the other flying toward a distant place. They will perform the same tasks as other insects, find important targets and destroy them. it.

Looking at the silver swamp swept below, the robbers believe that the success rate of this mission is very high, because the mirror world of the beginning... the power of defense is very insufficient.

At least not able to resist the swarms that are now being transmitted.

But the robbers feel that... the attitude of the beginning to this war may have changed somewhat from before, mainly because... it has seen the information sent by scholars.

Scholars have mentioned that after the beginning of the killing of the ecclesiastical creatures, they gathered together to communicate with each other and recorded some actions...

The robbers know a little more about the 'contact language' of the beginning. After reading the actions recorded by the scholars, they found that there are some words in it, and they all have about... 'away', 'escape' and the like. .

Although it is not very comprehensive, the Bobworm thinks that the beginning is about discussing things like escape.

This is indeed possible... According to the present, it is not easy for the insects to resist the beginning, and they cannot directly engage the original situation. They can only carry out various sneaky tactics, and the beginning of the situation gives the insects a lot of pressure.

But for the beginning, the swarms may have to be more ... horrible, after all, they quickly occupied their two worlds, using various methods to make their strategies fail, and in the later battles, they also took many of them. The troops are crazy.

The beginning may not yet know what is causing the madness.

After that, it also penetrated into the mirror world and began to cause madness and damage in the mirror world.

For the beginning, the forces on the side of the swarm are very...fuzzy. They don’t know how many the swarms are, how much they have, how many strange plans, how many...the spies are mixed in the mirror world. Inside, plus the ecclesiastical creatures also said that they will fail.

Although they have killed the ecclesiastical creatures, their words may have a great influence on the origin. In the face of this situation, the origin may want to stop playing.

But if they want to escape, how can they escape and escape to where?

'boom! A burst of explosions caused the buzzer to pause thinking, and it found a large group of starter aircraft in front of the swarm.

It seems that a battle... is about to happen.


"They have left us here!"

In the original position, above the silvery swamp, the blind man looked at the square road in the sky where the swarms went away: "It seems that we must still perform our tasks with our own strength!"

"I think it would be better for them to bring us."

The reason why the Inca group does not bring scholars is because they want to let them go around the mirror world and see if they will encounter anything.

The swarms have said that they will be sent once every time to see if they will reach a special location.

Compared with doing this kind of thing, scholars still want to go with the insects to see their fighting situation, but it still does not refuse to do the task of investigation in the mirror world.

It just seems that there is no place to go now, only waiting for the transmission.

"We should run over there!"

Just when the scholar thought so, the scorpion had already rushed out. It flew low on the silver water surface. It seemed to find something in general, and the speed of flying was getting faster and faster.

"Let's wait!"

When the scholar saw it, he immediately chased it up. It just took two steps and suddenly felt a bang in the bottom.

The shape of the scorpion also stopped because they saw the sudden rise of a huge object in the water in front of them.

This looks like a building. It is a huge square crystal of more than sixty meters. It has many protruding structures on its surface. The silver covered with its own crystal makes it look extra dazzling. .

"This is a very suspicious thing!" The scorpion shouted at the scholar: "Come on it and ruin it, and get that thing in!"

“Put the small nucleator into it?” The scholar hesitated: “This is not a distorting device. I don’t know what it is...”

"Whatever it is, it’s okay to drive it crazy!" said the blind man: "Come on, otherwise, destroy it directly!"

'boom! ’

At the moment when the voice of the scorpion fell, a shining beam of light suddenly emerged from the top of the crystal building. This beam of light hit the sky and blasted it up. Countless pieces of light scattered like dust and mist spread out in the air.

"What the **** is this..."

Looking at the scattered light in the sky, this is quite a... beautiful scenery for scholars, so it squats for a while.

When it came back to God, it found countless dense shadows in the distant sky, and the swarms were flying from that direction quickly.

Then they quickly surrounded the crystal building, using no other weapons, and the insects attacked the building with a bite.

This simple attack quickly made the building a wreckage floating on the silver water. After the mission, the swarms flew away, as if things had never happened before.

However, it has indeed happened.

Just... what is that? (To be continued.)

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