4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1282: pipeline

For the beginning, this may be a rather desperate day.

After the first transmission, they found that the enemy was still following them, and after the second transmission, they thought it was safe, but... the transpirations appeared.

Although they like to watch the constant collection of their own peak species, the beginning of their own do not like war.

They have put all their efforts into avoiding this kind of thing. Can they succeed?

Is this a success now?

Just after the beginning, they shot all the way against the sky. They defeated the darkness that covered the sky and successfully destroyed something... hiding in the darkness.

When that thing exploded, all the darkness faded, but there was another situation.

Beyond the darkness, there is another layer of darkness, but this is not completely dark. It looks gray-black and has many structures like cracks.

It is like an old stone wall, and this kind of stone-like wall scenery now covers the sky...

Of course, it is not tightly attached. It can be seen that there is a certain distance, which should be close to 10,000 kilometers.

The main thing is that the whole world is like this kind of scenery. It feels like the world has entered a tunnel made of rock.

I can see these things clearly, mainly because the mirror world itself is shining...not the whole is shining, but the taller structures like the mountains are shining, plus the skylights of the sky, Lin I can see this wonder very clearly.

This is really... very wonderful, Lin first saw this kind of scenery, is this the scene caused by the transpiration?

The beginning seems to be stunned by this situation. They seem to have forgotten the attack, and the skycraft stays there.

Until that voice rang again.

"Have you seen the sights around you? Seeing this scenery means that you are about to enter a ... regrettable journey." The sound of this voice indicates that it has not been attacked, which makes the beginnings alert again, but no Attack immediately, but continue to use light to detect.

"There are almost no creatures that have seen such a scene. You can see that you have a very special position. This is an abandoned project site." The voice of the simmerer said: "We used to construct great projects here. However, this position was finally considered unsuitable and it was abandoned."

"But it still has some uses, such as the creatures that are used to capture you... unwilling to obey. You have learned a lot of civilizations, but they have come to their stupid class, which means you will Completely disappeared."

This voice seems quite... oh.

This reminds Lin of the ecclesiastical creatures. They do speak non-stop. The majority of the words that Lynn meets are in the greatness of the singer, and this is the same, but it is more about the beginning. How stupid, so they have to end up and the like... It seems that this is not the transcript itself, but the role of the corps creature.

The beginnings completely ignored the words of it, but searched carefully, but they have not found any targets that can be hit.

But Lin is more interested in this place, here is a ... abandoned project site? This seems very interesting, so Lynn has let a few pompons quickly drift to the sky and move towards the void.

Lin thinks about the rocky ‘walls’ around him, and also has to figure out all the things here.

"Now, you will be forced to perform this task. We feel very sorry when we reach this step. You are making things irreparable. You must always remember this moment and always remember your fool..."

'boom! ’

I don't know if I couldn't bear it or I found the target. The beginning of the sky launched countless barrage at a position in the sky.

These barrages flew toward the rocky walls outside, and then exploded one after another.

The wall that eats is not as solid as the darkness. After the explosion, even on the surface of the mirror world, it can be seen... there are holes in it.

And that voice stopped, as if the beginning hit the target, but this does not mean that the matter is over...

Because the mirror world is moving.

Actually moving from the beginning, Lynn saw it very early, but the initial speed was very slow, but now it is getting faster and faster.

Obviously, the walls in the sky are retreating in one direction, and the mirror world is constantly moving in one direction.

The direction in which the mirror world flies looks like a darkness, and the walls on both sides are constantly retreating, which is like a ball moving fast in a tunnel.

It's just that the ball is quite large, and the tunnel that surrounds it is a much larger object.

In the face of this situation, the beginning does not know what to do, Lin has not seen this situation, and now the state of the world is quite weird.

Because the air and gravity are in a very normal state, and the world is constantly moving, the surrounding walls are not nothing like darkness, but actual things.

Is the wall working? Are they pushing the world of the beginning in the tunnel? As it gets faster and faster, Lynn feels that something might happen next.

The beginning of the situation is obviously quite ... panic, Lin's pompon detected the transmission of energy in the interior of the mirror world.

This is the transmitter of the origin, when they transmitted, Lin also felt...

It seems that the origin seems to want to start the transfer, but they can't start the transfer at all. After all, it has been transmitted twice before, and it is impossible to have a third time.

Even so, they still want to use the remaining energy to try it out.

But the world has no reaction, it is still moving forward at a very fast speed... No, there should be no direction.

After all, a spherical world is not around, but it must be moving to a certain place.

What do tranfers want to do?

Suddenly, Lin saw the light.

The dazzling light illuminates the whole world, the gray walls around it disappear, the brilliant stars and the extremely bright radiance of the stars make the world bright.

Moreover, Lynn also saw the familiar scenery.

This starry sky has been seen by Linde many times...because this is the starry sky around the world of pompons, and in the starry sky, there is a blue-green tumbling floater floating there.

It turned out that...Lin should have noticed earlier. (To be continued.)

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