Simply destroying the target... It will be easy, after all, the goal is so large that it will not be evaded and there is no protection.

However, if you destroy it, you will not know a lot of things, such as its internal structure, what it is like...

If you want to know these secrets, you must act before it destroys.

Dozens of towers that look like rock structures land on the surface of the mirror world. At the moment they touched the ground, the towers were all cracked, revealing the true face pioneers inside.

Along with the rotation of the body, these pioneers drilled the crystallized earth and marched deep into the ground.

Lynn decided to use them to find the secret inside the mirror world and see what the weapon that the evapoturizer said.

If you can't find it, at least find the way to let it go.

Not directly attacking the mirror world here... It’s not just that Lynn wants to study it. If something goes wrong, for example, what caused the explosion, the power is quite powerful.

It is too close to the world of pompoms, so the pompoms will be affected... so the mirror world needs to be moved elsewhere.

The stellar bus also stores a considerable amount of energy inside, so it can carry out transmissions at very long distances, but the problem is that the mirror world cannot transmit.

The mirror world itself is 'shielded', so it can't be sensed, and it can't be transmitted. This should be done by the vagrants. Obviously they don't want the mirror world to be taken elsewhere by Lin.

To transfer it, you have to use some special methods, such as forcibly transferring it away, which requires a magnifying conveyor on it.

Or if you perceive it, if you want to perceive it, you will destroy something inside it that shields it. The shielded transmission perception is that some kind of device inside is running. It should be something that the origin has in place, and solve that thing. You can send it away.

But using a world to send another world is not that simple, they need some... close contact.

Just like the transpires in the world of the mirror, they also intentionally let them into the channel with the transfer function, but where was the channel hidden before?

Before the world of mirrors, there really was nothing. Is it transmitted through the sneak attack? If that's the case, Lynn thinks it's better to use that channel to sneak the pompom.

Anyway, you have to get rid of this mirror world, but if you really can't get away... Lin still has a way to escape from here, for example, to send the pompoms away... but that is the last resort, because Sending pompoms can cause some...something special.

‘ booming...’

When Lin thought about it, the mirror world was once again active, feeling like it was like a volcano, intermittently shooting those beams of light.

The beams are more than before, but there are still no threats. They are not fast enough to be easily intercepted.

The stellar bus threw a lot of stones from the surface. As before, these stones hit the light column. When the explosion exploded in the void, Lin noticed that some of the beams made strange movements.

They... turned around.

Some of the light will move by itself, they avoid the stones and continue to fly forward... but this is of no use, as the stones will turn.

They finally collided, exploded and disappeared. This attack was also resolved by the stellar bus, and the attack of the mirror world once again fell into a halt.

In its underground, the pioneers are rapidly drilling, and Lin lets them use the strongest detection capabilities to constantly perceive the underground situation, especially to find the shielded transmission.

That kind of thing has a that is being released outwards, so it is very easy to perceive.

If you use the latest Dream Detector, it is easier to find. This kind of thing is simply to use the dream energy to detect the surrounding environment.

There is one on the Blazers, and when they detect it, they will quickly go to that target. Now there is a pioneer who has drilled somewhere... somewhere.

'boom! With the crystallization of the burst, the Blazers burst out and looked around. Lin found that it was a large underground environment.

The mirror world is full of such underground space. According to the previous saying, these are all built by the previous civilization, but now it seems that this is not necessarily the case.

This space is empty, nothing, but the Blazers can detect the energy contained in this air.

This is not related to shielding, but the energy of the device.

Actually, I don’t know if it’s energy. Anyway, it’s something. For the time being, the energy is good. It’s filled in the air. Before the beginning, all the twisting devices were turned off, but now it’s turned on again, but why? Turn on these devices?

When Lin made this question, the wall next to it cracked.

'boom! ’

A violent explosion rang on the head of the Blazers, and its impact caused the Blazers to directly hit the ground, but the Blazers quickly raised their heads again. Lin found a large number of cracked crystal walls. force.

These things are huge crystalline structures. They are the crystallization machines used to attack the pompons at the beginning. They are shaped like giant spiders and are numerous.


Moreover, Lynn also heard the sound of the beginning.

The beginning of the situation should give up the battle, and then they should not scream what they attack.

'boom! After the voice fell, the explosion exploded again next to the Blazers, and the Blazers did not move this time, quickly spinning their bodies and rushing toward the beginning army.

A huge crystal spider greeted, but it instantly shattered in front of the Blazers, as if it were quite... fragile.

The forces behind it are the same, they are all shattered under the rotation of the Blazers, and no one is left behind.

After solving these things, Lin saw the twisting device behind them.

It should be a part of the underground device that twists the device. The shape of this thing is like... half a garlic.

It constantly emits strange energy from it, although Lynn feels that this thing may have nothing to do with this battle, but there is a feeling that it should pay attention to it.

Other pioneers are still groping around, and Lin let the Blazer climb to the twisting device and touch it.

The moment I touched it...

Lynn heard some ‘sounds’.

This voice... is from the transpiration, and inside...

So, the twisting device is part of the world's ‘weapons’. (~^~)

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